NOTESAuthor : Zenon Kelper - Editor : Leona Termini-Theaux |
The great watershed in Egyptian history is reached in the seventeenth
century BC, when the nation woke up to the realization that its government
had fallen into the hands of a line of Asiatic princes ruling in Memphis
with all the authority of the pharaoh. Long afterwards, the Ptolemaic historian
Manetho could only explain this take-over as the result of the erruption
of a conquering horde, like the Persians of his own day, though it was the
echo of a legend that dated back to the time of Queen Hatshepsut (18th
excerpt from Cyril Aldred - AKHENATEN King of
Actually those invaders are not firmly identified by Egyptology, which only refers to their indisputable presence under the name of Hyksos. Their influence ended during the 18th dynasty, which began with the pharaoh A-Moses (1540 BC) , followed by several Thot-Moses, and ended with Akhnaton and his successor Tutankhamon (ThotAnkhAmon born ThotAnkhAton) (1331 BC).
back to text Akhnaton - (otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
Regarding Nefertiti's origins, one can only note that among various classical theories, none views her possible lineage from contemporary Turkey, the place of the Hittite Kingdom at that time. If the marriage Akhnaton-Nefertiti followed a long standing practice (TuhtMosis III and IV contracted marriages with the daughter of Asiatic princes, and their example cannot have been unique: Amenophis III espoused Gilukhipa of the Mitanni, and, following Akhnaton, Ramses II espoused a Hittite Princess), Nefertiti may well have come from the Aegean area. It is quite possible, and omitted by the classical hypothesis- for a possible Unconscious-Repression, such omission underlines the hypothesis. The "Hittite" origins of Nefertiti would explain/reinforce Akhnaton's probable behavior. For instance, after his exodus - after he reasserted on the Sinai his former policy with his mother Tiy (see the statue of Tiy excavated in the temple of Serabit el Khadim in the Sinai by Petrie in 1904) since their plans failed in Egypt, he would have reiterated an exile (beyond the Sinai & beyond his `Moses' figure) at Kolona (ancient name for Troy according to D.Anselin), in the Aegean world (this would explain the later "Oedipus at Colonus"); there he would have restored/resumed his former policy with his Chief Queen Nefertiti since their plans had likewise failed in Egypt. (psychohistoricaly, this would prove that Akhnaton had overcome the infant/mother complex, as it is described by the completion - i.e. including Oedipus at Colonus, neglected by Freud - myth of Oedipus).
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This note will be understood especially if the reader has already a good notion of the whole thesis Akhnaton-Moses-Oedipus - for the analysis of the end of the Classical Greece (400 BC) brings a reinforcement of the hypothesis of its origins (this recurrent assertion being a regular law of history/memory/conception-of-time; see the conclusion of the Lacanian principle of anticipated assertion of certainty - link under-construction).
Indeed, it is expected that, when the Socratic Athens crumbled, it disclosed the meaning and the characteristics of its foundation (similarly, common sense suggests that within a phenomenology of subjectivity, Death recovers the consciousness of Birth, alias the linguistic conjunction of the Primal Significant). In other words, it is probable that the End, as achievement of effects, displays the Cause in a certain way. In the case of Athens and its civilization, History shows that by its fall, Alexander the Great unified a vast territory towards Asia and the South, including Egypt, where he has been identified as a pharaoh.
However brief and violent his career, a phenomenology
that the foundation of Athens was part of a drive which involved this very
same area.
If we add to this phenomenological argument, the logic of the
- that is, in this case, the high potential of information
carried by the Oedipian report one read at the beginning of the plays, that
Oedipus indeed inherited a territory which was called the Isthmus - which
had to be, in Akhnaton's case, the area joining Eurasia and Africa. That
is the area covered by Alexander the Great (Aegean, Persia, Arabia, Egypt).
There is thereafter, an homogeneous relation, similar to an echo, between
the prelude and the doom of the Athenian (Delos) period. This is also discussed
in the article about Trismegistus [see Hermopolis Magna - link under
This point of view matches the policy of alliances during the 18th Dynasty (AMoses Cycle) which seems to have looked for a definite restoration of Egyptian rule over this whole isthmus (after the 18th, it is also indicated by Ramses' policy at Qades).
This suggests that the military phase (extended up to Asia, Mitani) did not include the Aegean domain - although Amenophis the Third and his son Akhnaton intended to apply the following political phase to this unprepared/resistant part of the project. The lack of military, physical or material phase led to the failure of their unifying plan.
rem: this note relates to a geopolitical essay which search for the transcultural and ecological intention of the Egyptian Brotherhood. It is part of the Game.
rem2:This note looks at Nefertiti as Hittite or so - it is consequently entirely hypothetical.
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Akhnaton's sarcophagus had been found occupied by his son's mummy, SemenKhaRe; moreover, this sarcophagus had been found in Tiy's tomb (Akhnaton's mother). Such an improbable combination is difficult to explain - except with Velikovsky's excellent work showing how Sophocles' play (Antigone, about Oedipus/Akhnaton's children) gives a sound and rational description of the event.
back to text Akhnaton - (otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
Using a child who could not realize what his betrayal meant, the priestly
politicians changed the suffix of Akhnaton's son, ThutAnkhAton which
included the sole God or the Ethics of Akhnaton's
unifying policy, to ThutAnkhAmon which included a mirage of
polytheistic images of animal gods. This administrative move and ideology
which suited their economic and power plans much better, is well described
in Sophocles' play Oedipus at Colonus
. Thus the infant, nonetheless became famous since his
tomb has been the only one to be found intact three thousand years later,
by the twentieth century Egyptologists. His legend as Polynice (in
) was already depicting him and his tomb as specially
protected by the political spell of the Thebean politician magicians/priest.
It is indeed a remarkable coincidence, and shows the order of the
Unconscious in the collective human history.
back to text Akhnaton - (otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
'Perduction' is a neologism coined to mean to pass/drive through (as a string of pearls). 'Pearls' pronunciation evokes already 'per' - which means to pass through, as perfection through facts and performance through forms - one can also thing of perception which captures though senses. In French, the name 'father' is pronounced "per" (père).
'Ducere' means to drive, as to conduct - re: Duce in Ialian which means the Leader, the guide. Perduction means the combination of a path (a dynamic topos) within an environment, which both leads, maintains a continuity - as in the combination between a filiation's male bodies with the Y chromosome. This applies also to the letter itself, so that 'perduction' means the linguistic conditioning of the Metonymic.
back to logic of naming - (otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
A Freudian repression is composed of several moments - as we can see the suppression of the memory (of Hermes Trismegistus) at the Renaissance, and when 2 centuries later, the Revolutions restored the Free Thinking in political action, with the re-establishment of Bruno's movement (Freemason, Rosicrucian, Synarchy etc...), the Primal Repression (Champollion versus Fabre d'Olivet - Fabre was politician - True Masonry - and historian - Moses Pharaoh). The 20th century shows the Second Repression - which is analysable - with the obtuse Academia.
to Hermes Trismegistus / Hermetism
to repressure of Knowledge -
(otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
In his attempt to explain the end of the Republic and justify the divulgence of the former secret Knowledge which Athens held in its Temples/Schools, Plato explained that a mathem/algorithm was missing - which thenafter may have been acknowledged as the cipher, zero, introduced in Europe by Islam, and identified by Lacan as the representation of the Name-of-the-Father explaining the necessity for the Hellenic phae to be resumed by the Judaic, in Christianity
back to the fall of Knowledge - to Jacques Lacan - (otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
The historical, physical stations of Akhnaton's migration, are still uncertain. Once a major point is acquired - e.g. Akhnaton's initiation did not physically end by the Hebrews (in which case his end would have been a murder) - there are several possible sequences. The simplest (to fit Sophocles's report) is that the King of Thebes killed his father's God in Amarna, reigned with his mother/Israel by the Sinai, and gave his final initiation in Troy (especially probable if Nefertiti was Hittite) - this is MOST an hypothesis, which is JUST to show the simplest - if not simplistic - sketch.
back to Sophocles' Oedipus - (otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
It may be useful to underline how severe and systematic the deletion of Akhnaton has been in the History of Egypt. His successor Ramses banished his memory, and his name was erased form the Historical records for centuries. Actually this can define the Ramside Era ('Ramsessides'), which stood until the Greek Ptolemean period. During the Ramses reign, the deletion was international, and was part of the Quadesh reorganization of the "civilized" world (the Hittites also deleted the references they held to their ex-neighbor Akhnaton) - and evidently, Israel kept it silent and/or hidden under the cover of a fake-murder (see Freud, with this amusing notation that during his carrer, and especially when he was writing about the Murder of Moses, the biggest poster hanging in his office, and above the famous coach represented Ramses.II! - the commander of the propaganda of Akhnaton's murder or oblivion). It can be said that from Ramses II (1250.B.C.) up to 400.B.C. nothing - no artifacts, no teaching, no words, had been expressed about Akhnaton, whose Solar City was part of the great desert, and the archeological pieces of which were buried as embankments to his successors' monuments.
back to Oedipus - (otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
Ramses.2 pursued a vigorous foreign policy by attacking the Hittites, the chief opponents of the Egyptian empire in the East. About 1300 BC, Mursilis II's successor, Muwatallis (r. c. 1315-1296 BC), won a victory over the Egyptians at Quades (Kadesh) on the Orontes River, in Syria, thus preserving his influence in north Syria. Ramses' first campaigns against the Hittites (1300-1299 BC) thus ended in an Egyptian retreat after a violent battle, during which Ramses narrowly escaped capture. The consequent loss of prestige sparked revolts within the empire, and Ramses could not resume direct hostilities against the Hittites until 1294; the conflicts were finally concluded by a peace treaty in 1283. The treaty between Hattusilis III (r. c. 1289-1265 BC) and Ramses II insured peace between the Hittites and Egypt on the southern border of the empire. Quades had also been the military major place of ThutMoses who had started the 18th Dynasty endeavor of unifying the territory of the entire East-Mediterranean (a project which included probably Crete with the Aegean, according to its relation with the Amarnian culture of Akhnaton) under a sole authority. This political project which can be recognized through the Atonism experience can be dated, starting with ThutMoses at Quades, and ending with Ramses.2, a Quades. The negotiation and treaty of Quades in 1283/64BC was an international organization instead of a Monogovernment (Monotheism). A way or another, the Hebrew tribes were probably part of the new system - it is noticeable.that the Bible never mention the Hittite/Egyptian Qades, but a Qades which only refer to the organization between the Hebrew Tribes at the entrance door of the Promise Land.
back to Osman OUT OF EGYPT - (otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
This note may introduce to a vast area of observation: the "Ritual Babylonian Incest" may or may not have been a alibi for Akhnaton - it may have been an interpretation from the posterior fantasm/propaganda which accompany his story. In both cases, it is enlightening to include the Incest fact/symbol in a larger picture. If (as it is said in Sophocles' Oedipus, the king of Thebes received inheritance of the whole isthmus -in Akhnaton's case, it would have been Arabia and its attachment to Europe, Asia, and Africa - i.e. what Alexander later persued) the territory projected as being the under the Aton policy was as big as the Aegean (Minos, Troy/Kolona, Nefertiti) + Egypt (& Sinai & Arabia) + Babylonia, (including Mitani, Sumer, etc...). Therefore, the "babylonian incest" is just part of a compound - for the Kingdom of Mitany had already set Hamurabi's Tables of the Law, as earlier Sargon, in Sumer, set his founding myth (a semite, laid in the river by his mother, saved and brought at the kinship court etc...). This picture explains why on his Sinai stage, "Moses" gave to the people of Abraham, Hamurabi,'s Tables of Law (given to Hamurabi by the sole God as they displayed) and Sargon's founding myth (historians acknowledge that Moses' origin story is Sargon's - see Freud).
back to Akhnaton - (otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
Akhnaton's worshiping of the Sun/Sunset - arleady re-established by his father, it was one of the earliest cult in Egypt (found in On, later Heliopolis). It asks the question as if Egypt knew an early and pure monotheism. Today some scholars identify Atonism as an invention in Akhnaton's time - which is wrong but does not dismiss that it was re-actualized with political intentions (it was a simple and minimalist cult which was able to gather each one amongst the many religions of the Isthmus).
Back to Zoraster analysis - (otherwise use keyboard : Alt+left)
Four good examples of the symptomatic resistance which follows the first step in the disclosure of the repressed : Freud connected Moses with Akhnaton (but fainted when his disciples applied the same operation with Oedipus) and devoted his ulterior studies to demonstrate wrongly that Moses had been killed (and thus could not become Oedipus). Velikovsky connects Oedipus with Akhnaton (but engaged a thirty years dispute about astronomy) and devotes his ulterior studies to wrongly transforming the entire egyptological dating (bringing Akhnaton as contemporary of Solomon, thus preventing his possible coincidence with Moses). Osman shows that Moses is Akhnaton (and forgets all of his youthful passion for Greek Theater) and rushes his ulterior study to prove wrongly that Jesus did not exist but as a metonym of ThutAnkhAmon. Bernal wrote- Black Athena - where he shows the African/Egyptian root of Hellenism (and becomes a reference for American Black Power) until he wonders how to prove that Judaism had nothing to do with this.
Recent history give a good example of repetition - and an opportunity to meditate on the repression attempted by one of the major figure who began to disclose Akhnaton's triple identity - e.g. Velikovsky who claimed that Akhnaton lived by the time of Solomon (after he had successfully identified him with Oedipus, yet preventing a similar identification with Moses). Recent history gives the following striking recollection between two American Presidents, A.Lincoln & J.F. Kennedy:
Excerpt from Strange Memories by
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in
1860. The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a
Lincoln's secretary was named
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both successors were named Johnson.
John Wilkes Booth, murderer of Lincoln was born
in 1839. Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names are made of fifteen letters.
Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a
warehouse. Booth and Oswald were both assassinated without a trial. |
This historical observation shows that Velikovsky could not rely on the match
between two sets of figures and/or the political context, as he did in finding
a similarity between Solomons' people and geopolitics, with Akhnaton's.
When Velikovsky brought Akhnaton into Solomon's time, he acted as an historian
in the future, who would conclude that A.Lincoln was J.F.Kennedy!
It is conceivable that, as an historian, he would make such hypothesis, for
the power of repetition is hardly believable for the human mind
(probably because it imposes the consideration of an Unconscious,
toward which our psychology is reluctant). However, the
incredible had been a fact with Lincoln/JFK, and it is a good lesson
for us, as a reminder that the traumatic repression of Atonism was an excellent
condition for producing, centuries later, a stunning series of repetitions,
amongst which was Solomon's neurotic conditioning.
Castration begins with the topological difference between male and female
human bodies - e.g. fact that the former have a sphincter (a testicles fort-da
) that the later have not. Then after, of course, since
it brings a language at their mouth, it is carried and brought as an 'effect
of language'.
But sperm shows how writing may have been founded before language (similar to : "the Letter preceding the Speech, as the inguinal masculinity before the human laryngeal ability to talk").
In the case of sperm, the Y chromosome is definitely a 'subject',
describing/drawing an evolutionary sentence - i.e. an historical lineage
- in this new dimension
that Genetics discloses, e.g. the genetic-poll. Notwithstanding the little
lights, who show that the ink comes from the ink factory as the Inc. from
the state - the great light showing the sperm (as Freud began in - beyond
the pleasure principle -) as the Inc. for manhood(1) hereby, goes closer
to the cause.i
NOTE (1) - I don't say 'humanhood' there ; for humanhood comes with language - re:above
excerpt from a forum diatribe contest
Relative and absolute dating.
In an exchange about Velikovsky's dating which applies on the Egyptian chronology a translation of several centuries, my correspondent indicate an excerpt from C.J. Ransom, in "The Age of Velikovsky" (pp. 169-170) :
"The dating of Egyptian history is one of the most controversial matters in the whole realm of Archaeology today. On the basis of radiocarbon dating we have come up with a very serious difference of 600 years between the old chronolgy and the radiocarbon evidence! We do not know how to account for it."
This would support Velikovsky 'Akhnaton-Moses dislocation' - but Ransom writes also in the following paragraph :
"Baker asked Rainey- "Is it your opinion then that we may expect some very drastic changes in the dates of the early Egyptian history in the next few years?" Rainey replied "Yes, and not only in Egtyp, but in the dating of the entire Ancient World, especially the Near East."
Since : "In the case of much of the antiquity,
the absolute dating of a culture is obtained by linking it to Egyptian history.
The real key to absolute time, then, is the association of a given culture
with Egyptian chronology. (ibid p.44)," Carbon-14 is thus
foiled, and one must again rely on the relative comparison between
In Akhnaton case strong evidence
seems already to
invalidate Velikovsky - yet it is also the opportunity here to refere
when Syro-Palestinians and
other Kings may repete the Amarnian event (while repressed in Egypt).
Relative dating must be aware of duplicates (it justifies the
application of the Psychoanalytical method in History - for this is part
of its fundamental concepts and expertise - NOTE in NOTE:
the encounters with such 'duplicates' cause Idealization and/or Transference
which explains collective hypnosis in relation with these
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