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As given on 05 dec 2003
BODY and LITERATURE Study on the Grey Literature of a health service Dr William THÉAUX |
[^] Since our schedule does not permit developing my entire presentation here, and since it can be retreived from the printed and computer files of GL5, I have chosen a number of excerpts that emphasize the major conceptual elements which can be provided through psychoanalysis of health - I mean the way linguistics and psychoanalysis provide a definition, or an identification, of litterature, and especially of grey litterature.
Here is the first excerpt where we can read the close similarities that bring psychoanalysis and grey literature within the same scope :
Since the ‘ego’ which forms civilization is a reflection of the effects of the Letter, the work of a psychoanalyst assimilates itself to that of a linguist. Hence, in reciprocal relation, psychoanalysis brings its contribution to the general linguistics of literature, and in its turn the theory of the nature of literature enlightens psychoanalysis. Here is, in the form of an aphorism, the basis of this reciprocal relation: Just as the psychism reveals to linguistic
analysis that it is composed of an Unconscious, |
In order to untangle the knot of these concepts, that mostly differ only from their point of view, there is this wonderfull tool of meta-abstraction which is known as algebra. With this tool that can ground a science, linguistics began one century ago with the aim of setting a scientific knowledge of what litterature is. Here is a second excerpt that combines with an illustration : [^]
The founder of Linguistics, Ferdinand de
Saussure, already formulated the rudiments of this algebra in his science.
His description of the sliding of the significand over the signified is
well known - Psychoanalysis has continued to develop these formula by
allying them to cybernetics - and modern technology allows to read it in
an animation mode :
The sliding essence of the Significand over the signified reveals the long lasting mystery of the feeling of a separation between thoughts and body. It is psychoanalysis - with a theory of psychism - which may solve the problem with a theory of the Letter and of Literature. Now a third excerpt describes the static algebra of this solution : [^]
Psychoanalysis presently proposes the
following formula to clarify the definition of literature – which
constitutes its fundamental diagram. It is the schema L - also called
formula Z – which describes how the Saussurian significand hooks the
signified meaning (lower level), in spite of its slide (upper level) which
seems structurally to detach it indefinitely.
Especially interesting for as we shall
dicover further, this formula exposes the narcissistic relation (see: relation
imaginaire – imaginary relation) of the human relation through which
a structure .
I continue with the excerpt :
In fact the schema 'L' is essentially inexact because – since it
deals with a formulation of cybernetics: it is dynamic and must change
when writing itself (this writing takes the form of the four discourses of
which Mr. von Hofe spoke). [^]
One remembers the classic example of cybernetics: two machines which each react to the reaction of the other and in this regard realize a perpetual instability. This imprecise but fertile mislaying of the action in its effects expresses itself mathematically in the famous figure of the catalogue of catalogues. For the mathematician it may have to do with the cipher zero and, for the librarian, with the grey literature in the inventory of his library - for the cybernetician, or psychoanalyst, it has to be illustrated with this fluid, dynamic formula.
back to the static formula ; a delicate superimposition [^],
also known as transfert -
between the Four Discourses
and schema 'L'
hardly represents the dynamic of Time as does the animation. |
On the computer I can also freeze it [^] but even in abstrating the movement by susbtracting one place, I cannot efficiently formulate the dimension of time that we initialy held with linguistics. |
So this difficulty is handled by assigning an ambiguity,
or incertainty - in other words an ubiquity
- to one of its terms. The following excerpt shows it, in regard
with the bottom-left corner of the diagram - here by-four
; here by-three : [^]
In psychology, the schema L shows that as soon as the imaginary relation between counterparts a and a’ rises to awareness – which is to say as soon as it assumes that the subjects which it potentializes are dependent of an Unconscious – then [^] this primitively narcissistic and transitive relation polarizes itself in two terms of which one constitutes an ‘ideal subject’ (schema L.2 : S,I) and the other the most objective object (: O,a). Nevertheless this object, if it is perfect as this schema analysis of the libido attests, is to include the desire one calls by-product of the Unconscious; in order to constitute that which one calls the ego, it's ubiquity is thus maintained as an object of drive and/or an envelope.
[^]It is from this point, when the formula can extend and apply to litterature, that the original ambiguous (ubiquitous ???) object of this psycho-analysis, turns to figure out a practical element of industry, that we know as Grey Literature. Here is how the following excerpt summarizes this :
The formula applies to literature as well. When it lets two states be seen, we are in the habit of calling them grey and white. According to the schema L this opposition composes itself along the line which is called imaginary relation, where White Literature is more clearly understood as Ideal Literature. The Grey Literature which distinguishes itself here also reveals its nature more clearly ::: after the manner of the psychoanalytic object in the appearance of multi forms, this literature conceals the ultimate object of a drive of its enterprise (as drafts, bills and so-on... operate as objets & envelope). This excerpt also introduces a new element which appears with Grey Literature and makes it objective ; so it says : Thirdly, this formula L, of the Letter and/or of literature, indicates also the place and the function of the cybernetic apparatus (LAPAREIL) which uploads, as the Unconscious does with its own cause, the embodiment of said GL |
We thus understand why Grey Litterature enters our world only when computers, networks and cybernetics cause and allow it.
Yet we have reached an answer after the question of the impact of Grey Literature in a study of medical, psychological and physical Health. I finally mention the important chapter of psychoanalytic studies which indicate
- [^] thanks to another famoux model -what is the real body of a human form nowadays that it modifies genes and create virtual realities.
On the Optical Model, a vase and its subsequent images in a game of mirors is originaly set in a bottom-left box to illustrate what is really that thing that we call our 'body'. As the linguistic analysis superimposes [^] over the model, it concludes to a final excerpt that I shall deliver today :
As it happens, in the place where GL falls in the examination of Schema L (schema L3 bottom left) [v], Model O shows, by means of the allegory of a vase, the real body (Model O bottom left), which the imaginary one, far from the contingencies of code, idealizes (Model O top right). Consequently, if psychoanalysis is exact on this point: GL, in its opposition to ideal literature, corresponds to the real body of the human being. |
I thank you for your attention
Dr William Theaux
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