visit PLural ANalysis presentation

Before Philosophy
After Religion

the Complex of Science
alias identification of objects -
alias naming

Author : Zenon Kelper
1st Ed. Grey Literature undated - prob.1997-1998
2nd Ed. Oct/Nov 1999

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This page should be comical - as it claims that Philosophy is the History of Science; for scientists are comical - this must be acknowledged. If one can't see it, it cannot be explained - when a comical situation is explained, it loses its comical effect.

It is made of three parts:

- an introduction which comes with the 2nd edition

- the first edition which presents the History of Science

- an hypothetical phase in the process of naming which comes also
with the 2nd edition.

Be aware that the fisrt part is psychopathological - it presents little interest; it's just worth an ethic that concerns myself. Only the third part may be, very hypothetically, interesting. I strongly suggest to the reader to skip directly to this third part.


Things, facts, and their names - Naming


I was in contact recently with a very rare researcher on durgs - it must be remembered that except in the army and secret police lab, there is no research on drug in our universities, even in free democratic country, this institution which are initially devoted to the universel aspect of human experience, the promotion would be so impedimented that no researcher chose this topic of study - there is no nobel price in this direction.
This collective reciprocity of terror has me also to make pecise my personnal opinion about brain chemical agents. I believe that their prohibition will leave the academia, the government, the business and the industry, in the next episode in the adventure of humanity, with no other drive-object for caring than sexuality. Especially since reproduction can be now controled, libido seems to be in position, and already well prepared, for our next police and military social self-control. I see also that there is possibly an immense number of possible variations of life expression in the cosmos, so that I  cannot be sure if humankind must become a community a aunts, or the eye of Chaos, for the natural good. I can only know in the present time, that my human fellow, the researcher on drugs that I was in contact with, shows me a case which was simply absurd (see archive note).

When I informed him about the recent article Medicine of the Social Body, he answered that his activity was busy with research on medicine, so that he had no time for lending attention to my discourse. It was somewhat puzzling, as from another part of his staff who wrote that they were exploring the medical and therapeutic applications of psychedelic drugs and marijuana and that "even within this context we strive for FDA approved clinical studies". In conclusion, their group which was officially defined as a multidisciplinary association for psychedelic studies advise me that they did not have time for reading papers from other disciplines.
The Medicine of the Social Body is an article about the medical function of institutions and their position in regard to therapeutics - it includes moreover a focus on brain chemistery administration. It is clear, that at a first level, it is because it is dense, and requires attention, that these busy researchers rejected it. There is also another level which call for an allegorical description:

There was, in another tide, a researcher who was very focused on improving nails. The hammer was not discussed - as no one discusses the Law - but since he had to nail in some kind of butter, and that more than often that butter was melting under the sun, nothing could be hooked to his nail, which seemed therefore to be in need of an improvement. He thus invested his energy in the nail industry - and said that he had no time for the study of dietetic when he heard about the matter of butter .

This short parable may seem ironical in the present context - but this is not its aim at all. The only reason why it seems a little comical is because it is always in such embarasing form that results from the unconscious are accountable to us. Instead of getting upset there is much greater advantage in looking at the essential information it always delivers.
In the case of the medical application of psychedelic drugs and mnarijuana, the situation is simply outstanding and quite clear. I know it for during my training in Psychiatry, I studied in the pharmaceutical department (INSERM) of the main Parisian Mental Health Hospital, in a time when researchers were focusing on this emerging question. The therapeutic potential of psychedelics has been shown obvious. They are dangerous as insuline is dangerous, and actually as any form of powerful medicine is dangerous when it is misused.
About marijunana, comparative tests were made beside Valium and the range of other approved anxiolytics, with the result that marijunana was ranking the best performance of all, and was one which  had the least side effects. On the base of this observation: all the more the therapeutic aspect of anxiolysis can be discussed, the less it can be denied that its prohibition is such an attempt to freedom, that it is that insult to the political principles which is responsible for serious neurosis in the population.
There are little need to say either how benign and usefull Cocaine has been for certain culture - and to remind that the source of religion, and probably a factor of morality, found quite beneficial uses in consciousness chemistry - that it participated in philosophy and science, and, of course, has been an essential part in traditional medicine. All this indicates that the nail is there, solid, sharp and efficient - there is not a single doubt about it - and it is definitely from the side of the support that something is sliping.

The Unconscious is closely linked to the Collective Psychology - the designand of the prescriptions and applications of drugs is the collectivity; it is remarkable how this can be forgotten by researchers who explores the medical and therapeutic applications of psychedelic drugs and marijuana. Beside what may be found in a loss of time (Principle of Pleasure), this oblivion indicates their involvement, as products or agents, in the collective repression which manifests the Unconscious, and this is the reason why they manifests funny symptoms although they are with no doubt quite serious people.
The anger which may sometime react to embarrassing blunder absurdities, is already in Oedipus' pattern; in hope that we took lesson from his story, we will not have to gouge our eyes - but all the opposite, it may be an opportunity to open them, and go somewhat deeper in our knowledge.
As Science always uses tools, this page is an appropriate place for the examination of two amongst them: drugs and cybernetics. (Then, below in the third part, we will be able to view the historical data that we can prepose for the history of Science)


If the brain - the Neural/Brain System - is one part (B) of a system which has separated the body - the Soma (S) from Nature - Evironment (E), the industry of N's activity is a prototype for the logic of Cybernetics. In other words, stimulating (S) with drugs modifies a control from a control instance. When both the controls are the same, the situation is drug self-prescription - that seems to differ from the prescription of drug by a doctor to a patient (or a witch to a victim; re: the historical fantasm of the Inquisition); but that's only seeming, for the control modification is super-determined in all cases by (n), the plurality which makes the Social group.
The Cybernetics of civilization [or the Cybernetics that is Civilization] should be thus represented by a formula which includes (B), (S), (E) and (n).

I asked a specialized Univerity eMailGroup Team if the formula should include other parts. I began with a question.
Subject: Re: candid question about measurement
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 09:48:34 -0400

Does a measurement represent something for another thing?
As for instance 10 cm represent something for a metric system.

Is it a valid proposition? Does it make sense? Is it a usual definition?

The Scientist moderator of the Complex System Study Group answered
I would like to distribute your post, but I couldn't understand what you are saying.
Could you write a few more clarifying words and resend it?

It was embarassing. However I directed him toward
And as it was sadly predictable he stoped to answer.

We shall have to wait a little before the scientific community gets helping to know how to formulate the environmental effects (E) of the Stimulation (S) of the brains (B) of a mass (a) of people.
So while the have nice dreams - and we know that dreams can be very clever - Egyptology came back to me to occupy my time, with a note from an Egyptologist who is awakening; she wrote in

But, already, without even having read the book, I can diagnose the problem. It's called "being an Egyptologist", most of whom are very concerned about the opinions of their peers. The "accepted" thing to do right now is to totally ignore the ancient historians, even though all of them were a lot closer to dynastic Egypt than we are. I don't happen to understand how it comes to be that modern scholars think they know better "in every respect" than the old-timers. But that's how it is. Now, admittedly, the writers of antiquity were confused about many aspects of what they thought of as Egyptian history and culture, but if one troubles to try to interpret their writings in light of what later scholarship has unearthed, there is much to be found there. But it is now taboo to bother with them, even though the slightest artifact--let us say a piece of a stela from Egypt, itself, like the "Co-regency Stela"-- is gone over as carefully as though it were the "Shroud of Turin", itself, and interpreted in as many ways as there are scholars to do the job. So let us see how Assman manages to juggle his commitment to the Establishment vs. his commitment to finding out the truth.

To this I answered
Title: About our intellect (following post 321)

In post 321 ML writes about repression:
>But, already, without even having read the book, I
>can diagnose the problem. It's called "being an Egyptologist",
>most of whom are very concerned about the opinions of their
>peers. The "accepted" thing to do right now is to totally ignore
>the ancient historians,

I agree with you in a previous post titled 'Immaturity of Egyptology' - yet I believe that this state of mentality is not exclusive to Egyptology. In post#303 in indicated how the situation was the same in the field of Psychoanalysis, with professors who teach about the Oedipus Complex refuse to mention that Oedipus was probably the historical Akhnaton, and distribute rewards to their students when they ommit to mention the work of the banished Psychoanalyst Velikovsky. So both Hard Science officials and Psy Science officials ignore - and ridicule - each one another.

In #371, I wrote to Rachel that Hard Science discloses objects and events which are like Letters creating a text. Colors can be mentioned in a text and one can imagine them. But a text does not give colors as a picture do. As memory, history, Psy Science discloses elements like a photo picture - using a similar process as a 'negative film', for most of what memory/history transfer into the present is given through deny, and other alteration that we call repression.

Both well read text and revealed picture must combine together.
In that sense, I believe that Egyptology plus Psychoanalysis make the modern form of what R.Steiner (whom Daniel mentioned) was calling Spiritual Science.

The question is: Why is there so much opposition when Hard and Psy sciences are divorced? Because lawyers - and priest - make money with divorces - this is the first easy answer, I guess! But there are at least two other reasons:
When Hard and Psy sciences are blended, we may come to the Truth, and there suddenly, horrifying political questions erupt. This is very linked to the academics' concern with power and salary. But even the mass of lay people hate anything which reminds anything about slavery.

The second or third reason is cold like water in a cave:
It was warm in Amarna when it was the primal scene of a civilization alchemical process. It was even hot by the burning bushes and later in Nero's garden, then on the altars of the Inquisition. Yet superdetermined by the Unconscious, the alchemical slaves and even the working class heroes have eventually completed the program - we have achieved robotics, Artificial Intelligence and chemistry of the Code. So now that the forest is burning, we'll have to surrender - and we'll have to transfer our intelligence toward the machine. But because of the difference of temperature, we fell it very cooold !

This may be a third reason, why academics are welcome to be stupid, while in freezing silence we sink or immerge into the cyberbox... If we were awake, we may fight and refuse this fate. R.Steiner was describing this process as a descent into the Arhimanic world. In order to avoid all interrupting competition the human consciouness must get numb, while a supra-intelligence begins to grow at a planetary scale.

I concluded this message in noticing that if Akhnaton was Oedipus and exiled as Moses - then he has been Trismegistus, the patron of the Alchemists, and consequently Amarna was where that process started.
If we admit this process, we may not be so afraid for we understand that it may be a kind of underworld episode from which an initiated ecologically sane life on earth may resurge. Keeping the memory during this obscure transition is possibly the key, and thus the reason why we try to remember what happened with Amarna.

Since we may not know yet how to articulate together the science of the brain and the ecological management, we shall safeguard our ambition in the study of the Primal Scene - to which I contribute with the third part of this page.

NOTE: The two replies to The Medicine of the Social Body <back to text>

It is a little difficult for me to understand what you are talking about.  These days I am focusing on relatively basic research questions about medical applications of psychedelics and marijuana and unfortunately do not have the time or ability to address larger issues such as the drug war and its psychological causes. I wish you well in your work.


Dear William,

I appreciate your interest in MAPS, if you have had time to look at the MAPS Bulletin then you can see that our focus is fairly narrow. We only publish articles and fund research that explores the medical and therapeutic applications of psychedelic drugs and marijuana. Even within this context we strive for FDA approved clinical studies. With a staff of only three we stay very busy and do not have alot of time for reading papers from other disciplines. Thank you all the same for sharing your work with us and best of luck.



Code of the Names

all graphs

main graphs

see naming

see topo

Science is but an Ideal until it results from the use of the machines that its intuition generates.

This acheivement of Science is acknowledged by Freud in The Future of an Illusion, where he identifies his Psychoanalysis (20th century).

Before the 20th century, Hermeticism made the hinge of the constituion of its machines (as Robots with Leonardo DeVinci, Artificial Memory with Giordano Bruno - according to F.A.Yates, etc...).

Before Hermeticism, Aristotelism balanced the resistancies against Platonism and its idealisation of Science.

From Ancient Greece (first Republic) - via Middle-Ages - then passed the Renaissance as the result of the Inquisition - eventualy Science comes to awareness.

This happens when Philosophy reveals itself as History of sciences - that is its acknowledgement as Psychoanalysis - as a practice, it results into a Discourse of Biotech (seen in CYBEK).


Prehistory of the Names

1st notion: The collective individuation
2nd notion: The Mixed Multitude (the Plural)
3rd notion: The Murder of the Father


The Tragic Collective Event of Amarna

Three parts/Three notions
The collective individuation
The Mixed Multitude (the Plural)
The Murder of the Father

[... Snip ... more antedelvian Freudian hogwash ...]


1st notion: The collective individuation

The meaning of the term 'Collective Individuation' is ambiguous - for it indicates a new concept, or the concept of Social Body which has been repressed.

An example in History gives an illustration;

Since computers enhance the climate observation, the desertification of the Sahara which took place at the dawn and during the earliest period of Ancient Egypt, has been proven to be in relationship with tilts of the magnetic axis of Earth (therefore validating Velikovsky's observation which has been ridiculed by scholars for 40 years). We have thus an obligation to consider that the Saharian population participated with the foundation of Egypt, according certain characteristics. Theses characteristics were those of a reduced, remnant, surviving, population and its culture. Especially the ruling class had to transform, migrate, negotiate, adapt. There are indication groups (that we currently identify as feminine) with their tradition and knowledge, moved toward the Nile, for refuge and necessary alliances with the people that they encountered or replaced.
It seems that opportunities for these alliances were found with a rather homogeneous class of resident which were ruling the 'Isthmus' (I call Isthmus the African-Eurasian linking area which covers the Fertile Cressent and the Nile, its Delta as well as Arabia, the Aegean rim, and Mesopotamia). These rulers were organized in a large 'family' (following Charles Pope's description).

The feminine group coming from Sahara met with the outskirts branches of this ruling network - where the most eccentric, the most ready for changes and opportunities were dominating, in comparison with the stable core in Babylonia (and/or Arabia of which large parts were also becoming a desert). These 'border' groups were more male and they could mate and merged with the feminine Saharian elite. This feminine community has been remembered as Sahra/Sarah (Sarah is a memory figure who bears children during such a long period of time that her epic indicates that 'she' was not physically an individual, but a group)

This example shows how, what was in fact a group, in the past and at the origins, has probably been remembered as a single entity/name which has been later understood or imagined as a individual. This is what I call Collective Individuation - yet there is more to this concept:

The ulterior phases of this collective moment show a tendency of the 'Sahra' group to evolve as a conceptual reduction which eventually lead to be represented by one physical individual. Such phenomenon, occurring in the above described context (which implied male/feminine, survival, power, geographical displacements etc...), can be read in three steps, from Sarah, to Hatshepsut, to Tiye (then Antigone), that represent sociological and psychological transformations.

The intermediary persona of Hatshepsut still showed an unstable individual physical identity - as it is expressed with her 'male' model according to the commentators. The final Tiye, well individualized on the base of feminine traits, represents the condensation of the original collective (mating her father, son, brother etc.. according to crossed clues which can be symbolic and/or genetic, from acheology, the Bible Jocheba - House/cast of Yo/Yuya - or the Greek Jocasta). Following this configuration, meaning a 'total' feminine and founding the myth or structure of the Incest, the next stage - Antigone - shows the mutation which establish, at the end of the process, the originating new persona of the following human phase. This is showing the part which is the Individuation from the Collective which characterises the current state of the concept of Collective Individuation.

In an analytical term, 'Collective Individuation' represents the primary phase of the individuation of the collective that implies a secondary phase of individuation from the collective, and results in the psychological possibility in human history to develop and to hold a concept of Social Body.



2nd notion: The Mixed Multitude (the Plural)

There is a tale about Moses, which comes from various sources (Biblical, Historians as Maneto, Josephus, Egyptology) - which has been well approached by C.Pope. If we bring together the many descriptions which refer to the Exodus, a fact surfaces, mysterious but well documented. It describes the fate of a 'mixed multitude', described in the Egyptian records as a crowd of sick people which has to be sent to destruction. It is not clear who was these people and if Akhnaton was involved in their execution, but amongst the facets that the bible presents, Moses would even have been one who was commanded to eliminate a similar group.

In all possibility - and even probability - Akhnaton may have, perhaps partly executed such order coming from Thebes, but spared the rest of the crowd (especially the youngers who were not ill), fleeing somewhat with them, and becoming 'Moses' - who was later remembered for this deed in sparing his people from Pharaoh's doom. But who were these people and why were they threatened?

In order to answer this question, the fact that Egyptologists - as we know that they must repress a grey discourse according to the structure of the academia - keep a limited religious description of Akhanton and neglect the political cause of the of the Amarna project, is a good clue.
The 'City of the Horizon' intended to unify a huge empire of multiple countries. The people of Amarna had to be a mixed population. There is a good probability that the 'mixed multitude', mentioned by ancient texts and historians, was the people of Amarna (which could also have extended to other territorial bases).

There are also clues of which illness had stroke these people. Infectious epidemics have been frequent in history of humankind and they may have been involved there. But this would not explain the complexity and the special measures of deletion that took place in this occasion. There is another series of evidence which must be mentioned:

Several authors and scientific studies  (from Sandoz pharmaceutical lab. for instance) have suspected that the use of a psychotropic fungus was part of the early Christian sacraments (this is not more outrageous than to notice the use of the alcohol/wine in nearby countries, where Bacchus and its drunkenness were well known to Jerusalen). If this however must remained questioned in Christian times, it was nonetheless probably an important factor in the ancient religions of Egypt and other Sacred cults all over the human land. The function of Sem-priests, who were undergoing dangerous hallucigenic experiences on the behalf of the pharaoh, is well known. In Moses' case - described as 'eager to see God 'and then facing the Burning Bush - one finds a typical semiology of the intoxiation with the 'ergot'. This was called the Burning Fever during the Middle-Ages when epidemics of intoxication by the 'ergotic' bread were exorsised by special squadrons from the Vatican, that was refering to Saint Antony as their patron - i.e. the alchemist physician from Greece, where the temple of Demeter was cultivating this LSD fungus (ergot), whose duty was to travel and teach the first Christain monk in the Egyptian desert, how to prepare and use the sacred bread of the new religion.

The ergot intoxication eventualy causes similar symptom as those of leprosy which has been described in the said mixed multitude. There is therefore a serious probability that the people of Amarna, collectively, experienced drugs induced trances - which were previously only praticed in secret temples and by high priests.

The people of the Amarnian experience were gathering from many various places of the immense empire that Egypt was intending to stabilized. They were sharing the project of an unified cultural reference - Aton - and the use of ritual and chemicals, which were usually kept secret during performances of institutionalized initiations.


3rd notion: The Murder of the Father

Freud has been the first author who described a link between Akhnaton and Moses - and as we contemplate the silence of the academia that had since surrounded him, he has also probably been the first one to repress something in this relationship. Probably was it the fact that he did not strictly identify each one with the other (adding the omission of the Oedipus link) - but it may also be the connection that he made between this identification and the murder-of-the-father, that he had theorized earlier in Totem and Taboo.
In his Totem and Taboo, Freud describes an early trauma, perhaps at the foundation of humankind, when the primitive tribe was cannibal and was eating the proeminent male, after having killed him. Freud claimed that a compulsion for guilt towards leaders found its root in this primitive ritual - as remembered in the Christian sacrament when the disciple eat the holy bread/body of Jesus.

Freud's complex observation is certainly valuable, with a condition: if we don't forget to mention in priority the simplest observations. With great frequency, the so-called primitive tribes, ritualistically use various kind of drugs and fungus, in order to catalyze cycles and rejuvenation of their collectivity. It is not rare for instance that Peyote is compared with a father. Beside Freud's interpretation of the Christian sacrament, the observation by modern agronomists of the special wheat and fungus which was known around the temple of Demeter, as described above, must certainly be mentioned. But there is something more to say after Freud's claim:

If the Collective Individuation is a phenomenon which applies to the feminine community, it also certainly, originaly or eventually, processes also male references. If a certain group can be named as a mother, another can also be remembered as father. There is thus a very interesting meaning, beside the example of peyote/father, which is that a social body, which is under the influence of certain drugs, can be identified as the primitive father.

These combined three notions establish the possibility that the Amarnian people (as a specific social body) were understood as the father in the course of a cultural emergence - and that the order to exterminate them could be understood also as his murder.



We so conclude with a very new hypothesis in the field of Psychoanalysis as well as in Egyptology:

During the stable phases of evolved collective states, elite and priesthood would use individual ritualistic induced trances, with the knowledge that their ancestors (or their neighbors) had originaly practiced these cults in a collective way. Therefore they had a base for a knowledge that if they were to generate a new 'City', a new order, a new cultural phase, this had to call again for the procreative experience with a collective experience.

Various schools may have debated in Egypt around this sociobiological necessity. But it is quite probable that one of them had its voice, and it was therefore rationally planed that an enclosed City would be built in order to process the collective ritual. People from various places or the recent conquered land, art and classes where gathered. This has been Amarna.

For internal and external reasons the experience was a catastrophe. The precarious alchemy of the drugs caused severe damaged in the population, and a false peace in the unborn State concurrently broke down. The military power of the ancient Egypt had to restore peace and re-established the former regime. Amarna had to be turned off. Since its population had experienced the knowledge which was secret again, and since in addition, their illness was disgracing its sacred power, Akhnaton was summoned to apply the execution - and so did he partially with the help of his sane and young people. He suspected also that the Thebean state was expecting later his return to kill him too - as Oedipus at Colonus describes.

He thus managed to leave with the remaining people, who was therefore charged with a trauma of the mass-murder that Freud called the murder of the father.

There we have studied a clinical case which require the use of a concept of Social Body. The chemical agent in this example does not count only for individuals experiences. The prescription and the expected result (a new State/code) is defined within a sociological scale. Further studies may probably show that the biological code of the molecule which activates here a brain function is linked to the social one, which is crudely known also as civil code.
Other agents can operate so; as an 'absence' in
PLAN's technique which articulates the social body with its ecology. 




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© William Theaux 1949-1999