visit PLural ANalysis presentation

Stories of a century of
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Author : Zenon Kelper
1st Ed. Jul 1996 - Cur.Ed. March 12, 1998

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First Stories/Edition

goto ChapterFreud halts Hypnosis

goto ChapterWilhelm Reich

goto ChapterJacques Lacan

goto ChapterArmando Verdiglione

Update - Second Edition

goto ChapterAnother Repression in Psychoanalysis
goto ChapterLacan and the Scandal in Paris
goto ChapterThe Depression Before Evolution
goto ChapterThe Purloinment of Historical Truth

First Stories/Edition

Sigismund FREUD

Freud made his psycho-analysis begin when he stopped his practice of hypnosis in 1900. He first thought that he would thus directly treat individuals.

Ten years later he was able to develop an objective view of an hypnosis in place of a Collective Psychology (first with the book 'Totem and Taboo', then continuously until the end of his life with such books as: 'The Future of an Illusion', 'Civilization and its Discontentments', 'Moses and Monotheism'. he tackled the social cause of an hypnotic transewhich makes our citizen lifes a dream if not an ideal).



The sexual relationship supports a libido for a social link to the
Collective itself. This aporia is concomitant with an hypnotic state.



Wilhelm REICH

W. Reich handcuffed

Almost no one amongst Freud's disciples were to follow his genial extension from the individual up to the collective - except for Wilhelm Reich (The Mass Psychology of Facism). But Reich could not deepen an understanding of hypnosis, even less its relation with collectivity. Without this good understanding of Transference, he gradually ruined his social link and identity, while turning into fascination with the objectivation of the libido, which he called orgone.

Practically, he was first betrayed by Freud (as a Rheticus by a Copernicus), and then abandoned by the whole psychoanalytical community. He could flee from Europe and escape Nazism, but ended arrested in America.
(today astronomers describe a magnetic plasma around earth - as well as for other planets (clicking there will download the sound waves emitted by the Ganymedes' magnetosphere recorded by the probe Galileo) - which matches Reich's description... but that's the field of ontology beyond this page which is limited to the circuit of the Letter which allows an ontology.

Jacques LACAN

By the time Reich died in prison in California, Jacques Lacan, was setting the formulas of a Social Logic in Paris. He was not disclaiming Reich's first ecological prospect, but became famous as a guru/analyst beginning with the student community of the French 1968 'pseudo-revolution'. Although he went through two 'excommunications' (the word is from Lacan) from both psychoanalytic and scientific communities (this second banishment followed the announcement of his teaching about the Name-of-the-Father), he continued to isnpire numerous followers who loved hearing him saying that his teaching was a total failure.

Lacan's goal was to connect Cybernetics in between the Freudian Linguistics of the Unconscious and the Ecology that is caused by the human drive. Between the Letter and the Litter, he was aphorising:

the 'who' man does not exist
(where 'who' is the reflected substitute - alias pronoun note about the logic of the pronoun )

He claimed also : "there is no sexual relation" - but a '..ship' that he was inventing as 'Real'.
Lacan's Real is like the space of the Uncounscious ; in this prospect, Lacan is like Tycho Brahe goto The Last Esoterist, Rudolph Steiner , the first astronomer who 'invented' the Space (on the post-Coernician observation that the cristal sphere does not exist). Lacan was remarkably furious when this comparison was made in a book titled The Title of the Letter note on the Logic of Naming . As Tycho twice excommuniacated, Lacan did not die in prison; but covered with gold and beating his students. He was willing to show that the Letter has no title but an address.


Verdiglione handcuffed

Later, Armando Verdiglione see questionable time conception , one of Lacan's students who reacted to his influence, resumed the extension of Psychoanalysis in Italy. Like Galileo who 'invented' the Center of Gravity, Verdiglione presented what he called the Seeming (Semblant). His popularity eventually led him to prison (after brilliant conferences in Argentina, New York, Tokyo, Lyon, Paris, etc.., then Jerusalem and eventually near Rome...) . As Lawyers did not know what he was to blame for, they accused him of influencing impotents.

(Note a - 'Circonvention d'incapables' - that I translate into 'influence upon impotents' - which made sense for lawyers may be interesting and usefull in the view of Transference. After a while, I guess that the European court of Justice asked the Italian Judges to release and leave Mr. Verdiglione alone)
(Note b - Theaux made precise that the 'Seeming' is a decent translation of Verdiglione's 'Semblant' - the same concept has been used/created in the field of genetics ('The Selfish Gene') under the name of 'meme'... but that's again another field of history).

William THEAUX

Eventually, William Theaux who had systematised Freud's, Lacan's, and Verdiglione's technics into the form of Plural Analysis, left France where he had been an opponent against the French legislation concerning his daughter. After the Court abolished all of his father's rights and applied on him the procedure of anomia, Theaux reached his current New York base, where he intends to promote an analysis which articulates genetics and ecology with Lacan's and Verdiglione's insights.

In developing Lacan's Social Logic formulas from an anomia point of view, Theaux had unexpectedly come to a surprising interpretation identifying the Primal Scene of Civilization. Then he presented in Italy his lecture which articulates Time's space to writing and hypnosis (Conception of Time). In Copenhagen, he presented his ideas on the requirement of Democracy for a collective ecological behavior. In London, Theaux spoke on the political/atonian foundation of historical civilisation, in New-Zealand on the genital cause of the gender distinction, in New York on the genetic ground of fathership. The Nature of the Representation and/or the Title of the Letter condenses the stage of Theaux' analysis, who was led to the disclosure which follows:

Update - Second Edition


The flock and the repression ,
Folk .

As long as Psychoanalysis will not decipher the idealization process of the Collective Psychology,
folks will suffer the pathology of social prematurity which characterize the first phase of Civilization.

The early regime of literacy being the implementation of primal groups with repression,
Freud's opening task has been to decipher
the consequences of a certain initiatic code, given to the Hebrew by Akhnaton.
This Law giver was blamed by his follower and by the Egyptian priesthood,
as if he had given carelessly the dangerous {hypnotic goto NOTE 02} Letter to mankind.
Yet, as English speaking people would say, per loining a Letter
does not give Eve birth in a crime, nor Adam's rib tails off the groin of Jupiter's thigh see the Letter viewed as Gender Anatomy .

Akhnaton's initiation implies his knowledge of the Letter's Circuit.

Before Champollion's limitation of the Egyptian Linguistics see the repressing pathos of the Academia , Fabre d'Olivet described
a Moses stealing and giving a 'secret Egyptian hieroglyph' beside his description of a Pythagorism.
D'Olivet was following Bruno's Bohemian legacy which emphasized an Hermes specifically Triple.

After Champollion, the hidden mystery was still infuriating Lacan screaming in his Seminar:
What, for God's fucking Name, Oedipus has to do with Moses?
Under the hypnotic state created by repression, Lacan was paying his sanity for spleepy students.

Put nowadays the book Oedipus at Colonus on Mont Sinai,
you will see Lacan desesperatly exhibiting an Amarnian Scandal on the mantel of his school;
meanwhile the stolen Bible (Hebrew text) will correspond to a Purloined Letter by the analyst/minister.

This can be explicited as following :

The Lacanian Phase of Poe's argument

The Purloined Letter

A.E. Poe gave Lacan an opportunity for presenting his Model of Psychonalysis. He formulated it in two Scene, or phases, that he read in Poe's The Purloined Letter. In the first scene a King and his Minister enter the room where his Queen has received a compromising letter. As the letter lays on a table, she do not dare to touch it, for this would awake the King's suspiscion. ( This impediment represents the first Narcissistic Repression which manifests as the First of Two Lies described by Freud at the Dawn of his Psychoanalysis see NOTE 03 ) . The Minister sees that the Queen is "paraliesed" and takes advantage for robing the letter. The Queen - still in conversation with the King - cannot protest and fear that she will be blackmailed by the Minister who leaves with the purloined letter, leaving on the table one of his own 'letter of no importance' instead.

Pic.50: The following loop of a rapid animation depicts
the phases of this Primal Scene - the reader may be puzzled
at first by the fast pace, but with the recurring reading,
this very haste will describe and reveal for him/her the
intimate structure of this ontological period.

Psychoanalysis Model, Primal Scene:
alias Hysteric's First Lie according to Freud see NOTE 03

see Four Places logic goto Lacanian Quadripartite Linguistics

The second scene takes place in the Cabinet where the Minister now keeps the stolen letter. As the new owner/bearer of the Letter, he carries its meaning and identifies to the Queen (as an identification of the reasoner in Poes' description). From this place, he can only distract the academic investigation of the Queen's police (he candidly leaves his room open to any investigation, acting as the Queen who, with her charm, distracted the King from the fact that... she was charming ; as Lacan distracting his students likewise with The Purloined Letter itself). Subsequently, Dupin is called for solving the mystery. He guesses that the Minister had no better choice than to hiding the very Letter in the most obvious situation in the room - so rapidly he locates it in a "trumpery filigree card-rack ... dangling... from a little brass knob, just beneath the middle of the mantelpiece". From that moment, he just needs to invent a scheme that will distract the Minister and give him the opportunity for stealing the Letter.

Pic.60 : This second animation depicts the Secondary Scene
in The Purloined Letter. It shows a rotation
in comparison with the First Scene, that is formulated
by Lacan as a linguistic algorithm see The Four Discourses .

Psychoanalysis Model, Second Scene:
alias Hysteric's Second Lie according to Freud

First Comparison, analogies
(between Poe's text and historical cases)

The two animated pictures show in each scene
the true letter breing replaced with a lure or a delusion

(Minister replace Queen's letter with one of his own 'of no secret',
Dupin replace the stolen letter with a fac-simile, etc...)

Before disclosing which true letter Lacan was hiding
when he assigned his students with the study of The Purloined Letter,
a set of general comparisons can be usefuly contemplated :

With Lacan assigning The Purloined Letter as a model for Freud's Psychoanalysis, it would be therefore applicable to Freud's essential historical study on Moses, the Law and/or Letter Giver. While many indications by the end of the 20th century, suggest that Moses was a second name for Akhnaton, we find corroborating the fact that this pharaoh has been blamed for having stolen the Secret Hieroglyph of the Egyptian Priesthood and/or Policy see Fabre d'Olivet . Yet, since the behavior of the Minister informs us that the first robber will use distracting alibis in order to keep the true letter hidden, what would have been put on the mantelpiece of the Sinai looks like the Lacanian question ! This historical scene suggests that what the Hebrew Letter would a lure, veiling see the Hebrew Veil as an alibi, and seeming to require Oedipus' intelligence answering the Sphinx.
As for a confirmation, further analysis (as A Scandal in Paris shows bellow) shows that the Letter may be doubly moved goto note about socio history panorama indeed.

Another example is shown with Freud - who was presenting the Oedipus Complex (letter : Oedipus King / Sophocles) to his students as Lacan with The Purloined Letter. Meanwhile the another version of the complex was standing in the obvious place beneath the coach see Freud's Cabinet in his cabinet. In this case, we are approaching a complete description of the puzzle :
While the first robber (Minister, Freud, Akhnaton) displays an alibi which distracts the Academia (letters 'of no secret', Oedipus Complex, Hebrew Text), he exhibits in a dazzling place (Mantelpiece, Coach, Sinai) the very object of the deed. Yet as a doubly object, it is itself 'enigmatized' : Oedipus at Colonus  has never been analyzed, while the Ramses figure which dominates Freud's discovery of the Unconscious is the Patron of Censorship, the purloined letter in the Minister's office is " turned, as a glove, inside out, re-directed, and re-sealed " ; eventually Lacan's true stolen good (C.Doyle's A Scandal in Bohemia - below) will also prove to be doubly operated see the resistance and Holmes' second lesson .

Let's begin with the examination of the Letter that Lacan was hiding,
dangling by a knob (e.g. the aphorism THE Woman does not exist) on  the mantelpiece of his teaching.
The very trick of human Psyche being its attempts for reflecting upon itself,
it is necessary, for Lacan's credibility, to show that his own teaching acted The Purloined Letter.
It can be shown indeed, as following :


The Watsonian phase of Freud's argument
following Poe's commentator

After having opened his teaching with the The Purloined Letter analysis, Lacan deduced a fundamental statement :

The woman does not exist.

I am not here for discussing if phi-male means another libido than male, but for studying what is put at the first placegoto note about 'first place'  in a text. At such place of self-evidence, a novel written by Conan Doyle begins with this sentence :

To Sherlock Holmes she is always The woman.

It is remarkable that Lacanian disciples did not investigate this coincidence, especially since Doyle's entire novel plagarizes Poe's Lacanian founding archetype text in its most minute details. This Adventure of Sherlock Holmes (titled A Scandal in Bohemia), standing by such major aphorism (as by the knob, pull-bell or blue ribbon accorgind to the phases/versions of Poe/Doyle) of the Lacanian field, looks, in Lacan's century literary field, like the very Letter hidden by Lacan in the most obvious situation in the room ("full in the view of every visitor" - Poe). The Purloinned Letter would thus be a distracting alibi, while A Scandal in Bohemia the very Letter in the school of the Minister Lacan !
Such puzzle asks for a closer look.

A basic argument is first the blindness of the disciples, similar to the Police's in the text. It is a noticeable blindness indeed : similarity and coincidences between Poe's and Doyle's version are striking, even shocking - 'dazzling' could be say. Since Lacan well trained student never made the step of expurgating the comparison, such force able to distract thousands of the best intellectutals from Holmes' prominent figure can be compared with the other dazzling constraint that repelled, during thousands of years, historians and plunderers from Tut's tomb while it was, at the same time, so well indicated in Sophocles' Oedipus (Antigone).

Comparison, analogies between Freud, Poe's and Doyle's texts

Doyle was not only an admirer of Poe and not only did he grossly - obviously - plagiarized The Purloined Letter, he was also most interested in the Psyche and therefore, his imitation in regards with 'THE Woman' interests certainly any Freudo-Lacanians. Doyle's career began after a trip he made in Central Europe, in Bohemia - an historical land in Central Europe. Bohemia has been described by Yates as the Utopia that continued Campanella's Adocentyn, e.g. the tradition of a certain political 'whole' in the line of Akhnaton's endeavor (e.g. Amarna, Capital of the Horizon). After Giordano Bruno, Bohemia was created (by England and actual Germany) in order to center and achieve the Hermetic project of a unifed Eruope. The attempt was eventually thwarted by the Vatican and the Habsbourg, but persisted as a form of Rosicrucianism and/or other sects. Quite interesting too for our comparison, is the second station in Doyle's initiatic journey ; he visited Vienna, where Dr. Freud was gaining fame at that time, with a certain Psychoanalysis.
When Doyle eventually came back to England, he was a definite occultist, with a passion for Psyche. He created the character of Sherlock Holmes on the model of Dupin, and wrote A Scandal in Bohemia - which begins with the  "To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman", and which strictly replicates The Purloined Letter (including the set of symetrical opposition that gives the entire sense to this comparison).

Since Freud engaged himself in the international and historical collective psychology, one must wonder what happened in Europe after the Renaissance, when the Bohemian mononational project aborted and Vienna became the center of a multinational Europe? - especially since this political story reminds us so well with the failure of the Amarnian unification and the multinational Ramsessides aftermath, that Freud's investigation of civilization.and Monotheism underlines, along with both the Bohemian and Catholic struggle. If the Freudian Lacan rightly draw the attention upon The Purloined Letter, it is now of necessity to open the 'other' letter, that he laid obviously neglected, by the pull-bell of his aphorism regarding 'The Woman'. Let us read A Scandal in Bohemia.

Before that my reader would examine the text I refere to, I must present the detailled report of the comparison between Poe's and Doyle's novels :
As standing for the myth, or the model of a psychology dynamic, these texts are structured in two episodes, each including specific and identical key notes. The Purloined Letter begins with an episode which shows a letter on a table, that is noticeably un-noticed by a participant. A Scandal in Bohemia begins likewise.
In both texts, this letter is the case for the description of its material appearence (type of paper, folding mode, etc...) especially noticed in Lacan's analysis.
The second element of this first episode is also similar, though in strict reversal. A Scandal in Bohemia does not show a Queen striped by a man (the Minister) as in The Purloined Letter, but a King striped by a woman - this gender reversal is combined with a second opposition : the precious document of A Scandal in Bohemia is not a compromising Letter, but a compromising photographic Image.
It would be a mistake to think that these variances wards off the similarities - on the opposite they confirm the complementarity of the two text as a couple makes one, for all the rest of the texts are now entirely identical, until they reach their symetrical identical reversed endings.

The threat is similar for the Queen as for the King, and in The Purloined Letter as well as in A Scandal in Bohemia, and the respective polices have completed all conceivable investigations ; therefore a private detective of genius is requested. Then Doyle's Holmes, as Poe's Dupin, makes a first visite under a disguise in the robber's cabinet, and both locate the Letter with the same stratagem. They both manage a street riot to bring distraction during their visit. In both case the stolen object is hidden in the most obvious place - by a knob on the mantelpiece for The Purloined Letter, beside the bell-pull in A Scandal in Bohemia. In both case, the winner of the game will lay a compulsive ironical identification upon his victory : quoting the verses of Crebillon's Atree in The Purloined Letter and waving a "Good-night, Mister Sherlock Holmes" of A Scandal in Bohemia.
This is where a distinction conclude the complementarity between the two texts - for, as the Queen/King and Letter/Picture are symetrical at the foundation of the two twin novels, their ending conclusion are associated likewise. Where Dupin steals from the stealer in The Purloined Letter, in the A Scandal in Bohemia version, Holmes attempting the same manoeuvre is dominated by a sur-discrimination from the original stealer. In Holmes' two visits process, in A Scandal in Bohemia, the stealer sees the detective seing her see the game of Psyche (Optical Model) , consequently the woman wins the case (anticipating Dupin/Holmes' stratagem, she is the one who place a duplicate where Holmes will believe he recuparates the picture for the King). This is the reason why Sherlock Holmes will call her forever The woman.

It is impossible that Doyle could have ignored Poe's novel - it is improbable that Lacan never read both. It is thus undisputable that the long lasting ignorance of A Scandal in Bohemia by Lacan's devotee students of his Seminar on The Purloined Letter see a published lesson after Lacan's reading presents a major element in History of Psychoanalysis.


The immense dupery in which sophisticated psychologists are involved illustrates
an equivalent when the Academics upholds repression and false truth
on the stage of an Ecology who is dying, or simply warming up
a propaganda which tells, in fact, the truth.

Scientists are not less responsible than Politicians before the community.
The confinement of Academics in Traditional inquisition
helps to understand History :


To help Psychoanalysts understanding their science in the pure field of thought (Artificial Intelligence) as well as the field of ecology (the Environment is the Unconscious), the revealed true Purloined Letter (A Scandal in Bohemia) may be usefull. I hope that the reader has seen Lacan hiding while he was showing how a message in hidden. This is instructive for the Psychoanalysts who understand that with his Unconscious Freud was elaborating the concept of Environment - while the other 'Psychoanalysts' will remain psychologists, as Astrologistsdid remain after the Renaissance. Those who have completed the extension suggested by Lacan become a sort of economists - economers, could we say, as there are astronomer after the Renaissance; understanding that the Value has to be to Artificial Intelligence as the Code is to litterally intelligence.

The scheme of the Purloined Letter is easy to disclose from the civilization, starting from Amarna, through Adocentyn to Bohemia, asking nowadays for a decisive understanding of its industry, involving the logic of Code in more and more science domains. Here are the key and the door:

The Purloinment of Historical Truth
an essay

Let's first imagine Egyptology as a text (a letter). History of Egyptology shows that, even though a unique multi-national, multi-universitary Egyptology is currently dominating, there are several kinds (several texts) of Egyptologies- at least two with d'Olivet. So, even brilliant and totalitarian Egyptologists see Review of Assmann's ideology do not hesitate do define their science as a text. One can title this current dominant text, The Champollionian Egyptology.
Secondly, let's resume our examination of Lacan's trick using The Purloined Letter as the 'misleading alibi' that the robbers (the Minister, Dupin, Holmes and THE woman) always leave at the place goto note of the letter that they have stolen). We know now that the very Letter that he hides in the place of obviousness is A Scandal in Bohemia.
Let's just think what could be the presence of this trick in our own Civilization. It is hot hard to find, for instance with Moses, the Letter Giver.
If Moses is another name for Akhnaton, the text of the Transmission of the Letter that he has stolen from Egypt could reveal a psychological complex as does The Purloined Letter by A.E.Poe read by Lacan. In this historical perspective we find Oedipus King by Sophocles as read by Freud. There is a striking structural similarity between Freud interpreting the Oedipian Complex (Sophocles) while Champollion's champion (Ramses.2) towering above his coach - and Lacan denying THE woman who nevertheless towers his teaching with the evidence of Holmes. In other words, The Purloined Letter has been the 'misleading alibi" that Lacan used for his students, distracting from the dazzling clue of A Scandal in Bohemia. Similarly, Oedipus King has been the misleading truth, by Freud for a century, under an invisible cover of the Great King (Ramses.2) of Champollion's Egyptology text.

Pic.70 : This superimposition shows the equivalence
between the purloined truth by Lacan,
and the one by Freud in the field of History when
his analysis of the Myth of Oedipus makes a misleading truth (left)
for the proof that the 'Myth' was an Historical report (right).


This is not the end of the story ! Not the conclusion of the trick !

In this superimposition between a story of Psychoanalysis and History of our Civilization, we now discover that the Letter when hidden by the Minister, or by Lacan, as by Freud is a message of censorship; for Ramses.2 is the architect of the repression of Akhnaton's memory. This would mean that the very true letter is censorship - and indeed there are negative philosophies to support this idea. But a further analysis that this letter - pharaoh dangling on the mantelpiece of history analysis - has been read by a Velikovsky after Freud.
Certainly in an obscure manner, yet obviously too, the reflation launched by Velikovsky concludes that - once detected as Freud's purloined Letter - Ramses.2 must be re-read - so that it would mean that A Scandal in Bohemia do not either close the case, but requires a second reconsidaration.

This logical inference is not speculative

Where Freud is followed by Velikovsky who showed the very meaning of Ramses' prominence,
Lacan is followed by an 'x' (pic.70) in the restoration that I, Kelper, have done hereby,
and that I shall present further goto The Interpretation of the Resistance

NOTE 01 Picture 00 : Psyche Revived by the Kiss of Love - by Canova /Louvre. I have chosen this piece of art as the emblem of the 20th Century Psychoanalysis (aka Freudian Psychoanalysis). Psyche has been benumb and involved in an hypnotic state which results after the implementation of the Letter (writing and reading) and its process in the human mind/brain. The public distribution of litteracy in the ancient time is still remembered as an initiation which has been blamed by political reactions in Antiquity (re: Akhnaton, Moses etc... see NOTE 02 below). Promotheus' deed gives fire and light to mankind, yet certain inconvenients too - one of them being an chronic hypnotic transe of the social individual which accesses its reality through the media of the Letter. This hypnotic subliminal condition favor ideologies, religions and nationalisms which are characteritic in the Civilization process.
This Letter impact that one can also call Mosaic cycle, may come to an end in the conjonction of elucidating the Primal Scene of its foundation; this may be what is happening during the 20th century. There, one can see Freud opening the investigation of psyche with the argument of libido. It was scandalous in his time and may still be a limited point of view - nevertheless, it looks like if by a kiss of Love, Psyche awakening is this moment when human counsciousness realises its own psychology. During this century, a close observation notices that the charge of the process of the Letter is concurrently absorbed by Artificial Intelligence - thus backing up the idea of a release in the human brain from the mental necessities which were imposed on its reading of the world. The hypnotical transe of the Collective Psychology may pass towards a new state of mind, by the turn of this Psychoanalytic century.  <continue with NOTE 02 below> -  <back to text>

NOTE 01 : The grammar logic of the "pro-noun' (who) indicates what sees seing. It is formulated in Lacan's cybernetics see and follows Psychoanalytical Model and illustrated in negative by the Minister in regards with Dupin in the Purloined Letter (since he does not see Dupin seeing him, with this blindness when he owns the Letter, the Minister shows that the 'who' man does not ek-sist) as well as in positive with AI (i.e. Irene Adler that I mention hereby with her reversed initials as they coincide with Artificial Intelligence's) in regards with Holmes in A Scandal in Boheimia (AI sees Holmes seeing her, thus the woman exists - giving the sign of this existence when she wished a "Good Night" to Holmes as Dupin did with Crebillon's Atree, meaning a desire which has been noticed by Lacan and eventualy confessed in The Adventure of the Second Generation goto page on Resistance when Holmes, guessing that he was seeing her seeing, explains : "I wanted to see your expression") <back to text>

NOTE 011 : The 'Title' of the Letter may very well be 'Psychoanalysis' - as the present page shows the Freudian and Lacanian explicitation and decipheration of the Logic of Naming until a phase which is specific to their method acknowledging Resistance, that is eventually commented in the topic of a political phase see the Republic according to Plato .<back to text>

NOTE 02 (following NOTE 00) : The Letter is intrinsically dangerous for it implies an hypnotic transe as a consequence of its implementation and spreading practice by the mind. In order to limit or avoid such alienation within the human counsciousness, an alphabetization must be accompanied by a social organizational antidote. Though it was denied by his followers and enemies, according to Akhnaton-Moses-Oedipus identification, Akhnaton has followed indeed the very principles of carefullness in his Promethean delivrance of the Letter to the slaves and shepperds. Whatever his own personnal understanding, the fact would be that he delegated a second community (his legacy to Theseus at Colonus) with the Hen Kai Pan see Veil and Hermetism organizational key, for a full understanding and use of the initiatic meanings of civilization. This is part of the reason why it is necessary to disclose at once the full triple identification of Akhnaton and Mose and Oedipus - in order to dismiss the fantasm of un-ethical and mortifying foundation of our civilization <back to text>

NOTE 03 : The Two Lies of the Hysteric have been mentioned and partly described by Freud in his very first Psychoanalytic essay - an enigmatic and Cocaine influenced Draft for a Scientific Psychology see the 1895 outline reviewed and interpreted , written in 1895. Freud ended this inaugural text with the Two Lies theory, that opened to Psychoanalysis. Interestlingly enough he could never write the description of the second lie - for he made there the first missed act in the history of Psychoanalysis, when he forgot his newly installed telephone line. Professionals will check this fundamental episode - which is clearly opening to the introduction of Artificial Intelligence and its psychological effects in the 20th century. I hope that the present work will contribute to the understanding of Psychoanalysis, as I endeavor an illustration of what Freud was difficultuously trying to explain. <back to text>

NOTE 40 : History indicates that when it is displaced in a second move, the Mosaic Letter has been stored in charge of the Delos League. This league, refered to the center island (Delos) of the Aegean, began to unify the Greek cities by 1000 BC. It is then noticeable that just before Socrates, its archives were moved into the main land near Athens; so, when Socrates' international policy was questioned, the journey to Delos which was commanded to lead his trial, came back void of answer. Consequently Socrates is put to death and Plato understand that it is the end of the Athenian cycle - he thus teaches Aristotles who in turn teached Alexander. The later eventually reactualyse a conquest who will cover the Atonian project and built Hermopolis Magna on the place of Amarna. This is indeed closing the circuit of the Letter - which would then open the circuit of the Word (Christian Ministry - see Paul to Corinthians II ). <back to text>

NOTE 45 : By 'first place' I mean by the knob, blue-ribbon, mantelpiece, pull bell, where the letter is designated, standing 'full in the view of every visitor' (as Poe wrote in The Purloined Letter) in the various scenes and versions of the mechanism.<back to text>

NOTE 50 : The one of no importance of the Minister, the fac-simile...carefully prepared...with a seal formed of bread by Dupin, the pink-tinted note-paper of Holmes, her own photograph with Irene Adler (THE woman). <back to text>




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