The complete
page is now located as part of an eBook in progress which can be
with a $15 one time
The present announce page gives an Summary of the
complete page,
and the Table of Contents (below) of the complete
A two chapters
presentation describes A.Osman's thesis
based on Egyptology findings, which concludes that 'Moses' has been the
name for the pharaoh Akhnaton after he had left Egypt/Thebes and resided
in the Sinai. As Akhnaton was even later ostracized, and his memory banished
by a re-empowered Egypt (Ramses.2), the real identity of Moses became hidden.
However, in the course of several episodes, Civilization show various ways
for remembering, and even sometimes (Ptolemees, Early Christianity, Renaissance)
stating clearly that Moses was a pharaoh, with 'imaginary' attributes. But
in the 20th century, these unverifiable descriptions match the today-rediscovered
Akhnaton. So there is hope that the science of Egyptology will be definitely
assure this remembrance.
must be added to this general observation:
Because Egypt
- and consequently 'egyptology' - deliberately suppressed the memory of Akhnaton,
it cannot be uncovered directly by our Western Academia. Indeed, a first
degree in Egyptology proves being continuing the institutional repression
of the primal scene of Monotheism. A technical stratagem must be applied;
the 20th century knows it as 'Psychoanalysis'. This is why Freud began the
deciphering of Oedipus' riddle, as well as Akhnaton's and Monotheism's. Yet
this pioner only made a timid, first step. With respect for the first
Psychoanalyst, A.Osman (Egyptologist) carried further Freud's idea of 'an
Egyptian' Moses. In seeing not only a disciple of Akhnaton in Moses, Osman
has shown that Egyptology fully concurs in a depiction of Akhnaton himself
exiled in the Sinai (being Moses in person). Yet, as Freud who felt short
at one point, Osman, likewise, did not go further than imagining a murder
of Akhnaton in the Sinai, without evidence. This pioner Egyptologist could
not retrieve the logic of an escape, as it is described with Oedipus (at
We know that
such halt in the course of an historico-analytical process is followed with
symptomatic consequences:
to show how Psychoanalysis is beneficial, A.Osman applied the Freudian Model
of Repetition or Symptom, in his analysis of History. He presumed that
the repression of Tutankhamon's life (even deeper than Akhnaton's) made a
cause for a re-emergence, several centuries later. According to his
hypothesis, Jesus Christ is the displacement - the 'hallucination' - of the
repressed character of Tut. It is a good hypothesis in the field of Egyptology,
and it is seducing. It is also especially weakened by two facts: first, it
is wrong that there has been no symbolization (memory) of Tut in the early
civilization - for it was well reported in Greece with the Oedipus data.
Consequently there is no such cause as a suppression for a
psychopathological repetition.
Second, Ahmed
Osman is found faulty of forgetting his own knowledge of the Greek information;
he has himself repressed the Greek mythology, which was his passion
when he was young. After he left Egypt, he moved in London and until very
recently, refused to integrate the Oedipus information. Meanwhile he constructed
his analysis. These two negative factors combine into a positive, which critics
Osman's conclusion on Christianity, and re-enforces in fact the triple identity
- Akhnaton-Moses-Oedipus - as I have described it, beginning in 1985, as
well as the realism of Christianity.
In order
to fully exploit Ahmed Osman's contribution for the full recovery of the
memory - its repression included - I have made a detailed Psychoanalysis
of this interpretation, in the two chapters/pages above referred
The complete page also gives full interpretation of diagram such
Pic.2: illustrates the Principle of Historization
(and/or de-Historization), depending on symbolism of Death or Life
(assimilation of the Oedipus Complex)
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