FOREWORD: In this transcription and editing cybek
gives the lecture and talks in black bold -
questions are in
italic blue and
information in
italic fushia. This
is an edited version of the full lecture wich is available by
cybek. NOTE also
: an important graphic at the end of the
<Cybek> The lecture, or the series of lectures on Amenotep IV - i write Akh - will be based on questions & answers
<Tx> well for starters who is amenhotep ??????
<Cybek> amenhotep IV - Akh - is the (supposed) father of king tut - he is also the husband of nefertiti.
<Ryck> 18th dynasty... Egypt...
<Cybek> he was the son of the most powerful king in history of Egypt (sort of Louis the 14th)
<Cybek> So : see: Egypt at its peak - territory covers the Nile plus West Arabia and a large part of Babylonia... a son his born: Akh - he will mary Nefertiti and have a several children - amongst them Tut.
<Tx> all societies had great kings.. what makes him interesting to this channel tonight ?
<Cybek> In this context - Akh became an heretic to classical Egypt - he banished polytheism and founded a monotheism known as Atonism. This Monotheism Egyptian King has been remembered during the Middle Ages in Europe as the founder of Alchemy. Which topic shall we chose to continue the lecture?
<Islodain> Well the alchemy part sound's good, or maybe the principles of Atonism, etc.
<Cybek> So on the Alchemy part first: "Akh" was not known by the Middle ages... there were no 'Egyptology', no statues, no letters... However a Monotheist Egyptian King was called HERMES TRISMEGISTUS
<Islodain> thrice great or something like that - emerald tablet dude..
<Cybek> Trismegistus - aka HT3 - was said having founded a solar city - called Adocentyn. This is matching Akh's foundation of AMARNA - we call today AMARNA Akh's solar city, also called AkhTaton
<Cybek> Second topic Atonism: Atonism was... let's say.. the best today would be to describe it as an 'ecology' - an 'ecological philosophy' -... some says: an 'ecological attitude'
<Cybek> To summarize at that point - we can say that Akh has been remembered as HT3 - as the mentor of three magics; Natural magic, Celestial magic and Ceremonial magic.
<Essence> cybek...it
looks like one person being referred to by two names and their credits also
having different names? But in reality the same?
<Cybek> The story of Akh is the same as the story of Repression. When you study repression you discover that it generates many names (called displacements..). Indeed Akh is remembered in history... through many names : Amenophis4, Amenhotep 4, Akhnaton, HT3 are only part of the many names... even the current writing of his name is indicative - one finds Akhnaton Akhenaton Akhnaten Ikhnaten etc...
<Cybek> Akhnaton opens to many questions... after having reigned several years.. he suddenly disappeared from Egypt... no trace, no nothing... he disappeared
<Ryck> Didnt Tut reinstate the Book of the Dead after his death--or perceived death
<Cybek> Interesting question... i answer : The repression of Akh shows the development of a (so called) death-drive. Though Atonism means sunset... autumn... the beginning of Osiris's trip... yet Akh's sojourn in Amarna was the expression of a life-drive...Akh was speaking the words of the living...
<Cybek> NOTE about Ramtha - if Ram speaks about Akh's mummy... Ram, you cannot hide... Akh's mummy has never been found - he disappeared... no traces ...
<Cybek> then... well yes... it is a perfect question=answer... After Akhnaton opened the Book of Life, Tut reinstated the Book of the Dead.
<Islodain> Amenhotep, any relation to Amen-hetep and the papyrus of?
<Cybek> i don't know the papyrus islo mentions
<Islodain> okie, just sounded closely alike did not think there would be , being the Papyrus of Amen-hetep is in the Book of the Dead
<Cybek> Amenhotep is a usual title in egypt - it does nor refer particularly to Akh
<Cybek> The lecture has been opened nearly an hour ago... some participant entered later... perhaps will it be soon time to state a closure. So i shall summarize :
At the peak of Egypt power, the pharaoh Akh (1350BC) opened the Book of Life. After he reigned a few years he disappeared from Egypt - and his son Tut reopened the Book of the Dead. Later one find traces of a memory of Akh : during the Middle Ages, he was remembered as the founder of Alchemy: the monotheist King aka Hermes Trismegistus
<Cybek> I believe it has been a good lecture... I want to thank you
<JEP> is this Akh.... also.. later St. Germaine?
<Cybek> ...about St Germain... i don't know so well about StG - though I have read several things about him... i know that there are various beliefs about St Germain... Basically, Akh is apprehended there as an historical figure. Historically St Germain lived very much later than Akh
<JEP> is true Cybek.. but st. Germaine.. admits to living longer
<Cybek> yes.. JEP - i am only talking about the - in a way - shallow report of historical lifes....It is important to stress the historical attribute of Akh... and to stay in this dimension... then after, once this plan/dimension is defined, one can easily prospect other plans. They are not the same "historical person" - they may be the same "person"
<JEP> ok.... can "live" with that answer :O)
A NOTE by <cybek - aka William Theaux> AFTER THE LECTURE
lecture happened to present Akhnaton through his memory
as Hermes Trismegistus. It is an efficient approach which deserves some
precision/indications :
Trismegistus is a legendary Middle-Ages figure - he represented an Egyptian
Monotheist King. Today, one can recognize Akhnaton represented by the Middle
Ages Trismegistus (which means TrisMagister, i.e. Triple Master').
identification of Akhnaton stands on a foundation and 2 proofs.
foundation is the Middle Ages - while Trismegistus is firstly mentioned
by most of the Fathers of the Church - and later identified during the
proof is grounded in the period which precedes Hermes Trismegistus (aka
Hermes Thot - i.e. the travellers who delivers the knowledge of writing)
legend - when Hermopolis Magna (i.e. The Great City of Hermes) is
built on Amarna/Akhtaton location (thus giving the engraved cliffs representing
Akhnaton, to be seen by the pilgrims).
2nd proof is grounded on the studies which follows Hermes Trismegistus
legend - since the 20th century historians confirm the identification - after
it had been repressed by the Inquisition (re: Yates and Nag
Hammadi scrolls versus Casaubon).
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