When I met the author of
Oedipus Philosopher (J.J.Goux), he told to me of his interest for the Amarnian
Art. He did not tell me however, if it was a side-issue of his look on Greece.
This would have been symetrical with Egyptologist Osman's interest
for Greek Theater
It was the birth of geometrical
and optical perspectives in Amarna which fascinated J.G - their focus
point toward the cipher, aka zero, which we know today as the Name of
the Father
] thanks
to Lacan. We also understand that it was unknown
by Plato (and/or his fellows)
The fact that Lacan gave
a name to the zero does not mean that he deciphered its combination
with the Code (logic of code) - to the contrary, his Linguistics (logic of
Significand) may have turned into an attachement which hampered his extension
towards Environmentalism. It may have thus obviated the ecological result
of a Science of the Code (genetics). Such a failure deserves a word :
was Freudian as much as Tycho was Copernician. The many
similarities between Lacan's perspectives and
Tycho's are important enough for the history
of thinking
], and the way he denied this
resemblance was expressive. In one of his Seminars he confessed his
feeling of being persecuted when two of his disciples made the comparison
of his linguistic system with Tycho's cosmology (in their book titled in
French: Le Titre de la Lettre). Lacan became hysterical on this occasion,
as much as he did elsewhere when he swore: "the sperm of the name of
God,"about the relation between Moses and
A direct way to depict
his conjunction in history of thinking, is to say that Lacan was a Psychoanalyst
as much as Oedipus was a Monotheist.
In order
to untangle this riddle in relation with the involved set of figures, characters
and models, it is indicated to begin with a study
] regarding the
Zoraster (Zarathushtra) that the philosopher
sees as a Monotheist Reconstructor.
position may be seen within the Primal Scene
phenomenology whose hypothesis I develop
in the
According to this hypothesis,
HAMOO would represent
the historical expression of the Classical Western Heroic Initiation
]. What is called the EXODUS would be THE
![]() ![]()
The foundation of this scenario is detailled in
Let's consider, from this example, the three issues of an Inititation:
Freud's option is the most simple and radical. It consists of denying it. Freud says: the initiation did not take place, or was thwarted. He says: Moses has been killed, and he refuses to consider an Historical Oedipus. If the Initiation in fact took place, this option leaves the opportunity of a dream. The repressed event with its outcome appears inversed, as a negative film which shows in this case the murder-of-the-father fantasm (instead of the immortalization that the initiation reveals - re:below).The Initiation is frozen at its early stage, with a conviction of an actual incest (it is also - like Copernicus sleeping on a flat Earth, Freud's awareness, sleeping and dreaming in an Ecosystem that he consumes).
Lacan's option is more complex, he does not disregard
Oedipus and he understands that the incest is a metaphor of the Collective.
In doing so, the Initiation is acknowledged; it cannot
be denied but may be disowned. This is Oedipus philosopher
who has not yet integrated the Code (genetics) beyond the social
metaphor; he cannot come around the failure of the Initiation - and
therefore he extends the murder-of-the-father to his own person. This has
been typical in Lacan's blunder.
When he
reaches the question of Oedipus' death, in a public Seminar,
Lacan proved the most untrue teaching regarding Oedipus. He declared that
Oedipus death had been reported to being or representing the horror of a
putrefaction - which is exactly the opposite in Sophocles text he referred
to (since Theseus report a miracle without agony). Lacan was depicting there
how he was thinking about his own death.
The Success
Option may not be seen without continuing the reading of the historical
Western Heroic Initiation. Keeping in mind that a successfull
Initiation can only be with the collective acknowledgement
of its success, history does not show is at first in Akhnaton's
First, an Akhnaton-Moses
is simply denied by the rabbi Ministry. Then, when the Akhnaton-Moses-Oedipus
episode closes its circle
with Socrates, the Alexandrian
and Ptolomean period reactualized Akhnaton's entire Empire and (re)built
Hermopolis Magna on Amarna's site (contemporary Assiout).
During several centuries the philosopher failure (Socrates) is indeed
represented (while the Truth has rallied the Secret as practiced in Egypt
However, when this status
is terminated by the emergent Roman Empire, suddenly, in Israel, the figure
of Jesus appears, who displays an Initiation concluding
with a resurrection. Inasmuch it is acknowledged by a community
(Christianity) - which consequently gives the verdict of a successful initiation
- it is contersigned by the co-emergent Hermes Trismegistus, the being who
underwent successfully the Western Heroic Initiation.
This may implies the logic
of the success of the initiation. The rest will be shown by our future -
now that the scientific data gives an opportunity for the community to identify
the Triple Hermes (Trismegistus) as Akhnaton-Moses-Oedipus the
option to believe in this interpretation of history may be
necessary, followed by the realization of what this success means
From a first sight, it
means escaping death. After birth/anti-incest and durability/father-naming,
a intringuing operation takes place, which appears to refer the logic of
Code. It may be the Civil Code but also the biologic dimension of Genetics.
Genetics is startling and
dazzling for us. Clones and redefinition of the ego may change notably our
grasp of consciousness as well as transform our idea
of mortality.
Trismegistus 'Alchemy was
perhaps valid, and in spite of the Inquisition, our technology may be its
infant. akhnaton.net and dnafoundation.com web sites show intensively the
closeness beween genetics and psychoanalysis, if the later is the Unconscious
representation of the Hermetic Art of Memory.
This may
lead to close with Lacan's page on a anecdote, which came
to me, about the pathology that his repression was showing; when arguing
to be quite zen he was customarily slapping his disciples. When Lydia
Torasi, coming from Tunis, visited him without knowing the new vogue, she
suggested that she could clone (photocopy) her writing before giving them
- this is how I interpret the smack he answered
Lydia's production has
eventually come to the present site and exposes how the DNA can take the
place of the Letter
. In such case, we
must face that Genetics empowerment means overcoming
death. This would be the success of the scientist upon the failure
of the philosopher.
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