more explanation on Lacan's optical model
The first known description of our social system have been written by Plato in The Republic. While it was a time of founding the tradition of Sciences, The Republic offers a model, which is not a legend, not a pictogram or a hieroglyph, but a formula or an algorithm as we call it today. There are no drawn graphs of this system which remains from Plato's time - but the text of its written description is precise enough for allowing its reconstitution.
Pic.10: Plato's Cave
The source of light (R) - sun or fire - casts on the inside wall of a cave,
the shadows of icons (representations) (V) carried by (B)
by which means they are thus visible by the inhabitants of the cave (N).
If we stop a moment and think about this model, we evaluate how was unified
and general the description in theses early times. Philosophy, Art and Politics
were unified in the explanation of Reality. Plato's model intended to an
unique representation for what we distinguish today as material, economical
or spiritual aspects of reality. Therefore, we must expect that today, it
would unify Ecology, Sociology and Psychology if... of course, and only if
this very antique representation could be updated to fit with our present
condition of modern existence.
If we even take some time to read Plato, we also learn that he introduces in his model the knowledge of acoustic phenomena, especially sound condensation in appropriate volumes, that had certainly been observed by early human in caves. Plato use this image of the condensed sound of voices for the attribution of a soul to the shadows according to the inhabitants observation. As the description below continues it describe the same coincidence of form and condensation (see respectively flowers and vase) in the Optical Model which unifies the system under a Principle of Light as follow :
Firstly, Lacan in 1950 presented to the scientific community its project for an ontology, beginning with the use of the experiment of condensation of light as the optical setting of a concave mirror shows:
Pic.20: Optical setting
of a Real Image:
the yellow vase appears in real (red)
when in a concave mirror
With this illustration Lacan suggested the neural
function of the brain, in comparison with a concave mirror.
A NeuroPsychology could then describe
how the body
is appended with objects of its instinct/drive
.then a PsychoSociology
Lacan represented Plato's cave with this real image
And added a reflection system - as a lake
then a Human Ecology
The second improvement that Lacan
SAYmove of Reality on the right
Thus giving a place for Artif Intell in th emodel o Civili
And therefore opening to a new space inside the cave kno known as Code
A - The Cave
B - Establisment of the Psychoanalytical Model (miror plan)
C - because mirror can make wall - phase said 1 (should better be 'zero') [democ]
D - So then... what ? What allow and what appears in Democ
answer in Plato's reality Lacan's mirror system introduces an illustration of a black box - this is the Cybernetic apparatue
laus on Cybernetic - it appeard with the first 'product' - now it enters a phase of coaliscence with Code wich is represented by the move of superimposition yello/blue
NOTE 10 : The name ' Illuminati ' has been given to............... It is used hereby, for this page presents the antecedences on PLAN in antiquity and in the tradition - which indicates PLAN's root and filiation in the history of science, rationalism, in relation to Nature and environment. It also shows how in the modern time the traditional model can be entirely illustrated by an optical machanism of light - thus deserving the ancient association which evokes clarity, understanding and illumination <back to text>
NOTE 20 : this picture is excerpted from William Theaux / UNEFPE publishing French Edition of Democratie in PSO 19888888888888 <back to text>
© CYBEK of New York, 1999.