An email-list thread about the possible cause of childhood
disorder |
I was supporting
the idea that the repression of the collective knowledge about Genetics was
likely to cause the absenteism of fathers AND child disorders - while
other points of view expressed a relation : 'absenteism of fathers THUS
child disorders.'
So Steve summarized
my position as such:
The 'causality'
that William speaks of must include in it's scheme :
the genetic
he speaks of,
of this knowledge,
behavior of
and, the
effects of
I could not
say better, and this wonderful stance allows a formulation that will certainly
be helpful, thanks to Lacan too.
We know that
Lacan got (at least part of) his
inspiration from the Saussurian foundation of Linguistics - which expresses
the meaning (Significands) as
a series which covers (circulates over)
the meant (signified).
In introducing
a rotation (instead
of a simple circulation; fig.above) Lacan consolidated a notion for
the metaphor (which rallied at the same time the notion and
art of Memory, with the freudian
constant of the father-murder).
It can only
be in such a link with a memory theory that Psychoanalysis may claim for
an authority (from its theory as well as from its praxis)
upon causation and ethics (aka 'change'). So, for instance, it enlightens,
for an understanding, fatherhood in our present time civilization.
Of course, this
may be the mother's knowledge, for the best ; whoever carries it - it may
be evenbetter with Artificial Intelligence - this is what Steve shows
That the repression
is at the Agent Place, the
formation of the Ideal
clearly shows.
More advanced
is this ambiguity that must be present if mankind is facing the understanding
of narcicism (we may wonder how the overpopulation could be without effects
on present childhood) - for - if there is such an ambiguity where father
and child are indistincive in the present casuistic, it leads to the mother's
In this second position,
the Behavior means 'disorder in the Name of the Father'
which consists as the Mother's desire
(which products the genetic knowledge)
This little
exercise recalls how a true casuistic is difficult the conclude - but possible
to describe. In the child disorder we may find three causes : the biological
state of the society, the absenteism of the father, the desire of the mother.
What is in cause
- repression of the 'Y' (repression of genetic knowledge) or absence
of the Father's Name in childhood ? Where a third
party may offer an answer is not new. It was already shown when
the rooster solves the enigma of what is first between the hen or the
This logic is
known a borromean, in a lacanian point of view.
By this example with genetics, the formation of code is depicted (at least
and thus the process of Evolution.
© CYBEK of New York, 1999.