E-1 AIMS |
Circumstances for the
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is a group management technique whose 'combination of Psychology and
Sociology' includes very close links with Psychoanalysis. It adds or
distinguishes itself from the latter, by aspects of three factors which they
Factors of Distinction:
E-1-1-1 Analyst factor
a product or an extension, or a mode of Psychoanalysis, PLAN offers a specific
approach for selecting its practitioner. The analyst who operates beside
the group may be a lay person, an associate, a psychologist, or a psychoanalyst.
As long as an introductory training and distant support system are provided
by a specialist of PLAN, it allows applications of its method in a large
variety of cases.
E-1-1-2 Cybernetic factor
addresses the specific issues Information Technology and its social effects.
Especially with teams (scientific) whose work is related to concepts and
models, the 'computing of representation' (aka Cybernetics) imposes
new ways of psychological reflection. PLAN participates in the assimilation
and control of this new tool. It manages also its effects on the
hierarchial order (that research teams share with the industrial working
complex that PLAN addresses in parallel).
E-1-1-3 Morality and Ecology
precise handling of Morality is articulated by PLAN to specific collective
Moral Entities (re: E-3-1-1
); it facilitates an access in productivity control to an External
Object defined by Freud (re:E-3-1-4
). In the case of scientific research teams, this represents support
for an essential quest of Ethics which have only been, heretofore, inchoately
realized in the current attempts to relate Moral and Ecology.
E-1-2 General Goals - application to Non-abnormal
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Freud considered possible neuroses of collectivities
), he saw them related to a pathology of knowledge (distinct
from individual causes). Leaving to the Great Figures the charge of
therapeutics (nonetheless a difficulty (Apdx.01
), he saw the mechanisms of these neuroses as integral with
social memory. Following the model of individual Psychoanalysis which may
investigate normal thought processes (after their psychopathology), PLAN
also extends its goal toward normal collective thinking (scientific programs,
models and systems). CYBEK will offer PLAN to Universities for the development
of their research programs (in addition or as alternative to the usual brain
storming techniques, which are inert in regard to Cybernetic
research in psychology, sociology, biology, development of genetics, economics,
and even exploration of physics or mathematical theory etc., new approaches,
strategies and systems will be reported.
E-1-3 Specific Goals - promotion and presentation towards Research Teams |
of New York is promoting and developing PLAN in its application in the North
American culture (after its foundation and theorization in France
PLAN offers a Psychoanalytic view to trained or lay agents who assist
groups when they adjust their production to an Environment that includes
effects of Cybernetics.
These teams
will be interested in the extension of the social Morality integrating Ecological
necessities. They will proceed through an analysis of the Collective Knowledge
where scientists operate.
After an
introduction provided by CYBEK's training program, a scholar associate of
the teams, or an independent observer, (or one of CYBEK's delegates) will
be able to perform PLAN's analysis with CYBEK's support.
seeks a grant which will be employed in two directions.
1) Presentation and
CYBEK will present
PLAN to Universities and Scientific teams involved in research projects.
Towards this end, a promotional program must be funded.
Dr. William
Theaux (Psychiatrist and researcher in Psychoanalysis) will be able
to describe the theory and develop the practice of PLAN.
Pr. Charles
Weatherford (Chairman of physics, Florida A&M State University)
will serve as consultant and will foster adoption of the program within the
University network.
a) Due to the
specificity of PLAN's origin in France, a needed English editing of W.Theaux'
French presentations and work will be done by Ms Carole Van
b) The foundation
of an Internet tool and a Web site page for PLAN has been set by CYBEK. It
will be formatted and updated in order to enhance 1) the University presentation,
2) the email program for training and/or support which is an integral part
to PLAN's practice.
3) Subsidiary direction:
This program will constitute a base for the actual industrial implementation
of scientific research projects.
Dr. William Theaux's French background will favor contacts with French speaking
E-2 BACKGROUND of PLAN's Method |
chapter describes two sets, of former and recent backgrounds.
Then, complements to PLAN's background are continued in Preliminaries
(E-3, below).:
E-2-1 PLAN's former background (Freud/civilization - Lacan/cybernetic - Sociology) |
E-2-1-1 PLAN's former
background finds in Sigmund Freud a mandate for an extension (namely
a "bridging" (Apdx.01
)) of his original Psychoanalysis.
01 present two excerpts from CIVILIZATION AND ITS DISCONTENTS, and MOSES
AND MONOTHEISM, where Freud calls for what can be understood as a
'sociology', except for the fact that--for the treatment of what Freud
calls "neurotic civilizations (Apdx.01
)"--an element is missing in order to enable such a social science
Freud's request could not be pursued.
the more recent factors which have intruded on the collective awareness,
'Ecology' and 'Environment' present two new instrumental criteria for diagnoses
of pathology in Civilization. Unlike in Freud's time, Religion and War are
no longer the sole clinical signs of trouble in the memory of "archaic
inheritance" (Apdx.01
); vast Geodynamic and Genetic life spaces now participate in the
semiology of civilizations. Added to this, the phenomenology of interactivity
cannot be eluded from our self-awareness, when it is remembered to our mind
by the presence of the Cybernetic apparatus
This panorama
constitutes an integral system of references and data, which allows a resumption
of Freud's research in the collective sector.
also, Psychoanalysis' classical requirement for a demand from the
client side appears to be concurrently fulfilled at this collective
level. In fact, community quests for an understanding of Ecology look
for a model which would combine in their knowledge sociology, psychology,
and biology. PLAN's promotion of Psychoanalysis addresses this request
E-2-1-2 The second historical
background for PLAN finds in Jacques Lacan a dissidence which began
with his attempt to reduce Psychoanalysis into Cybernetic mechanics
. In spite of their ambiguity, Lacan's early essays
on THE PURLOINED LETTER and THE LOGICAL TIME have presented immense usefulness.
They set prime anchors for Psychoanalysis before electronic computing begin
to obviously interfere with the mechanisms of Psyche.
the present rising awareness, Artificial Intelligence, and even Genetics
profile individual treatments based on a certain logic of Code, that the
logic of Meaning (aka Psychoanalysis) will confront. Within a larger spectrum,
when this issue is contemplated at the level of the relationship between
human Industry and Ecology, the Lacanian platform is still effective to assist
the above said 'ecological sphere' in treatment for neuroses of civilization
E-2-1-3 Lacan failed however,
in sustaining his project--and the lesson from this failure constitutes a
third background component: the re-establishment of the Lacanian formula,
"Psychoanalysis is Cybernetics", into its reciprocal "The Ideal of Cybernetics
is Psychoanalysis" restores the formula's potential towards Sociology.
Instead of reducing the fact that humans exist into the emergence of Cybernetics,
PLAN deduces that, since Cybernetics exists with social effects, these social
effects imply a human setting in a dyad with Cybernetics.
with this sophism, the specific group symptom in the functioning of the Lacanian
institution has effectively constituted the practical object for a reversion
In this recovery of meaning, the use of Lacan's intuitive formulae can gear
the endeavor of investigating Group-Psychology in the Freudian
E-2-2 Recent background (Theaux - UNEFPE - CYBEK) |
shall describe as a recent background the agents of the current
management of PLAN.
E-2-2-1 Dr William Theaux
attended the University of Paris and had gained
degrees both in Medicine and Psychiatry when he underwent Psychoanalytical
investigation (Lacanian then Jungian). His professional goal has been collective
application of treatments directed towards Ecological effects. Later, he
parted with his base of training, once he felt ready to advance his own
Association, UNEFPE (UNE Fonction PsychanalytiquE), was created in Lyon/France
in 1985. Its principle was to implement the factual Psychoanalysis in
compliance with established traditional social organizations
('Association' - French Law of 1901). The setting
of a technique (Analyse Plurielle in French, PLural ANalysis, PLAN in English)
resulted. Thus grounded in realism, UNEFPE experienced its analysis, of which
several reports are published in various editions
E-2-2-2 Fifteen books and articles
are listed (Apdx.04
coverage of Ecology and Economy is currently available in French edition
at the Main Branch of the New York Public Library. In English, three videos
CYBERNETICS, and PSYCHOANALYSIS AND ECOLOGY. Most of Theaux' works in English
have been written for the World Wide Web since he established United States
Residency in 1995.
E-2-2-3 In 1997, CYBEK of New
York was created, providing a USA partnership with UNEFPE. It included
a department which regards the Freudian insight into the 'archaic inheritance'
as in depth as Genetics does, inasmuch as it relates Freud's 'transmitted
a logic of Code (that PLAN integrates in its theory).
a step in PLAN's setting was acheived when CYBEK set the base for electronic
communication and support for group-management and analysis: The analyst's
role in PLAN, formerly assigned only to a Psychoanalyst in UNEFPE, became
possible, with CYBEK's training and support, for lay people.
E-3 PRELIMINARIES of PLAN's Current Project |
PLAN has produced outstanding results, they must be mentioned in order to
appreciate the span and potential of its technique - but also
to identify it in regard to Psychoanalysis.
E-3-1 Preliminaries 1 (Results) |
from its background, PLAN made important information available: the
fundamentals of its technique address a form, which represents a legislative
ruling of a typical scientific object.
E-3-1-1 (Morality)
: Governmental laws usually apply to mundane objects, issues, or situations;
they are barely seen in their application to explicit scientific objects
(e.g. an atom, wave, anatomical organ etc.). However, this is what PLAN revealed;
that it was shaped upon the "Association ruled by the Law of 1901",
which explicitly addresses the legislation of a scientific object (social
reflection of PLAN happened in a fashion of 'self-analysis' (i.e. when
it underwent its own practice). It was able to reveal a structure
of Moralization, dictated by E.Durkheim's Sociological
association for the French Republic (thereby shifting Moral
Responsibility from individual to Collective Entities - thus ostensibly
guarantying the Revolutionary promised freedom for individuals).
Government which identifies the Moral cause (Personne Morale, in French)
with a Scientific object (Durkheim's association) gains a social organ
with its possibility to conduct an Ecological Industry. It also solves Freud's
major difficulty (the personal
) as long as PLAN preserves the
Psychoanalytic knowledge of individuality (Apdx.01
). PLAN was thus giving confirmation of a potential possibility of
resuming Freud's research on Collective Memory in the direction of Ecology.
E-3-1-2 (Organization) : Beside
such recognition amongst legislative articles, PLAN recognized itself amongst
objective elements, such as traditional and modern series of social
in the course of its practice, PLAN recognized itself in the early model
of the Western Republic (web
) - an identification which is certainly
not exceptional, except, in this case, for a capacity to bridge it with a
contemporary model of Democracy
. Moreover, in the intermediary period (between
the platonic Republic original and democratic present moments), the Roman
and Middle-Ages in Europe showed their continuity in a traditional model
which is described by Historians as the Art of
. As with the Republic and the Democracy, this
third social organ for Memory matches PLAN's description.
E-3-1-3 (Models) : These similarities
and their identifications, which occurred during the practice of PLAN, have
since gained confirmation from specialized scholars. They also support their
verifications with the Lacanian algorithmics
essential graphs aptly model PLAN, in regards to Cybernetics,
Sociology and Linguistics. This series of algorithms eventually
culminates in a representation which integrates an Environmental space
- or 'Ecology'. It empowers PLAN's reasoning when it addresses practical
ecological and Industrial production issues.
E-3-1-4 (Psychoanalysis) : In
specific regard to Psychoanalysis, the critique of the Lacanian usage is
addressed inasmuch as PLAN also provides understanding of Freud's
ultimate call (Apdx.01
for bridging individual psychology to group-psychology
) - 1938 - had echoed his schema of the 'Primary Group'
or 'Crowd'
- 1921. However this documented project has remained fallow
furnishes the experience where the Freudian prospect becomes accessible,
specialties also enhance PLAN's results and suggest its application in the
Intellectual Research domain:
E-3-1-5 (History)
: The most well known unfilled prospect of Freud, in relation to
Group-Psychology, aims toward the remembrance of the Primal Scene of the
Monotheistic mode of civilization. PLAN authorized, supported and led the
strenuous pursuit of his first insight.
is not possible to separate PLAN's activity in society from its first
'interpretation' in which it assisted in identifying historical figures
from legends in the religious history of the Western world
- because this result grounds the sociological
form with which it integrates the objective manifestation of a social memory
throughout Civilization's history
E-3-1-6 (Memory) : The release
of 'memory traces' in our 'archaic inheritance' completes the
Universities' collection from Archeology and Egyptology
. PLAN even supplemented History at its deepest
level, in reflecting the mechanism of memory itself (i.e.
're-collection' in comparison with 'collection'), for it represents
the ancient Art of Memory in its contemporary update
Thus, beside weighing an anchor in the University fields
(Archeology, Egyptology), PLAN also reveals Psychoanalysis
as belonging to the backbone of Civilization's memory (Art of
E-3-2 Preliminaries 2 (Identification) |
second important preliminary of PLAN has been enforcing the connaturality
of the Freudian Psychoanalysis with an organic site of memory within Civilization
Identifying them, and with them both, its stands in between as part of that
Psychoanalytic endeavor started with Freud.
this rallying point, PLAN assumes its own contribution when it constitutes
(by the very group to which it applies) a guaranty at the office of its practice.
It opens its analyst function to naive recruits under supervision
as well as to professional Psychoanalysts
theses premises PLAN develop its practice:
E-4-1 Technical Application of Plural Analysis |
E-4-1-1 The
basic of PLAN
ANalysis, aka
PLAN - Analyse Plurielle
® in French - is a
technique and operation of human inter-relationships
which attributes a certain identification to a group, while isolating, in
a series, dual interviews, manifesting a specificity which has been linked
to Psychoanalysis. It must
be made precise, that the group, though identified, is not expressing an
'identity' - but defines an entity to which a behavior can be attributed
in its relationship with its environment; in practice it is the case when
a group has an object (or an objective, re: below). Also, the dual relationship
which is related to the said Psychoanalysis, does not replace it. Psychoanalysis
is understood as what history and institutionalization have already established;
besides, PLAN defines a relation which 'manifests' or 'represents' this
established foundation.
technique of PLAN is simple. The fundamental arrangement is made of two domains
or spaces which are physically projected as two rooms: one is for the group's
session, the other for the analyst. On this topography, a mechanism
is applied : the group performs its usual objective
while in its group-room, where the analyst never stays except for
short entries. These entries have no other function than to invite and extract
a member for a consultation in his analyst-room.
can be simply illustrated through graphs and animated pictures which can
be consulted in computer files (on disk
or web
on its two fundamentals (extracted-sessions - group at work), PLAN shares
with classical Psychoanalysis an extreme simplicity in its procedure. For
the purpose of an analytic information transmission between two persons,
a couch and a chair have sufficed for Psychoanalysis in leading
the greatest progress in the modern knowledge of the mind. Since it took
this for model, PLAN shows the same simplicity.
E-4-1-2 The
optional of PLAN
parallel with Freud's suggestion, when he reminded us that several aspects
of his technique were personal and possibly modified for the convenience
of another practitioner, the rest of PLAN's technique is made of secondary
options. At the present time, they are set as follows:
E-4-1-2-1 A pre-interview is made with the representative of the group (defining
its object/goal and its need). Groups consists of 4 to 15 members. An average
group of 10 participants requires 3 hours in each
group-session (the smaller the group, the shorter it is; and
vice versa). Groups can undergo one-time sessions or else be run on regular
schedule basis. Preferentially, the sessions are held in the group's usual
place of activity.
E-4-1-2-2 During the group-session, extracted members are chosen and invited
by the analyst. Members may refuse or ask for this extraction. There is no
number or order in the choice of the extraction, which can be repeated with
a same member. The group may proceed without extraction, during certain periods
of time.
E-4-1-2-3 The extracted-sessions match the Psychoanalytic model
in regards with the prospect of its non-directivity and free-association
of the thoughts which are delivered by the extracted/visiting members. There
is no rule for the duration of the extracted-sessions. The analyst is liable
for non-mandatory interpretations. He makes no report for any sessions which
are considered as private (there is no report likewise of the group-session
by the analyst). However, reports by members, regarding extracted
and group sessions are possible.
rules being liable to adaptation to various situations, the large range of
PLAN's options opens it to a wide range of applications, as well as several
categories of analysts (as detailed below). The principle of 'privacy' (no
information is transmitted from the analyst out of his room) is yet important
to be observed; it is a factor which forces a series of consequences that
constitutes the phenomena which characterizes PLAN :
E-4-2 Specific Phenomenae |
displays three sites of operations. They are described in the general PLAN
document; inasmuch as they relate to the common hierarchial power order in
all human collectivities. Here follows descriptions which emphasize the Knowledge
phenomenon which is added, and typical, with Scientific Teams.
E-4-2-1 The meeting of the extraction - psychology site
This is a meeting where the member of the Scientific teams communicates with the analyst. What he will meet is the psychological experience of the absence of memory which makes Scientific Models universal and without time (instead of Ideologies defined as historical).
E-4-2-2 The
analyst exclusion - memory site
The memory that the analyst represents is not made of historical facts, but natural events (the 'memory traces' that Freud contemplates in the Environment are equivalent with the physical traces in which matter is present in consciousness)
E-4-2-3 The group without the extracted - sociology site
Abstraction made of the social imago, when the object of a
group is abstract knowledge, the extraction of a member relates to Ignorance
(instead of Death in the historical social part). Projection (or introjection)
of absence of Knowledge is the necessary hub for evolution (or revolution)
of thought and Models in action in Science.
E-4-3 Practical Work with Scientific Research Teams |
E-4-3-1 Approach
E-4-3-1-1 Presentation
CYBEK will format its presentation in order to fit the potential demand.
E-4-3-1-2 Promotion
CYBEK will be looking for contact with Scientific Research Teams - from Universities or the Public sector. In particular, those which will be seeking to improve their perception and adjustment of their environment - either in regard to the material environment, or intellectual - conceptual and knowledge environment.
PLAN will foster the notion of Collective Behavior as the factual relationship between Knowledge and Ecology. It will address research in Fundamental Sciences as well Scientific goals which associate Sociology and Industry.
Teams which declare a Ecological goal will deserve special attention.
Teams which are involved with Cybernetics (Information Technology) will also be distinguished, especially those which question the human relationship.
E-4-3-2-1 Contact
Contact will be made with the relevant sectors. They will be evaluated both by a PLAN specialist and by the University consultant.
E-4-3-2-2 Analysis
Description of PLAN's technique will be public and the cost of its demonstration will be provided by the requestor, as well as its continuation either by a specialist of PLAN or under the support/control of CYBEK's distant training program.
E-4-3-2-3 Report
CYBEK will ask for a sample of the client report of its experience and results.