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Littérature Grise


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en vue de Hermétisme 2006

Ci-dessous les messages échangés sur la e-liste consacrée à la préparation de Hermétisme 2006
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en cadres jaunes mes contributions (William Théaux) ainsi que jaune ce que j'ai surligné


   le 20040307232200 -  pour répondre et résumer au lecteur français le message de hal qui suit 

   Hal montre l'opposition entre deux thèses selon lesquelles, pour l'une le moment actuel de la science vient d'Inde par deux routes, pour l'autre il vient d'Égypte. Comme alternative à ces valeurs d'opposition, je pense au freudisme, qui commença par étudier les points de résistance, et la source d'énergie conçue dans le trauma (cfr : Esquisse pour une Psychologie Scientifique). De ce point de vue, qui assigne la notion de 'route' au domaine de l'imaginaire, le trauma se trouve, écologique, dans les désertifications du Sahara et d'Arabie. Quant aux points, profitant de la charité du langage quand il nous tends ses jeux de mots, j'aime profiter de la charge de sens qu'offre celui d'âme-uniste pour mentionner l'intervention des amonistes à Kadesh (après Akhnaton), répétée à Rome au Vatican (après Jésus-Christ). De ce point de vue, il n'y a pas de chemin, pas de routes, mais une structure de refoulement, et éventuellement une conscience.

   La suite montrera peut-être si ce point de vue appuie l'identification de la psychanalyse comme l'hermétisme aux temps présent.

   Hal von Hofe ensuite réponds ci-plus-bas   


extrait/miroir -

De :  "hal" <>
Date :  Samedi 6, Mars 2004  22:51
Objet :  notes (work in progress)

this whole east/west paradigm is of fairly recent vintage -- a modern european paradigm, dating from about the time of the enlightenment (18th century). at present i think it tends to hide or repress more historical understanding than it reveals. in particular it represses the african origin of civilization (and rather specifically the influence of egypt on greek civilization)

   take for example the form in which it appears in the teachings of R Steiner -- the Steiner Schools have gotten into a bit of hot water over this one recently:
   there the races are characterized in terms of human physiological development: the orientals are described as being old, the europeans as adult prime, arabs as adolescents, and africans as children.
   lets take a look at the post below and see what deconstructs from this perspective:

<< Western philosophy is Eastern philosophy. Philosophy came to Greece,
and hence to the Western world, by two routes
that I know of. The
Milesian philosophers, such as Heraclitus who were influenced by the
gymnosophists and Brahmins; and the same Indian philosophy influenced
the Egyptians who passed it on to the Greeks who went to Egypt to
learn, such as Pythagoras. >>

   The Egyptians here are seen as being on the receiving end of influence from farther east (kids from the oldsters i guess ;-). Presently archeology seems to indicate that Egptian civilization -- and writing -- developed before Indian, and was thus older. Influence as such of course, always flows in both directions in any case. -- Art historians, for example, have long noted an influence of Greek sculpture as far as china. Trading routes are always talking routes, and eventually writing routes, along which ideas flow rather easily. Thus we can imagine a number of influence routes: Egypt <> greece <> india -- add in mesopotamia, && -- somehow that northeastern corner of africa stays somewhat central -- going back to the probable radial migration of homo sapiens sapiens from that approximate center...

   Looking again at the european west from the perspective of africa/egypt, (and picking up questions of the koine greek "thelema" as egyptian influenced):
   the Greek knowledge disappeared from christian europe -- it was preserved and elaborated in Islam and at Byzantium before returning to the 'west'. What continued (as unbroken lineage lol? ;-o) in the roman west was 'christianity' and the holy bible -- the greek knowledge was banished (platonic academy shut down 529 AD). This religion evolved in the ferment of alexandria -- greek egypt. the early christians were kissing cousins with the worshippers of serapis -- Isis and Horus were recognized as the same archetype as Mary and Jesus. the assessing of the soul in the afterlife is an egyptian concept... the bible itself includes the hebrew scriptures -- which tell of Moses leading the hebrews out of egypt...)

jumping forward to the return of the greek-hermetic knowledge to the 'west': in addition to the greek there is also the influx of jewish philosophy --
the kabbalists of the provence area, living right next to those Cathars -- also in Madrid a confluence of hermetic and kbblstic return (of the repressed)...

for specifics of dating, : "The major Upanishads were written between around 800 to 400 BC" -- i note that this period also covers the activities of the Buddha Siddartha (roughly) --

threading in the question of 'science' as 'western' -- i note that both buddhist and hindu culture seem to have no problems whatever with accepting/using 'science'. i think in particular of the way in which tibetan dzog-chen lamas readily keep up with developments in everything from physics to physiology -- same for zen i believe. and india has long been a contributor in mathematics and gives very strong support to cybernetics in particular.

cutting things short, an emblematic example of going beyond the east-west pardaigm: Pythagoras was initiated in the Thoth-Hermes mystreies in Egypt, he initiated Parmenides, whose thoughts are echoed by buddhist dzogchen chan and zen, as well as the paradoxes of the upanishads, AND the vision of science as a method to deal with it all -- science <- gnosis (enlightenment, at(h)enian plato's sun outside the cave...

black Athena (Aten-a), out of africa, awake! (thinking of that famous 'egyptian prophesy' of Hermes Trismegistus)



De : ""hal" <>
Date : Mercredi 10, Mars 2004 2:24
Objet : Re: [william_theaux] Hermétisme 2006

(-: je practice un peu :-)

Hal montre l'opposition entre deux thèses selon lesquelles, pour l'une le moment actuel de la science vient d'Inde par deux routes, pour l'autre il vient d'Égypte.

   sa me ra pel, comme paradigme, aux deux 'routes' de Parmenides-- de l'etre et de neant, dont un est impossible (le mort de la vie) et qui se double en retour...
[une petite traduction simple en verses anglaises (4 pages ) de l'oeuvre extant de Parmenide se trouve a]
~-~ le trauma lie facilement à la honte, et trouve aussi facilement des raisons de se cacher, et de cacher ses raisons. c'est en re-trouvant sa raison que la con-science arrive.

l'identification de la psychanalyse comme l'hermétisme aux temps présent.

   - ils se trouvent tous les deux en l'etat grise: pénétrant partout mais non reconnu comme ca.
   - et puis, on regarde souvent la psychanalyse comme une espece de magie -- par example: depuis Freud a soulevé sa baguette magique au dessus des enfants, leur chatiments avecs baguettes ont apparu comme abus, et aura bien thôt disparu. c'est actuellement un grand phénomène sociologique, cette acte hermemagetique de la psychanalyse, du grand shaman de coq et aine!...


   con-science: ils se trouvent, psychanalyse et l'hermetisme, toujours _avec_ la science -- meme si la science ne se rend compte de cela (en l'ame-uniste, en le 'a' cas d'ame-I)
   maintenant c'est peut-etre tout a l'heure de rendre compte de seul a! (IA)

... just some thoughts ...



Quatre chapitres au rôle d'Hermétisme_2006

   L'annonce à la liste psychanalyse de l'ouverture de la présente liste, aura valu à cette dernière deux nouveaux membres et un peu de remous. C'est une bonne occasion pour avancer dans une définition de notre objet.

   A mon sens, si après un siècle de psychanalyse, celle-là est au point de situer sa position - exactement comme dans le miroir l'être psychique une fois sa forme constituée s'y voit dans un contexte ; en l'occurrence une fois le complexe d'Oedipe initial ayant été suspendu à l'intégration de son corps (l'Oedipe mythique, comme un corps céleste, vu historique, comme un corps physique), et la découverte d'Akhnaton hors des sables du refoulement issue, pour donner corps au Trismegiste autant - nous avons joint comme une seule et même chose, psychanalyse et hermétisme (l'hermétisme ayant été proscrit et refoulé depuis l'Inquisition, et la psychanalyse étant sa forme résurgente, évidemment brisant une coquille de son enkystement, comme on en voit la sclérose encore lui faire barrière). Une fois l'identité reconnue de ce mouvement, ou de ce phénomène qu'on appelle science par ailleurs, il doit être naturellement substantifié par un objet ; cela pourrait être la seconde part du thème où Hermétisme_2006 se consacre :

   Hal nous a tantalisé en se déclarant proche de pouvoir argumenter la perception de l'objet (a) comme ce que l'être humain vocalise en prononçant environnement. Avec l'objet de ce phénomène, la science, autrement dénommée hermétisme ou psychanalyse, voilà deux chapitres au moins.

   Un troisième serait la pratique, l'agenda, la politique : le PLuriel ANalytique en acte & action ; art de la mémoire ou forme de cette chose.. et enfin son média a été posé initialement dans la perspective de la Littérature Grise.

   L'analyse du psychisme subit nécessairement une pression qui se traduit sous la forme d'une ésotérisation de son intention, ou de son initialisation. Le culte du mythe s'y montre, comme l'astrologie cultive les xxxxx aux basques de l'astronomie - l'astronomie, notons-le, encore en report sur l'astro-physique - comme une psychonomie, variation du psychanalyse, à côté de la psychologie. L'hermétisme est également une psycho-physique.















mer. 2003/04/16 15:52

   Hello Dominic,

   This is a coincidence, since I am planing to travel to Amsterdam next week from April 29 to May 02 : I am receving the announcement for GL5 this morning.
   Hence I contact in regards with two projects : should we meet next week and/or should we consider something for GL5?
   Here are briefs about my current status:

   Back to France two years ago - I found the opportunity for opening an office and to resume practicing psychiatry/psychoanalysis. Today I am overbooked - no reason to complain.
   Yet I have kept an eye over Grey Litterature & theory - I shall produce for instance a mailing by September to each medical agent in the French department where I work (Haute-Loire) with an information about relation between psychoanalysis and artificial intelligence.

   Let me know if we can meet and/or if GL5 would be interested with a short paper or so.


Dr William Théaux


jeu. 2003/04/17 17:08

Hi William,

   Thanks for your email. I'm glad to be back in the field of grey literature and networked information. I recall your contribution to the first issue of IJGL and hope that you might consider a paper for GL5.

   It looks like I won't be seeing you in Amsterdam this trip, since I will be away on holiday.

   In any event, its great to have reestablished contact with you.

Happy Easter,



Dans un message sur
Tassigny frans écrit:


>700 articles sur mon ezine,
>des centaines d articles sur la psychanalyse du seuil
>et des travaux sur,
>je commence a être saturé, c est tout simple...


   Nous avions déjà parlé de ça ; si comme on mange des livres l'alimentation peut servir de comparaison, comme l'abondance de nourriture égale son manque en qualité - le matériel de l'internet étouffe l'information de qualité. Il est ainsi remarquable que les avancées, progrès, modification ou révisions de la psychanalyse soient assourdis par l'avalanche d'une véritable macdo-psy.
   C'est d'une part en m'étant renseigné sur l'atavisme de la médiocrité de la pensée humaine - que je conclus d'abord que les découvertes abouties de la psychanalyse n'auraient lieu qu'au verdict de l'intelligence artificielle ; et d'autre part en ayant pressenti la voie facile de la résistance dans ladite avalanche - que je cherchais ensuite comment cette intelligence artificielle distillerait l'élixir de vérité de la verve haine.
   Je trouvais le concept de cette deuxième proposition dans les études qui distinguent une Littérature Grise dans les volumes que nous informatisons. Il est alors possible de déterminer les attenances entre cette littérature et l'Inconscient:


   Nous en reparlerons. Mais si ça doit rester invisible pour un bout de temps, c'est l'occasion de préciser deux ou trois points concernant le transfert.
   Une thèse présentée en faculté,


   suivant l'observation du pluriel analytique, rappelait le premier fondamental : le transfert c'est le lien social. Mais s'il est en pratique pulsion de mort, c'est parce que la résistance s'en est saisi dès que possible, au nom de la psychanalyse, en l'associant dès sa mise à jour au contre-transfert. De sorte que ce qu'on appelle 'le transfert' - comme Jacques à dit, c'est aussi bien ledit 'contre'. Pour alors le distinguer du lien social il faut l'appeler transfert-contre-transfert. En raccourci, ça donne 'tct' - une formule bien proche de ce qu'on écrit 'dcd' en médecine.

Bon apétit




sam. 2003/04/19 17:01

Hello Dominic,

   Since these last few days I have been considering GL5 Amsterdam December 4-5. I'm so glad with this resumed contact, and I read that you would be interested too with my participation.
   So I just made a call to the president of an institution where I am employed. It is linked with the Red Cross - and currently working with the state department, about a network organisation for children and family health - social workers visiting families and hosting some of their children. For some times already we have been working together for the organisation of electronic archives, agenda, meetings etc..
   I am able to bridge this with another department which is focused on addiction, alcoolism and others.

   Along with my activity centered on psychoanalysis and artificial intelligence, I believe it would a good opportunity for a paper in december.
   Should we continue in this direction?
   Let me know,

Happy Easter too


Dr William Théaux


mar. 2003/04/22 08:44

Dear William,

This proposal sounds very interesting and I think it would meet with the

approval of the GL5 Program Committee.

With kind regards,



sam. 2003/05/17 18:45bpt

Hello Dominic,

   I am able to give confirmation that the previously refered organization and I, will work together for the GL5 project. We have talked last week and meetings are programmed in June, so I'll be ready to send you an abstract/proposal before July 1st.

   There's one point I'd like to check out with you. Is English requested in any cases? I certainly can do my best in French. For three years I have not been practicing English much. I also read that TextRelease can help with translation, but I am not sure if it provides it for French. Can you suggest something regarding this point?




dim. 2003/05/18 14:27

Dear William,

   Thanks for your email. Perhaps this might be a solution. If you translate the abstract from French to English, I will edit the your English abstract for the GL5 Program Book. If in the meantime, you cannot find someone to translate the complete text of the paper, then we will publish your French text in the GL5 Conference Proceedings.
   In any case, we will have an English abstract and an English Presentation.
   If you are in agreement, then I await your English draft of the abstract. I will of course ask you to review the edited version, before the Program Committee meets in September.

With kind regards,








Hallu Hal,

Yes I read your presence in that 'psychoanalyse' group - I am in awe with your French speaking (my English one deteriorates rapidly). I am twice, even thrice glad with your contact. Few notes:

   First - the reason to stand in that psychanalyse group is for the title, the name, the letter. Of course it is stolen by moderation, censorship and repression. The Unconscious alone lead us to the title with no prejudice yet.

   2nd, I have finally started a ""

   that will probably stick to my next ten years of practicing in France - if yahoo survives!..:))

   3rd - our meeting has been planned on August 2008.

   4th - there are good reasons to run activities before that 2008 ; and even before 2006. Here is one that would help me and could also be advantageous to you : there is a Grey Literature conference

   I am considering to give a paper there - perhaps to lecture. Here is a excerpt of the response of Dominic Farace who organizes it, when I told him I felt discomfort with English - or at least much more confortable with French:


   Perhaps this might be a solution. If you translate the abstract from French to English, I will edit the your English abstract for the GL5 Program Book.
   If in the meantime, you cannot find someone to translate the complete text of the paper, then we will publish your French text in the GL5 Conference Proceedings.
   In any case, we will have an English abstract and an English Presentation.
   If you are in agreement, then I await your English draft of the abstract. I will of course ask you to review the edited version, b before the Program Committee meets in September.


   Perhaps would you be interested in the whole conference - you could attend. And in any case, would you feel OK in helping me achieving these translations... I believe you are one of the best in understanding my psychoanalytic approach and now that I know how you are in control with French, I cannot leave you alone!
   By the way and at that point, I believe my next posts to you will be in French, if you agree - although there are some kind of exotic thrill in performing English, I must realising I am coming in age where I must stop babbling.
   There probably are some 5th, 6th and more items - but I can stop here and await for your position about this GL5,

Looking forward to GL5ing with you,


mar. 2003/05/20 03:40

Dear William,

   I would be very happy to give you what assistance I can with the translations, and to attend the GL5 conference in the Netherlands!

   Thank you for your kind words on my posts in French to the psychanalyse group -- though I find my French is a bit rusty, and takes some effort, it does indeed provide a certain exotic thrill -- i was of course thinking of your writing in english as i attempted it, and was interested to note the curious way in which puns present themselves -- how the significand slips in a foreign tongue...

   thinking back to when I was learning french in high school, i remembered how my mother (who was a francophile and fluent in the tongue) used to read the stories of Arsene Dupin with me --

-- and now i just looked on the web for Arsene Dupin and discovered my memory was confounding Poe's detective with the Arsene Lupin stories (by M Leblanc) -- lol! -- i should add that 'le nom du pere' has always echoed for me with this counfounded memory of Arsene Du Pin for some reason... :-o :-)

   happy also for your direction to ""! I have a question for you related to that initial fort-da which i will perhaps write up in the next few days for that list; it has to do with a possible relationship between the round ligament in the female and the inguinae in the male, which i came to while checking "Gray's Anatomy" after my first reading some months back of your "Initial fort-da" gray (:-) page...



Subj: Gone with the electricity
Date: 7/1/03 8:13:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Received from Internet: click here for more information

Dear hal,

   I mail the proposal to DFarace (CC to you) - now it will follow the new wind (electricity) in hope it will come back with a comforting approval.

   Oui, l'état de fatigue est 'intéressant'... est-ce la mélancolie/saturne de Marcilus Ficinus? Et/ou quelque métabolisme entre l'Ether et l'Astral (Rudolph Steiner). Et à présent je me précipite à la banque en bas de chez moi, pour revenir a temps pour des séances - durant lesquelles j'apprendrai aussi l'usage d'un Tablet PC (le nouveau modèle Hewlett Packard/Compaq).. etc..

   A très bientôt - merci bcp pour les traductions (sorry for l'imprécision sur la date/français des demandes de Farace; c'est bien le témoignage de la précipiation, confusion, fatigue). Si tu as besoin d'argent pour ta venue à Amsterdam, n'hésite pas à m'en informer, je pourrai arranger qqchose).



 lun. 2003/07/14 02:11

cher Will

   I received the fwded proposal -- also D Farace's replies, which he was kind enough to copy to me as well.

   i am writing from my new internet email address -- -- our local phone company: "sbc/snet" (now 'sbc-yahoo' as well) offered me a free dsl modem plus a reduced rate for one year -- even the regular rate is about the same as i am presently paying for compuserve plus one extra phoneline. -- A young friend (a student some ten years back) gave me a new/old computer (a 'Gateway'), since my old/old one (also a Gateway, given me by a former colleague after the politemen seized all our computers in their raid) had no PC-slot for the ethernet card i needed to install. Now i am up and running again...

   i find myself determined to be at the conference -- should be able to arrange it -- as for your most kind offer:

Si tu as besoin d'argent pour ta venue à Amsterdam, n'hésite pas à m'en informer, je pourrai arranger qqchose

   if that means from a corporate/insitutional source i would accept without question! Otherwise, i trust the gods will provide...

Oui, l'état de fatigue est 'intéressant'... est-ce la mélancolie/saturne de Marcilus Ficinus? Et/ou quelque métabolisme entre l'Ether et l'Astral (Rudolph Steiner).

   je crois que oui et oui (et non ou? ouaff :-) -- Crowley a appele la melancolie/saturne "the trance of sorrow" (the vision of the eternal repetition of the same?! :-o)-- as for the metabolisme entre l'Ether et l'Astral, je trouve (encore une foie/s...hehe -- lisant le phicanalyse groupe...) que Dionysos s'enjoue/s'enjoie entre les deux -- comme tu a dis, un ou deux biers, ou ou...

   ah -- also -- you mentioned a cd with your work on it -- would love to be able to peruse such (with your earlier work in french on it as well, fonction de l'organ, la preflexion?!...)

   my snail mailing address:

Hal von Hofe
32 Medley Lane
Branford, CT 06405

   i think your mailing address is on your site, but please send it again -- i would like to send you the $40 or euros or so for that CD (I would have signed up for CYBEK membership back when i first got onto the akhnaton group, but it was already not an option when i first discovered it...)

a bien Thoth!



OK Hal,


  Bon - j'écris en français, et vous de la manière où vous vous sentez le plus à l'aise.
  Je suis très heureux que nous puissions travailler ensemble. Et ce sera magnifique si vous pouvez vous trouver à Amsterdam pour le GL5.

   Un peu d'histoire:

   Mes travaux sur la Littérature Grise ont débuté avec la publication dans un journal d'une université américaine.


  Je les associe à une application pratique de la psychanalyse que j'aborde comme médecine des corps.. sociaux


   Il y a un mois, D.Farace a annoncé le GL5. En même temps je travaille certaines heures dans une institution qui met en place des équipes de soins à domicile. J'analyse leur organisation de l'outil informatique. C'est une bonne opportunité pour étudier l'usage de la littérature grise dans le soin communautaire.
   Durant ce mois de juin, ces équipes vont se réunir et nous pourrons préciser le projet. Fin juin/début juillet j'adresserai à Farace le projet/outline de la conférence du décembre GL5 - c'est ce texte, qui sera simple et court - que je serais très heureux de soumettre à votre traduction.

  Est-ce que le timing vous convient?

  Chemin faisant nous pourrons continuer à préciser les choses - continuer texte, travail, traduction et préparer votre visite si vous pouvez venir en Europe..

To the next,



mar. 2003/05/27 05:34

Hello William,

   The timing indeed works well for me -- pardon for not responding sooner-- every time i pulled yr message up this past week I stopped to read the pages you link to below again.

   Just to pull out a couple of things: I much enjoyed the discussion of New Age as grey literature: the question had just come up in a conversation with a friend where I was attempting to define grey literature for him -- next time i see him i will bring it up again, especially the two glitches you mention: "the lack of uniformity amongst its thesis and a certain difficulty for defining the intellectual property of channeled information " -- the latter in particular as it relates to copyright... (along with the absence of HermTris...) -- In the second page (Medicine of the Social Body) i particularly appreciated your mention of the lack of any reflection upon the effect on the children's community of having 6% under the prolonged influence of Ritalin... and the similar question re the feminine consumption of sexual and contraceptive hormones...

   when still teaching in secondary school I noticed the prevalence of students under ritalin administration -- 90% of the children under ritalin were male.... other chemicals as well, of course: i remember one student i had, around 15 years of age, who was taking continuous (and regularly adjusted) doses of ritalin, clonadyne, prozac and lithium (he was crazy! :-o))

   very much looking forward to working with you -- and to attending the conference this december; hopefully my legal entanglements here will be over by then and not interfere...

a bientot




jeu. 2003/06/12 21:57

Bonjour Hal,

   Je me permets d'écrire en français et de te tutoyer.

   Dominic Farace m'a suggéré - avant début juillet - un _abstract_ et une _présentation_.

   Ci-dessous ce qui pourrait être l'abstract. Je ne sais pas si DF préférerait un texte plus long. Je suis incapable d'écrire plus. Si tu peux traduire - et même ajouter, pourquoi pas. Je vais à présent me concentrer sur la _présentation_.

   Si l'opération (lecture LG) est menée jusqu'à son terme en décembre - elle doit suivre l'organisation d'une institution éducative qui s'appelle un IMP/E. Cette organisation débute en ce moment et elle devra voir le jour en septembre. Comme mon travail est psychanalytique, je ne peux que suivre cette progression. C'est en partie pour cela que le texte est court - je n'ai pas bcp de choses à dire pour le moment.
   S'ajoute quelque chose qui est peut-être un problème - et peut-être d'un certain point de vue. Je suis physiquement ou psychiquement dans une période qui explique peut-être que je n'ai pas bcp de choses à dire.
   Tu sais que depuis un an j'ai repris la psychanalyse de cabinet - il m'arrive à présent d'analyser parfois 12 heures par jour, presque sans interruption. Récemment je suis arrivé à une expérience un peu troublante. Il arrive que le patient parle et que ça devienne absolument ma pensée - c'est à dire que ma pensée en quelque sorte ne se manifeste plus et elle devient celle de l'autre - ce que j'écoute, c'est comme si je le pensais. Physiquement je dois être dans la rectitude zen. Ce qui est préoccupant c'est qu'il existe très peu de témoignage des psychanalystes sur l'expérience de leur pensée - je n'ai donc pas de références sur cette expérience. Je m'aventure donc dans l'inconnu.

   C'est par ailleurs assez fatigant et de surcroit mon cabinet a été cambriolé et ordinateur volé etc...

  Je souhaite néanmoins continuer le projet sur la LG. Mais nous pouvons tout inventer - tu peux y participer, créer, intervenir.

   As-tu vu la vidéo que j'ai présentée dans le forum 'psychanalyse' à propos de l'Aiguille St Michel?

   Je t'invite à créer dans la projet LG, car tu es la seule personne américaine que je connaisse qui ait compris la psychanalyse comme je l'ai compris. Personne n'a ton degré de compréhension dans mon entourage. Si tu as des forces il ne faut pas hésiter à les y mettre.


Voilà en vert l'abstract:


 Concept et Traitement de la Littérature Grise 
dans une institution psycho-médicale et éducative


   Un Institut Médico-Psychologique-et-Educatif (IMP/E) est propice à l'examen des relations entre la Littérature Grise (LG) et le concept de l'Inconscient (Ics).

   Les coordonnées théoriques de ces relations peuvent être confrontées à l'observation de la gestion pratique de la LG. En théorie l'Ics est a) une structure supposée autonome, b) capable d'influencer le moi, lequel c) est un produit de relation imaginaire. En parallèle, la LG est a) une structure collectable d'un corps social - b) son traitement serait capable d'influencer son institution, laquelle c) est un produit de relation idéologique (ou législative, d'ordre socio-économique). La similitude est si grande que si l'Ics n'est pas la LG en elle-même, il s'y projette volontiers, et de même coup l'exploite.

   Un point de vue psychanalytique se propose donc d'examiner ce qu'un IMP/E construit d'instrumentation de la LG à l'occasion d'un remembrement de ses activités. Cette étude permet d'observer s'il existe des particularités de la LG qui seraient spécifiques des entreprise de gestion de la santé mentale et de l'éducation. Elle permet aussi deuxièmement d'observer comment ce traitement, à l'instar de l'analyse de l'Ics, ouvre des perspectives et déclenche des effets que l'on pourrait identifier comme thérapeutique, au sein de l'organisme où ce traitement est appliqué.


   C'est vraiment très court. Peut-être est-ce suffisant. Je ne sais pas. Je suis incapable de savoir!

A bientôt,

J'ai maintenant deux séances de psychanalyse au téléphone - il faut que je poste



dim. 2003/06/15 22:26

Bonjour Will!

Ici la traduction de l'Abstract -- a few notes & some thoughts on the translation below...


Concept and Treatment of Gray Literature
in a psycho-medical and educational instution


An Institute of Medical Psychology and Education (IMP/E) lends itself to the examination of the relations between Gray Literature (GL) and the concept of the Unconscious (UN).

The theoretical coordinates of these relations can be confronted by the observation of the practical management of GL. In theory the UN is a) a structure posited as autonomous, b) capable of influencing the ego, which c) is the product of imaginary relation. In parallel, GL is a) a collectable structure of a social body, b) its treatment is capable of influencing its instution, which c) is a product of ideological relation (or legislative, of the socio-economic order). The similarity is so great that if the UN is not the GL itself, it projects itself there voluntarily, and in the same process exploits it.

A psychoanalytic perspective thus offers itself in the examination what an IMP/E construes in the instrumentation of GL, at the occasion of a remembering of its activities. This study enables one to observe particularities of GL which would be specific to the enterprise of managing mental health and education. It also permits the observation of how this treatment, as in the analysis of the UN, opens perspectives and releases effects which may be identified as therapeutic, at the heart of the organism where the treatment is applied.


first, i note that the 'Conference' on their web-page spells it as Grey Literature -- i could not resist a touch of differAnce... both spellings are acceptable english...

i abbreviated the english 'Unconscious' to UN for the pun(s) of it...

"what an IMP/E construes..." -- 'construit' could also be translated "constructs" -- i chose 'construes' as it emphasizes the notion of interpretation/translation/signification... (as the ego with respect to the Unconscious, so the IMP/E to the GL...?!)

à l'occasion d'un remembrement de ses activités.

"at the occasion of a remembering of its activities" is perhaps a bit unusual/awkward in english, but i found it important to preserve the concept of memory in the phrase, rather than "reconstitution" or somesuch...

"au sein de l'organisme où ce traitement est appliqué."

"at the heart of the organism..." -- i was tempted to translate 'au sein' literally as 'at the breast", which is not idiomatic english & thus perhaps a bit too 'frappant'... :-o)

Some general thoughts/responses --

sorry to hear of the burglary of your 'cabinet de psychanalyse' and the theft of your ordinator! (ordinateur <> computer i now know :-o)... irritating...

re: " Il arrive que le patient parle et que ça devienne absolument ma pensée" -- a most curiouys (oops typo) phenomenon -- i have noticed something similar while following the 'global news' in the american media -- ca me gene et me peine beaucoup -- i could just stop following the news i guess, but... :-/

as for the questions of GL in IMP/E:

reading/translating your words made me think of that aspect of GL which consists of signed forms (formes de signature :-) -- 'permission forms' etc. -- including of course those that involve the 'transfert' of money (a GL all its own?!) -- this all re questions of TcT i guess...

" As-tu vu la vidéo que j'ai présentée dans le forum 'psychanalyse' à propos de l'Aiguille St Michel?"

Bien sur -- mais seulement en la version 'Realplayer' -- need to contemplate it further, found the spiral very moving...

I have been following the various postings on 'psychanlyse' with some amusement, yours and some few others carefully, the various interdits and meta-co-pirate ones a little less so, though they are fascinating as symptom... Have also enjoyed your replies to the questionings on the william-theaux list...

-- i did notice also your mention of 'ligamentes rondes' on psychanalyse, by the way -- in the Gray's (!) Anatomy book i consulted it was said in reference to these and the "canal of Nuck" that "It is generally obliterated in the adult, but sometimes remains pervious even in advanced life. It is analogous to the peritoneal pouch which precedes the descent of the testis." (p1038 of "Gray's Anatomy" 1977 american edition). For some reason, in a freak of association this brought the name 'Mme de Stael' into my head ! :-o ... no fort/da occurs, of course, as in the case of the descent of the 'testicals', but a potentia is signified perhaps...

all the best &

a bientot (a bien tout, a bien nous...)



-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----

Van: William Théaux []
Verzonden: dinsdag 1 juli 2003 14:12
Aan: TextRelease
Onderwerp: To D.J Farace / proposal for GL5

Dear Dominic,

   Here follows the Abstract & Presentation, as planned in English, for the Program Comittee.

   Please note that the translation has been done by Mr Harold von Hofe (a US PhD in Comparative Literature at Yale University (he will correct me if I am wrong)) - who is a e-friend and who had an similar experience as the one I describe below with the IMP/E (he, with a high school at Branford, Connecticut, USA).

   Harold von Hofe is considering to attending the conference in December - I am looking forward to sharing a quite fascinating meeting.

Yours truely



Dr William Théaux:


Concept and Treatment of Grey Literature
in a psycho-medical and educational institution



An Institute of Medical Psychology and Education (IMP/E) lends itself to the examination of the relations between Grey Literature (GL) and the concept of the Unconscious (Ucs).

The theoretical coordinates of these relations can be confronted by the observation of the practical management of GL. In theory the Ucs is a) a structure posited as autonomous, b) capable of influencing the ego, which c) is the product of imaginary relation. In parallel, GL is a) a collectable structure of a social body, b) its treatment is capable of influencing its instution, which c) is a product of ideological relation (or legislative, of the socio-economic order). The similarity is so great that if the Ucs is not the GL itself, it projects itself there readily, and in the same process exploits it.

A psychoanalytic perspective thus offers itself in the examination of what an IMP/E constructs in the instrumentation of GL, at the occasion of a reorganisation of its activities. This study enables one to observe particularities of GL which would be specific to the enterprise of managing mental health and education. It also permits the observation of how this construction, as in the analysis of the Ucs, opens perspectives and releases effects which may be identified as therapeutic, at the heart of the social body where the instrumentation is applied.





   The Faidoli Institute of Medical Psychology and Education is an institution which, up untill 2002, provided services to some sixty children as part- and full-time residents, with a staff of about sixty. This IMP/E underwent an important transformation during the year 2003: from its creation in 1955 up to this time it would meet with the children on its premises, but now intends to go to the children and their families, at their schools or at their homes. This new activity is called SESSAD (Service d'Éducation Spécialisé et de Soin à Domicile -- Service of Specialized Education and Care in the Home); there are a certain number of these in France, autonomous as to their individual organization.

   This change in direction is being implemented with a team of 12 persons, with a view to providing care to 20 children and/or their environment. This implementation began at the beginning of 2003, with an effective opening of its service in September 2003. The observation which I am presenting (December 2003) will thus take place after the first three months of full activity, and cover the period of installation, the opening of services and its first results -- it will focus in particular on the organisation of the team's work with its data-processing equipment and its capacities to distinguish and exploit its Grey Literature.

   There is still room for improvement in the concept of Grey Literature in this institution. Its psychological culture is of a high level, although without being highly specialised in the most modern theories of psychism. In particular it lags behind in terms of its data-processing culture -- in a manner common a few years ago in France, when one would still proudly avow knowing nothing about information technology. For example, the institution, although integrated into the larger Red-Cross establishment, was as of July 2003 not yet connected to the Internet. On the other hand, paper communication, photocopies, session notes and memoranda are of a good level, as well as the culture of team-meetings and syntheses.

   These origins provide the base on which the 12 workers of SESSAD have constituted their team and activities, which will consist of numerous interventions extended across the Department of Haute-Loire, and include one day a week devoted to team meetings. Accustomed to writing full and well-systematised accounts of liaison work on paper, the teachers and paramedics envisage the possibility of transcribing these paper accounts to the only computer SESSAD has to begin with. This project has in addition called particular attention to the construction of a basic effective system of data management.

   These working conditions make it possible to evaluate how the constitution of SESSAD will elaborate a conception of the Unconscious through its Grey Literature. By examining the behaviour and the dynamics of the instution in the organisation of its computer and its network, we will be able to put to the test the idea put forth by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, at the beginning of his career, which assumed that the cybernetic machine (the computer) would be capable of and adapted to the identification, interpretation and even the treatment of the Unconscious.


Dear William,

   Thank you for your GL5 Abstract. I have included Mr. von Hofe in the email address file, so that he will receive further information about the conference.

   Will keep in touch.

With kind regards,



Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 1:40 PM 

Subject: Re-vised: my abstract for gl5


EMERGENT RECOGNITION: An Alternative Perspective on the Grey Literature of an American Public High School, 1985-2001

Hal von Hofe
32 Medley Lane
Branford, CT 06405

phone: 203-488-5883



The grey literature produced by a social body records and reveals interactions and communications which would otherwise remain unremembered: it offers alternative (plural) forms of memory for analysis. The cybernetic apparatus now linked to the ‘telephone lines’ has greatly facilitated and amplified the production of this grey literature/art of memory.

The effects of the introduction of the cybernetic apparatus (computers, internet) on an alternative school program (“Horizons”) within a specific social body, an American public school -- Branford High School, 185 E Main Street, Branford, CT, USA -- will be analyzed in terms of its grey literature production across a 16 year period (from 1985-2001).

Branford High School services approximately 1,000 students a year, with a teaching staff of about 80, close to a dozen administrators (with secretaries), a maintenance staff of 6.

The “Horizons” program, operating within Branford High School, services about 60 out of the thousand students a year, those who have been identified as “at risk”, or “disaffected learners” (two terms of many from its grey literature...). It forms a sort of school within a school, and presently consists of 8 teachers, an administrator and a social worker.

Theoretical care will be taken to distinguish between four basic levels of discourse, and their interactions, in the grey literature of the Horizons Program and Branford High School:

1) of the students (product/clientele)

2) of the teachers (knowledge/expertise)

3) of the administrators (business)

4) of the law (government, juridico-legislative).


It is expected that this approach will reveal how a certain resistance to the cybernetic memory apparatus emanating from the interaction of the four theoretical levels of discourse both stimulates and impedes its use at present.


Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 6:09 PM
Subject: freude schoene goetterfunken...

hello Will!

   power was lost here (stony creek, branford, connecticut) during the 'northeast blackout'. it was out 7 or 8 hours for us -- and then the next day the phoneline (dsl connection) went dead. just came back online this sunday -- a day earlier than the 'sbc/snet' phone company here promised.

   fortunately i received your response to my abstract just before the power went down -- and also, that same day, your disk e-book -- many thanks! First thing i looked at was 'Natura Graver' "...C'est ainsi que lapareil realise le signifier de l'aventure du demon humain a la lumiere des anges..." (("diesen Kuss / der ganzen Welt...":-))

   the video presentation echoes -- and begins to clarify a "distinction entre signe, signifiant, lettre, semblant" in mynd (started to write "my mind" and remembered your habitude de ne jamais dire 'son', 'mon', 'ton' [Inconscient]...

here are some semi-formed thoughts i just sketched out on a card this past hour:

taking as example your use of "corps" in recent posts to akhnaton* & psychanalyse:

1) comme SIGNIFIANT it relates to other signifiants

   (For those who like to stick to the signifiant -- mark et les autres phicanalyses?!--, they will let it relate/link to other signifiants.)

2) comme SEMBLANT "corps" relates/links to 'moi' 'ego' -- me me

   (perhaps june & abbie, and also rmbruno, pjrovelli...)

3) comme LETTRE "corps" relates/links to desir -- desire -- (unsure here as to the proper term, perhaps desirant?

4) comme SIGNE "corps" relates/links to la desiree -- the desired


   after sending this i will rewrite that first sentence of my abstract --

   i quite agree with your hesitation to write 'my, your, his, her, its "Unconscious" -- somewhat like speaking about a tail wagging a dog, or a SEMBLANT driving a CODE... --

   also re 'art of memory' i will perhaps come up with a differant signifiant, mix the letter up a bit...

on to the rewrite...



Par contre j'ai bien reçu ton abstract. Est-ce que tu penses qu'on pourrait travailler très organiquement en parallèle - j'ai l'impression que c'est possible - que nos topics s'y prétent. On pourrait faire deux textes qui en même temps feraient un ensemble - sans qu'il soit nécessaire de le déclarer de manière ostentatoire - mais quand ce sera utile on pourra joindre nos deux lectures en un document. C'est une idée encore vague - et peut-être pourrons-nous simplement y penser et ça se fera naturellement, et tout seul comme ça. Il y a une chose dont je ne suis pas encore bien sûr - c'est si DF accepte que je fasse une lecture en français. De toute manière on pourra faire des traductions réciproques de nos textes - et j'écrirai mon original en Français...


mar. 2003/08/26 13:26 _ je débute :

   Mon texte va être confronté au fait qu'aussitôt le projet de décrire la LG à Faii/CESSAD, aussitôt la résistance de Faii se manifeste (il y a des à présent une orthophoniste qui ne se présente plus à moi que comme une égyptienne, la tête de profil)

   On m'avait annoncé un programme informatique pour équiper la gestion du CESSAD - et seule la doc a été reçu, le dsk n'est pas arrivé depuis 2mois. Faii n'a aucune connexion internet - il s'agit d'un établissement Croix-Rouge - ça fait un an que le système/routeur est en place, mais il n'y a toujours pas les codes etc...

   Mon idée est celle-ci - d'examiner dans quelle mesure pareille résistance est analogue à la résistance que la psychanalyse montre à identifier le corps ; l'histoire de l'identification du corps d'Oedipe en fait preuve -- mais bien sûr je ne parlerai pas de AMOH au GL5 ; seulement j'en tire la thèse : au moment de l'entrée dans l'industrie du code, la société résiste à la nouvelle identification du corps qui va s'en suivre.

   Les institutions comme Faii sont très férues de psy, psychologie, psychodrame, psychanalyse, tout ce qui fait chic! Elle manifestent donc les même traits que les institutions psy. Sur la liste psychanalyse, à présent, on remarque l'importance qui est donnée au fantasme (et le refus d'examiner la scène primitive) ; or le fantasme est-il encore une psychologie du moi (idéale) - tandis que la scène primitive correspond à l'objectivité du sujet (matériel). Faii comme phichanalyse entretiennent, défendent, maintiennent l'illusion du moi (le moi illusoire).

   Ce à quoi la LG correspond, c'est à la cybernétique qui va réduire le fantasme et/ou l'illusion du moi - et établir l'identification du corps (biologique/génétique). La connaissance, reconnaissance ou identification du corps se réalise par les effets de la cybernétique et/ou LG. La société résiste à cette nouvelle identification.

   Paradoxalement le moyen d'humaniser la cybernétique et de préparer, de faire passer la personne humaine au stade d'une relation cybernétique, c'est la psychanalyse. Avant on réfléchissait seul et/ou avec dieu (transe) -- puis actuellement on apprend à réfléchir avec un autre (l'analyse du miroir/psyche = réflexion) -- c'est pour apprendre à réfléchir avec un ordinateur intelligence-artificielle. La psychanalyse est très temporaire à cet égard dans l'histoire de la civilisation ; mais elle est importante en ce qu'elle apprête l'humain à inséminer de sa pensée, l'intelligence artificielle.


mar. 2003/09/02 20:26

hello Will --

just happily read yr two posts (quand son son fait parole, et interrogation) -- i am saving the reading of the new page (Existence Aout) until after i have written this. -- good to see your ordinateur has not exploded -- or if it did, that it has now returned again -- to the nou(niver)s(e)...

"orthophoniste" -- that is called "speech therapist" here i assume? -- we had one that worked with us in the Horizons Program i remember -- though she worked out of the administration offices in the building she was a full-face sort of person. her name was Sarah Bader, and a colleague of mine somewhat affectionately nicknamed her 'Darth Bader' -- from some galaxie prochaine... :-)

anyway, i have been sketching out some notes towards my GL5 presentation this past week, and trace some connections with what you write below:

Les institutions comme Faii sont très férues de psy, psychologie, psychodrame, psychanalyse, tout ce qui fait chic! Elle manifestent donc les même traits que les institutions psy. Sur la liste psychanalyse, à présent, on remarque l'importance qui est donnée au fantasme (et le refus d'examiner la scène primitive) ; or le fantasme est-il encore une psychologie du moi (idéale) - tandis que la scène primitive correspond à l'objectivité du sujet (matériel). Faii comme phichanalyse entretiennent, défendent, maintiennent l'illusion du moi (le moi illusoire).

Institutions like Branford High School are keen on all the new&improved modes of education: performance based graduation requirements, project learning, cooperative learning, etc etc (there is a whole busy-ness here that markets such models to schools) -- but it is still the fantasme and the maintenance of the ego-illusion that rules, in resistance to the actual bodies/eco-niches. To illustrate this:

Schools like to promote the (GL) production of the students. For a given student to have hes work promoted, s/he needs to meet certain (ideal) expectations of the teacher, who in hes turn must take care to meet the (ideal) expectations of the administrators, who in their turn appeal to the id-expects of the "Board of Education" -- an elected council representing the community & its law.

 Ce à quoi la LG correspond, c'est à la cybernétique qui va réduire le fantasme et/ou l'illusion du moi - et établir l'identification du corps (biologique/génétique). La connaissance, reconnaissance ou identification du corps se réalise par les effets de la cybernétique et/ou LG. La société résiste à cette nouvelle identification.

Yes -- I find this marked in the anxiety that attended the introduction of computers in the school system, and the care taken to regulate student (and also of course teacher etc) behaviour on the computer. When the schools here hooked up to the internet in 1998-99 this anxiety only increased -- firewalls designed to keep students from prohibited areas (porno-phobia here in l'amerika in particular). -- Poorly designed firewalls, I should add, as my students were often very happy to show me how to bypass such.

There was a room in the library/media center with about a dozen computers available to students: the first year on the internet I noticed that of the twelve students sitting before the terminals, generally one or two were doing research or browsing the web -- the rest were playing games. By the next year these numbers had changed: one or two would still be browsing/researching, but another 9 or 10 would be instant messenging or writing emails, with one game-player left...

By the end of my time at BHS a good percentage of the students had discovered the ease with which the budding AI lets web-sites be set up, and were making use of it -- thus by-passing the official promotion of their LG entirely...

Paradoxalement le moyen d'humaniser la cybernétique et de préparer, de faire passer la personne humaine au stade d'une relation cybernétique, c'est la psychanalyse. Avant on réfléchissait seul et/ou avec dieu (transe) -- puis actuellement on apprend à réfléchir avec un autre (l'analyse du miroir/psyche = réflexion) -- c'est pour apprendre à réfléchir avec un ordinateur intelligence-artificielle. La psychanalyse est très temporaire à cet égard dans l'histoire de la civilisation ; mais elle est importante en ce qu'elle apprête l'humain à inséminer de sa pensée, l'intelligence artificielle.

Yes! -- un deux notes encores:

...students were always most happy to reflect upon their web-sites with me...

... resistance to the resistance (in the sense of revolution, transvaluation etc) was overtly marked in the Horizons Program (as an 'alternative program') -- but i plan to carefully subsume this (in my presentation) in careful analysis -- as a general rhetorical strategy...

a bien thoth




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