A debate, nearly a dispute, at
least in New York, divides the Green movement . It is about the system of
representation and/or voting.One group is pro one-person-one-vote,
the other prefers commitees system of representation.
I believe that this is hiding
- yet reaching - a different understanding: the Collective Knowledge on
which Democracy relies, is largely relative to the Artificial Intelligence
that our computers are about to graft into Society.
Rather than a long explanation,
a short reminder will advise how we must be lucid in regards to this. We
shall soon pass the issue of 2001 Space Odyssey
(Clark/Kubrik). When that odyssey was held back by a
paranoid computer, it is not difficult to see that the mad computer of the
model ignores mankind's life for no reason but the projection of our own
unawareness of its effect upon us.
This reflexion on the intuition
of Art, and SF literature, should suffice to catch our attention. The Artificial
Intelligence, the thinking machine, the thinking network is
the tool, the support, which was expected and needed for democratic achievement.
When we realize that the whole Hermetic Tradition stemming from Antiquity,
from Greece then Rome, the Middle-Ages, and Renaissance, conveyed the idea
of statues which were to speak and heal, there is little question
that we are just acquiring the tool, the algorithm, which was requested already
by Plato, reporting the collapse of Athens by 400BC. He explained that democracy
was delayed, while Athen's republic crumbled for the lack of the ability
to compute with the cypher - this is the logic of code that is
named today "Cyphermathics".
The reason why the Voting System
is but an alibi for this "cyphermathics" is because this new logic is introduced
thourough a phase of chaos. Chaos is not avoidable. What is avoidable is
to lose everything in this phase. What is possible is to survive the chaos.
This is possible if one anticipates the paranoia - in other words, if we
are aware that Artificial Intelligence is the principal factor that must
be integrated into the ecological restoration of Earth.
The Tradition of Magic &
Machination (Hermeticism, that is the pool of Science in Christianity
before the Modern Age) prescribed a method to overcome a chaos it predicted
right from the first early ages of primitive and intuitive thinking. It is
a well defined practice (I call it PLAN,
alias PLural ANalysis; it
was called the Art of Memory, and it is the implementation of the
long awaited Cyphermatics) whose context I want to underline in this
If Knowledge
is what determines a society regarding its ability to behave itself, the
20th Century analysis of the Unconscious and awareness, suggests a definition
of two types of Knowledge. They can be named Intensive
Knowledge and Extensive Knowledge as well as laid out
on a diagram.
Intensive Knowledge, also named Knowledge
in-tension represents the Classical form or social structure also
called linear, pyramidal, hierarchy, patriarchy, etc...
The achieved form of sociology known as Existentialism
(Hegel + Marx by J.P.Sartre) has shown that this
structure develops an attraction toward an absolute which is
expressed through idealization, war, and eventually manifested into an
authoritatian society of police, mafia and military industries which organizes
production of an absolute waste. Analysis shows such ultimate
pollution being the debt for an idealisation of Oneness under religious
organizations - or power upon humans rather than power upon
As an
"abject" of the desire this Absolute opposes the exterior "object"
of Knowledge's extension.
I evoke this spiral process of
industrial militarization in my books FLEUVE and
LAPREFLEXION - which presents the opposite system which
releases the Knowledge ex-tension. A
psychoanalytic diagram illustrates this evolution toward a general beneficence
(social & environmental). It indicates the presence of a sort of
decompression chamber, a buffer (gray in diag below).
It is the above referred toll, the Cyphermatics announced by the Ancient
Tradition, and contemporarily held as
ANalysis (PLAN):
The buffer of the diagram is "chaos"
[ana-lysis] - or, better said: it is the media which conveys the industry
(of absolute waste) from its chaos towards Ecology.
This model shows how Power
upon Nature requires a reasonable submission to chaos - (the phobia of
which explaining the fixation of power of humans upon humans).
This topology, diagram and model,
are not my invention - they have been gradually elaborated during the twentiest
Century by S.Freud, J.P.Sartre, R.D.Laing, J.Lacan and others. My
contribution is the identification of this so-called buffer as
analysis, namely Plural Analysis - e.g. the Ancient
Tradition of the Art of Memory, updated for the Computer Age.
I have described this Art of
Memory in several web pages, as well as its modern form that I promote
under the name of PLAN
To be precise, my contribution
demonstrates that the Art of Memory process does not stand alone. This is
what Plato said when the Art of Memory was divulged in Greece by Simonides;
as said above, a certain factor must be present in the community
which engineers an industrial chaos before its ecologization. I assume that
our current semeiology shows that this tool is the Artificial Intelligence.
At this point an aphorism may
be understandable and useful to map out our understanding:
Artificial Intelligence is what introduces Chaos
into the Production of Absolute Waste.
Intelligence (e.g. contemporary Computer Networks)
and Plural Analysis are the two synchronistic requirements for the
assumption of chaos with its transmutation.
At that point we can conceive
practical measures:
I want now to point out that this
Artificial Intelligence is only part of Cyphermatics
(re:above), most generally Achievement of Science
(precisely described by S.Freud in The Future of an
We can therefore most generally
say that Science is what introduces chaos (defeat) in the Knowledge
in-tension (technocracy, science-without-conscience) and it is beneficent
(& beneficial) if buffered by a practice of analysis which outstrips
this defeat..
Practically, this is to show that
any ecological political action must include a systematic operation of
analysis of the scientific management of its knowledge. This
is what I promote as PLAN
(PLural ANalysis) to be
applied in related decision making for Political Actions which aim towards
Spectacularly, it means that Science,
"more Science", is the way to realize an ecological policy for our
society. But the decision side of this policy must link a community of research
about science (analysis of knowledge), prior to any mode of representation
(voting system) which are alibis as I said for introducing this
Alibis are for dispute, repression
& its symptom (e.g. work) - all good things in their
own right. Pratically, an Ecology must be understood as an Ethics
(that transcends work).
ANALYSIS is not so much a structure than
a hygiene - a manifestation of ethics. Ecological Political Action Groups
may especially take benefits from its application.
LAST PAGE - To the last page: Reason and results of PLural ANalysis |
© CYBEK of New York, 1999.