A reading of Freud's Outline of a Scientific Psychology - Part.2
Following the
first part - we may introduce this second with an
interesting prejudice :
(Crowd) behave like an individual - with this idea, great
fascist orators delivered effective speeches (combined with
a so-called collective hypnosis). It is more uncomfortable, but perhaps
more realistic, to consider that individuals behave like
If a human person is imitating
its collectivity - then Freud probably wrote a sociology. This would answer
an increasing enigma in Freud's career and his call for bridging his
psychoanalysis with Collective Psychology.
Then, if Freud wrote a
sociology, his 1895 Outline also applies to industrial organizations. It
also becomes easier to deduce by consequences, in this case, that his description
of a system within an environment (the 'exterior
object' of his Model of the Crowd and/or the Unconscious) defines
an ecology (that is a global understanding of an
After the first 9 chapters
of the Outline, we continue to read Freud's certain notions which
can be applied to the society at work. For instance, the analysis of the
Satisfaction process depicts a successful production of an
enterprise composed of workers
) with its customer,
the public (
[see neuron metaphor].
Industry happens when humankind
(a collectivity) presents a need (hunger for instance, or need for clothing,
shelter etc..). Human society allows a Demand to form, and a reflex to produce
an answer - these two mirroring resulting instances (Demand
& reflex) are illustrated by Lacan who followed Freud's model.
The need causes the Demand (compare with: cries causes
the Mother's intervention) |
Enterprise |
Satisfaction |
The images [Product, Enterprise] are linked in an
'associated conduction'
which Freud expresses as a law of 'simultaneity' [3]
that associates in the brain, the image of the Body of Demand with the reactive
Self Body image.
(external and internal neural images equally invested at the same time);
this double and fluid identity is shown in the two-positions of Lacan's
model :
[4] |
The two pink vases [in position.3] refer to
the narcissistic position of satisfaction - and
pleasure when [pos.4]
Demand and
Product meet.
PAIN (Outline CHAP.12)
Complementary is the
Pain process; this is - beyond the above pleasure
principle - the reality case when one of the images - the external
'Demand'- misses, aggravates the need - or an external attack causes damage
to the body/company. In the brain/enterprise, this painful image is swiftly
discharged (repressed) - so that its reference must
entirely stand on one side of the system.
invents here a new neuron
(key-neuron) - added with a lapse, according
to his translator ! so that it can be easily interpreted to signify a
naming, in this case, a representant, a leader [re. note
In case of Pain, extinction of Demand,
attack or trouble in the environment, |
Meanwhile, the defense by representation
(idealization - leadership) shows no 'association'
and no 'simultaneity' (re.above) - but a repulsion and
repression (oblivion of the painful memory)
while a sole symbolic charge is carried by the Leader (making up for
the Demand)
[2] |
[4] |
If Demand ceases, attacks or confusion threaten or
harm the enterprise [1] ,
these unpleasant event/situations are eliminated or avoided and their memory
repressed [3]
while the leader bears the charge as he stands for the ideal Demand
(this explains why leadership is often invested with pain fantasies
or oppression systems)
The combination of these
two factors (satisfaction & pain) described in Freud's
early Outline in 1895 represents the industrialization factor that is
blended in the Lacanian optical model, which shows at its
upper level
(Significand) the system of Representation
] & Repression
] while the lower level
(signified) shows body images (blue & pink
vases) which allow the immixion-distinction within worker-customer
The point here is to show
how one can retrieve the neuron definitions in Freud's Outline with his later
Model of the Crowd (this, of course also being supported by Lacan's ulterior
decipheration of the system which rallies it to the Platonic, and then Hermetic
This schema
summarizes my critical reading - and the use I exploit from the 1895 Outline:
Freud's 'W' neurons do not exist but a seriesinstead; nor
Representants (significands), nor the secretory key neurons but the
'barriers' between
- whose synaptic net constitutes the ego(s). This synapses
coral/tree structures the brain, as does financial reserve in an
economical view. Industrially, it displays the Leadership
] of an enterprise, its WorkForce [light blue zone] with workers
and customer [pink and blue vases], and the Demand/Product [blue
Therefore we have realized a compound of civilization models that guaranty
the base of an ecological interpretation of the industrial world.
In these concise pages
(part.1 & part.2), we have
deciphered Freud's symptomatic foundation as a
Rosetta Stone.
This Thermodynamics is the platform for Lacan's ulterior Cybernetics.
NOTE (1) - this is a/the core point in Freud's
discovery. As said in this page, Freud's key-neuron may be recognized
as the 'barrier' (synaptic field) of which we have begun analysing -
in part.1 - the symptomatic introduction. Our
view is reinforced with the parallel analysis of the elaboration of the
'meme' concept in relation with naming - which has located in the
connection between egos (e.g.
), the
motive of meme.
Additional note about the absence
(extraction) in
PLAN's case. These pages so far
have given enough information for understanding a major point in PLural ANalysis
practice. PLAN composes three
actions: 1) individual sessions, 2) collecting memories on the
analyst side and 3) the consequences of a minus-one in the
Minus-one is the
name which has been given to the circulating absence in the group due to
the extraction of its participants following the invitation of the analyst.
When PLAN has been set, around
1985, minus-one answers to Lacan's plus-one.
The so-called
plus-one by Lacan was supposed to be appointed to psychoanalytical
groups but, unfortunately was not proving efficient. The present theorization
following the 1895 Outline easily shows the difference between the
plus- and minus-ones.
As the last schema above
shows, the 'leadership' is added to the subject of the repressed memory [re:
- and this is what Lacan suggested to represent as the plus-one.
Unfortunately it does not help to be aware that it represents the totalization
- or the absolutization which causes the fall of all traditional politics.
In 'total' consciousness. Lacan's student followed his advise and... fell
in failure and ignorance (all the more as their Master was noticing it)!
The minus-one presents
another reality - it introduces in fact the absence (of the
Demand) that the leader represents. It is much more 'realistic' than the
spiritism that is to represent the representativity (plus-one) - in
PLAN, the 'presence of an
absence' is 'in reality'. This is why
PLAN is directly active at an
objective level (productivity, industry, ecology)