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akhnaton.net administers an egroup
akhnaton@egroup.com -
that is dedicated to
The identification of Hermes-Thoth-Trismegistus as The Triple Master: Akhnaton-Moses-Oedipus

It can be visited at

General Policy of akhnaton@egroup.com

Who can Read the posts?
    A) Anyone can view the posts at http://www.egroups.com/group/akhnaton or http://www.egroups.com/list/akhnaton

How to Post to the group?

    A) Members can post by sending an email at akhnaton@egroups.com
    B) Members can post on-site by clicking [post to this group] on the above: http://www.egroups.com/group/akhnaton

How are the posts distributed?
Posting and distribution are not moderated - all messages are displayed.
    A) All posts arrive to the public Web display (re above: http://www.egroups.com/group/akhnaton) where they can be accessed by anyone.
    B) Members can set an option for receiving each new posts by email.

How to subscribe to the free membership?
Membership is not moderated - anyone can be member.
    A) Send a email to akhnaton-subscribe@egroups.com .(blank Subject & blank text content) This will automatically subscribe you.
    B) Or you can use the form:

Subscribe to Akhnaton

akhnaton archive

Hosted by eGroups.com

Note: When browser accepts cookies - it remembers name, email and password. So the access to the egroup pages and services is made direct after the one time initial registration.

What subscribers can do and how to set up members options?
Members can be visible or not, receive new posts by email, etc... 
The subscription settings can be customized on-site (re above: http://www.egroups.com/group/akhnaton) through [group info], [join the group], [modify subscription] etc... and/or [my space]

How to unsubscribe?
You can unsubscribe send a blank email at akhnaton-unsubscribe@eGroups.com


More Services?

Group's messages, calendar, document vault, and more are available on the web at http://www.egroups.com/group/akhnaton/.

Other questions?

Contact the group owner at akhnaton-owner@eGroups.com




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