This page presents an outline of the idea of Lacan/Plato's Model
A community is governed by laws/principle which develops in three stages:.
To begin, a group - an entity, E - cannot apprehend itself directly form its environment (its self- reference may only be as a void, a "zero" of which a concept is advanced and cannot get at first).
order to apprehend itself, a group first
elaborates an image of its environment
- this is done by the means of words and letters, constituting a media which
can be compared with a mirror - the environment is therefore
represented in the space
beyond the mirror.
This mirror-media then applies to the group itself according to a linguistic property (e.g. metaphore); a unit, a grain, of its system works as a focus point which projects the group - the entity - in its (represented) environment.
This outline may help to introduces the more complete Plato's system - still at this point it allows three notations :
FIRST, about the nature of the focus point:
The "focus point" illustrates a majors concept of the 20ht century - usually
called meme after his theorician R.Dawkins in the fields of
Genetic, or semblant by the theorician psychoanalyst A.Verdiglione.
It centers the core function of Narcissistism in the foundation of human
identity. It may be assimilated to the mimetic support of the formation
of ideals in the Psyche. This awareness/concept of the 20th century's mind
enlight the understanding of the system of Power as
SECOND, about the pathos of this social system.
indirect way to represent an environment causes a dissociation in the human
nature. In short: While the group projection
turns into a Phallus symbol, the Ideal becomes the focus, so the leader
(the representant, the former "focus point")
becomes an alibi.
This alibi (of the "meme')
constitutes the "Absolute" in the philosophical terminology. Most practically
it means also that the group looses its orientation towards its primal goal
(e.g. its environment).
THIRD, about an ecological government:
When a correct analysis induces a transference [note 980707
: a correct analysis consist of Transference when the Cybernetic Apparatus
comes in place of the Phallus] which relocates the cause of
power, the whole subjective systems transforms itselfs into the media/mirror,
in which the virtual (represented) group refers now
its integral environment - i.e. its ecology.
To summarize this page
This description is based on:
The traditional schema attributed to
Plato (the Cave,
the Republic) + the
Lacanian model
updating Freud's psychoanalysis + the original schema of sociology suggested
by Freud + the
interpretation by
J.P.Sartre of a
social philosophy.
It concludes to the idea that the 20th century shows the intuition - and the maturity - of a model which addresses the special issue called Ecology.
It releases a renewed praxis
- PLural
ANalysis - whose principle was established
in the Antiquity under the name of Art of Memory.
© CYBEK of New York, 1999.