Sphere.Widget.processContent( { content: '\
\ I have decided to add exceptional science content to my blog from time to tome, that is not directly \ related to stuttering. I want to share my fascination with the scientific research out there, that \ allows us to understand our world better every day, often with surprising answers. I am always \ impressed how it all fits together harmoniously. And, t... \
\ \\ Human beings may have had a brush with extinction 70,000 years ago, an extensive genetic study \ suggests. > read more | digg story \
\ \\ Well, according to this article on CNN .. See, scientists are finding genetically, that were \ all related much much closer than they previously thought. To the point that a while back there were \ only a bunch of us with common genes... so, what better way to explain it that us almost being \ utterly wiped out? Then they can have a catastrophe (but not... \
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