La page intitulée POLITICAL ACTION a été
retirée des sites publics à la suite de l'intervention d'un internaute
français documentée ci-dessous. La page POLITICAL ACTION est une étude, comme
tout ce que je présente ouvertement, sans préjugé si dogme et
seulement consacré à l'application d'une pratique, la psychanalyse. En
l'occurrence cette étude s'est consacrée à l'audit et l'audience d'un
mouvement intéressant pour ce qu'il présente l'occasion de joindre les
mentalités orientales et occidentales. Il s'agit de l'action (PLN) d'un
yogi védique impliqué dans la société occidentale, d'abord avec des
représentants culturels comme les Beatles, puis dans divers mouvement
pour la paix. Son discours mêlant l'intérêt pour la nature avec un
programme politique motivait aussi mon intérêt. J'ai donc contacté ce
groupe en en faisant le rapport public. C'est de cette recherche et
analyse que l'internautisme français a fait usage de façon nuisible. A l'appui d'un épinglage par le Sénat dudit PLN comme
organisations sectaires, le regard que j'y apposais fut jugé sans
vérification pour une action partisane. Mais du PLN, voici ce que
j'observe: On trouvera donc cette page complète et documentée sur
le CDrom disponible aux fins de consulter et juger de mes analyses.
Explication (sur site)
Nous sommes ce Décembre 2000 dans la phase des malentendus
depuis mon retour des USA. Cette phase qui était à attendre -
lorsqu'on s'engage dans l'action de présenter des hypothèses qui ne
sont pas du discours commun - s'est nettement accentuée, depuis les dix
années que je travaille sur l'Internet, avec l'efflorescence de
l'internaute français.
Comme toujours dans l'histoire, c'est l'occasion de voir la
médiocrité opérer son fond de méchanceté et sa carrière de censeur.
Particulièrement la page présente a-t-elle été exploitée d'une
manière trop lourde à contrecarrer; je la mets donc en archive CDrom
et la retire des mains qui en font une arme. Je m'explique à la place:
Il ne me semble pas mauvais signe que son yogi fondateur
soit devenu persona non grata sur le territoire américain mais
garanti libre dans son entreprise à partir des Pays-Bas. Par contre de
l'Université américaine qui se prévaut de son enseignement mon email
ne témoignera que du sectarisme en effet si l'ostracisme et la censure
en sont les signes. J'ai aussi contacté des individus animateurs du PLN;
aussi bien en Floride qu'en France qu'à Londres je n'ai pas réussi à
trouver autre chose que médiocrité, étroitesse d'esprit et sectarisme
en effet (à évaluer sur mes archives e-mail).
J'en suis tout à fait désolé et n'arrive pas à me
convaincre que la bêtise soit le bout du compte de l'entreprise humaine,
qu'elle soit spirituelle ou républicaine. Je garde donc espoir et
encourage par la présente aussi bien une personne du PLN qui voudrait
amender mon appréciation - à me contacter pour que nous puissions
renouer une une observation constructive; qu'une personne du parti de la
république française de réfléchir un peu plus avant d'attaquer sur
la base d'information incomplètes ce qui cherche à sortir de
A travers certaines études que je rend publiques, qu'il
s'agisse de psychanalyse, d'histoire, ou d'écologie, je n'ai
pas d'autre intention que de chercher à émettre des hypothèse
positives; je n'affirme rien d'autre que mes recherches; qui me font sur
ces points et jusqu'à présent mettre PLN et décadi dans le
même sac.
Detailed observation shows
how a link is created between individual meditation and a social mechanisms:
Opinion & Principle
My approach and my contact with the NLP
Note by William Theaux
This page presents my interest and my approach of the NLP (Natural Law Party).
Unless it is indicated, it represents only my opinion. It has not been requested
by the NLP.
My goal with the NLP
Première époque de la page
of the first author who identified
Akhnaton-Moses-Oedipus (1985)
and the first also to identify Hermes Trismegistus with Akhnaton (1990)
and first Psychoanalyst who has joined individual and collective
and achieved the complete restitution
(1999) of the Art of Memory - aka PLAN
When I began to publish my
experience and studies in Psychology, one of my first books was describing
the relationship between meditation and psychoanalysis. Continuing my
researches in Ecology, I became convinced that
the effective human organizations that will establish the ethic of the age of
Cybernetics for the Environment, will be a political party which praises and favors meditation.
This is the reason for my approach and contact (see below)
with the Natural Law Party (NLP).
Its emphasis on natural
laws through meditation frees him from the powerful, but static, principle of prayer
and religion - and enables it for a better handling of sciences and
However a political movement
which limits
itself to the sole tool of individual meditation, will suffer from a
backlash. A collectivity of individual meditative members does not
develops the natural effects of meditation as a social form. Looking back at the 20th
century, it is striking to see the emphasis that has been put on the social
object association (i.e. the 'object' of the science of
Sociology). It is a new necessity which allows such perspective as a Medicine
of the Social Body. It was known
in the past as 'Ceremonial Magic', meaning a
definite social setting which exerts natural social effects.
Specific and explicit social
forms, organization and dynamic are needed for specific results and
productivity that cannot be attained by the sole individual approach.
Many of these social settings are traditional. For
instance, the Hermetic Art of Memory
has been restituted in a way that addresses the recent Information
Technology. In this modern version, it is called PLural
ANalysis. It is a group management
technique which drives industrial groups, to follow ecological perspectives.
contemplation of the Ecological situation on Earth reveals that it
is subjected by the legislation which rules the human society, its
economy and its morality. The importance of the juristic is
typical of the Western civilization. It is entwined with the scientific
activity, which is also typical of the West. With this idea Rudolf
Steiner in 1920, was able to give a good description of
what was making the difference - and therefore the possible association - between
the Eastern civilization of the Veda and the Mediterranean Western culture.
While the Veda are penetrating the natural laws,
Monotheism develops a legalistic thinking. With this Occidental legalism, something
becomes possible
of the industry of nature that unfold into technology and politics.
During the history
of the Occident, it is the figure of Trismegistus that represents
the association of the two Mentalities - through his relation to
Moses, and his social
laws, and to Orpheus with the Hermetic emerald tables of the natural laws.
In the 20th century, the memory and the
identification of Trismegistus have been restored. Actually, we have
learned two things about the legendary Hermes-Thoth-Trimegistus,
known during the Middle-Ages as the fonder of Monotheism and patron
of Alchemy. We know that he represented the memory of the actual historical
Akhnaton, recently discovered.
The second information
concerns his teaching. We know that the utmost technology (the
social Alchemy, aka Ceremonial Magic) of Hermetism was a
social dynamic called The Art of Memory.
With this knowledge we can make a practical
sense of the association between the Natural Law and the Social
Turmoil and the confusion that may parallel the
vision of our ancient past as it is getting clearer with Egyptology
and Archeology. History of Religion cannot be neglected by responsible politicians in the New Mentality.
The identification of Trismegistus restores a coherent memory and
provides the model for the Nature and Society association.
A step further, the major specialist
in this matter, the historian Frances A. Yates, has shown that in
Trismegistus' inventory, his Art of Memory was the intuition and preconception of
Cybernetics. When it is developed into its modern form (PLural
ANalysis , aka PLAN) it formally
combined the factor of Artificial Intelligence (Cybernetics) with
the Social sciences (of Sociology and Law). Therefore it manifests
the Hermetic wisdom of the Natural Law (Cybernetics, physics of
mechanics) which corresponds to the
Veda, with the legalistic thinking of the West.
global political model is thus provided, which integrates the
history of civilization and which comprehends the Natural and
Spiritual, in the psychological activity which is manifested in Maharishi's project of
meditation, associated with the social activity of PLAN.
I believe that with the public
access to a larger source of information, reciprocally larger parts of discourses
are made public. The effects of this can be understood and controlled and the institutions will so be transformed in a natural way,
into a new mentality.
The Internet is part of this
process. Therefore, as soon as I could, I have intended to allow its public
access to my researches. I see it as a moral behavior according to the New
Mentality. Hence I apply the same ethic to any political enterprise I may
As this behavior is still
not common, I have to adjust with my environment as well as to be
cautious and not to apply excessive principle - so I observe two measures: I
keep anonymous people that I mention or quote, unless they ask or allow me
to do differently - I also store in restricted access mode certain
information (either with a fee, or as un-linked confidential URL).
I was in France during the
early 80 when I noticed a political and spiritual peace movement which interested
me. It was initiated by Maharishi Maesh Yogi. Peace, the bold and serene
goal was pleasant, as well as to see an active perspective of this sort coming
from Orient.
During several following years,
I did not hear anything about this movement - but my work focused on the
cultural and ecological foundations of the Western civilization and industry,
and I was discovering the book of Savitri Devi - Son of the Sun - which
describes how the mentality of Akhnaton, also known as the 'First Monotheist',
could make a common ground for Western and Asian cultures.
In 1990 in London I heard for
the first time about a Natural Law Party (NLP)- and I understood that it
was somewhat the development of the previous Peace movement and related to
the Transcendental Meditation (TM) of Maharishi Maesh Yogi. Its apparition
on the political scene was too brief for allowing me to make a contact at
that time.
In 1999 in the USA, an email
correspondent spoke to me again about the NLP, and I could resume
my project to get more information about it.
I suggest to the current reader
to visit its site at
My entrance into the NLP
In Oct. 1999, I contacted the
delegate of the NLP in my area. We had lunch together, and then a series of email communication took place.
I believe that there is a
similarity between the connection of the Transcendental Meditation
with the
political activity of the NLP - and the connection of
PLAN with the
Ecological behavior of the Society. I therefore endeavor in order to associate
these two connections that, I believe, will contribute to the NLP's
efficiency in the management of ecology.
Justification du retrait de la page
© William Theaux 1949-1999