We are proposing to uphold the experience of Plural Analysis (e.g. PLAN). This tool in the field of human science, may be identify as a product, an extension, a development or an evolution of Psychoanalysis.
X1 Introduction - About a Request from
X11 Psychoanalysis
and Mass-Psychology
After he started
Psychoanalysis in 1900, Freud, by 1910, began to manifest the need for relating
his discovery of the Unconscious with the social dimension in mankind. Through
vicissitudes the rest of his career shows that this relationship of
Psychoanalysis with the collective processes was going to be a major challenge
and would be left unsolved at the moment of his death.
First with Totem
and Taboo (1911), then with his essay of Group Psychology and the Analysis
of the Ego (1912), Freud's watchfulness focused increasingly on history,
religion and civilization. In his last book he eventually declared that without
'bridging the gap between individual and mass-psychology' ... 'we
are unable to advance a step further on our way, either in psychoanalysis
or in mass psychology'. This final call, published in Moses and Monotheism
(1938), has remarkably been followed, for many years, amongst his successors,
with no consequences. The lack of responses to Freud's warning may be explained
by a need for firstly securing the early foundation of the discipline. It
may also be understood that Freud was expressing a personal unreachable dream.
In both cases, the unsolved question must be clarified. It is from this frontier
that we shall describe the perspective of PLAN hereby.
The needed step - we call it
[NOTICE : Since this text explores questioned grounds, it
will use a limited number of terms, being understood in approximate meaning.
I shall indicate when these words will appear; they will allow for the focus
of more precise meanings when certain descriptions will be later intended.
The first one gives its name to this bridge that Freud calls for. In place
of his metaphoric connector, I shall use the word
sociology (between individual and mass
The idea of
a 'Sociology' here is just a scaffolding, yet a step which allows us to determine
what was Freud's foresight. It substantiates rare attempts in Psychoanalysis
during the second half of the 20th century in a direction of Freud's
horizon. Sometimes tragic (W.Reich, Mass Psychology of fascism) or stagnant
(W.R.Bion, Tavistock) or artificial (J. L. Moreno, Psychodrama), none has
elucidated the 'archaic memory' (Apdx.01
which would have given the key to further steps.
However, if
there is any hope someday, on this path, one can presume that a concept was
not found or available, in Freud's time and later, in order to identify a
relevant 'sociology' which would have validate any of these attempts.
X12 Psychoanalysis
and Ecology
A recent attempt
(PLAN) was initiated in 1985. It was based on the idea that Freud's model
of the Unconscious (produced between 1900-1938) finds an echo in a notion
which emerged later, namely that which is still to be universally defined,
and presently named 'Environment'.
Usual definitions
for Environment are uncertain in fact. If we would express it in a
comparison, it would be appropriate to mention how Copernicus was approximative
in defining Space; Motive and Action in our 'environment',
are no clearer notions than Motion and Attraction as they emerged
in the Renaissance's Space. We still wonder if we repeat History,
and how trauma and pollution differ from Acts
As we face a
conceptualization still in progress, the very essence of the word 'Environment'
is pending in the sphere of a more general concept - e.g. Ecology.
'Ecology' has been coined and defined by Ernst Haeckel in 1869. Then,
the notion of Ecology entered its phase of said Scientific Natural
History with Charles Elton in 1927.
Ecology is the second term that we shall
use hereby in its approximate acceptation. It allows the introduction of
the meaning of Plural Analysis, since its foundation:
Plural Analysis
is an attempt to solve the Freudian difficulty in bridging individual and
mass-psychology by introducing, in place of a sociology, an ecology.
A semantic precision
is requested there: 'In place' (of a sociology) does not mean
instead. The new factor that Plural Analysis carries still shows its
former stage (sociology); 'ecology' just supplies the unavailable
concept, which was missing within sociology (as said above).
Following this
perspective, we expect that the theory of Plural Analysis will benefit from
the progress which has been gained previously, and overcome the impediments
which marked the first approach between Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Moreover,
this new contribution (ecology) brings a considerable hope in the
possible step toward Mass-Psyhology which was inspired by Freud, for it sustains
in the 'archaic' collective memory, the very primal dimension from which
Psychoanalysis holds its specificity - e.g. biology. Looking closer and
considering Elton's phase (re:above, Scientific Natural History),
it also carries the essence of history which is particularly cognate
to the Freudian Psychoanalysis.
Thirdly, completing
in fact this support, Ecology (in its latest development) has developed a
discourse which reflects itself in terms of linguistic, communication, Code
- thus showing even more coincidence with the Psychoanalytic development.
And fourth, as much as an extension such as Genetics which governs the Laws
of Ecology, in relation to Freud's concern with the process of heredity,
we find again a link on this bridge between individual and mass.
Eventually, continuing below, we shall eventually find Cybernetics as completing
the strong connection that supports Freud's insight.
X121 Within the step
into Ecology
This metaphor
for a bridge usefully illustrates how the new perspective now completes:
there is no reason to believe that on Freud's so-called bridge (between
individual and group psychologies) the Freudian object itself would migrate.
It is better envisioned that Psychoanalysis would keep its format and its
object (ego), while its extension molds a place for another.
Actually, on
the bridge that links the Analysis of the Ego and Mass-Psychology, upon
Sociology, Ecology discloses what is identified as the object of the
group, its objective, its production, and/or its product. This is
engaging to include the enterprise or the industry, as the characteristic
of the operation in view of this Psychoanalytic project.
To summarize
: On the base of the Freudian Project to link its knowledge from individuality
to group psychology, the means of a Sociology has shown to being limited.
This difficulty may be overcome when adding the Ecology
Along this line,
PLAN finds its application in regards to the plain
industrial activity in the world, and merges
it as a cultural sphere which was first envisioned by Freud. To be complete,
in order to illustrate the reciprocal profit that Ecology can take
from Psychoanalysis, I have appended to this text the mirrored document
calling for Ecologists' attention in the Freudian dawn. This invitation can
be read as
while the present text which follows details descriptions of the raw technique
of PLAN, before its actual description in its time frame and progress.
X2 Description of Plural Analysis -
e.g. PLAN
X21 Description
of the Technique
X211 The basic of
ANalysis, alias
PLAN - Analyse Plurielle
® - in French, is a technique and
operation of human inter-relationships which attributes
a certain identification to a group, while isolating, in a series, dual
interviews, manifesting a specificity which has been linked to
Psychoanalysis. It must be made precise, that the group, though
identified, is not expressing an 'identity' - but defines an entity to which
a behavior can be attributed in its relationship with its environment; in
practice it is the case when a group has a object (or an objective, re: below).
Also, the dual relationship which is related to the said Psychoanalysis,
does not replace it. Psychoanalysis is understood as what history and
institutionalization have already established; besides, PLAN defines a relation
which 'manifests' or 'represents' this established foundation.
The technique
of PLAN is simple. The fundamental arrangement is made of two domains or
spaces which are physically projected as two rooms: one is for the group's
session, the other for the analyst. On this topography a mechanism
is applied : the group performs its usual objective
while in its group-room, where the analyst never stays except for short entries,
which have no other function than to invite and extract a member for a
consultation in his analyst-room..
This can be
simply illustrated through graphs and animated pictures which can be consulted
in computer files
Based of its
two fundamentals (extracted-sessions - group at work), PLAN shares with classical
Psychoanalysis an extreme simplicity in its procedure. For the purpose of
an analytic information transmission between two persons, a coach and a chair
have sufficed for Psychoanalysis in leading the greatest progress in the
modern knowledge of the mind. Since it took this for model, PLAN shows the
same simplicity.
X212 The optional of
In parallel
with Freud's suggestion, when he reminded that several aspects of his technique
were personal and possibly modified for the convenience of another practitioner,
the rest of PLAN's technique is made of secondary options. At the present
time, they are set as follows:
a) A pre-interview is made with
the representative of the group (defining its object/goal and its need).
Groups consists of 4 to 15 members. An average group of 10 participants requires
3 hours in each group-session (the smaller the group, the shorter
it is; and vice versa). Groups can undergo one-time sessions or else be run
on regular schedule basis. Preferentially, the sessions are held in the group's
usual place of activity.
b) During the group-session,
extracted members are chosen and invited by the analyst. Members may refuse
or ask for this extraction. There is no number or order in the choice of
the extraction, which can be repeated with a same member. The group may proceed
without extraction, during certain periods of time.
c) The
extracted-sessions match the Psychoanalytic model in regards
with the prospect of its non-directivity and free-association of the thoughts
which are delivered by the extracted/visiting members. There is no rule for
the duration of the extracted-sessions. The analyst is liable for non-mandatory
interpretations. He makes no report for any sessions which are considered
as private (there is no report likewise of the group-session by the analyst).
However, reports by members, regarding extracted and group sessions are possible.
These rules
being liable to adaptation to various situations, the large range of PLAN's
options opens it to a wide range of applications, as well as several categories
of analysts (detailed in
Note90). The principle of 'privacy'
(no information is transmitted from the analyst out of his room) is yet important
to be observed; it is a factor which forces a series of consequences that
constitutes the phenomena which characterizes PLAN :
X22 Description
of the Phenomena
PLAN displays three sites of operations which are distinct each one from another, and susceptible to scientific isolation.
X221 The meeting of the
extraction - psychology site
An operation
site directly regards Psychoanalysis; it is made of the meeting between the
extracted member and the analyst. This meeting is not 'Psychoanalysis' -
but it shows characteristics which qualifies it for emulating most of its
century's acquired expertise (a closer relationship between PLAN and
Psychoanalysis will be shown along the text below).
Although the
prime principles of PLAN do not indicate any necessity for a trained
psychoanalyst in the place of PLAN's analyst, it is nevertheless a clear
opportunity for such consideration (remote and neutral position
of the analyst, free communication of his/her interlocutor, general
setting that illustrates both the models of Unconscious and Environment
- makes a compound which calls for the Freudian attention).
PLAN's analyst
position is of another reciprocal interest to Psychoanalysis: it presents
a libidinal semblance configuration, where the object of the drive is related
to the object of the group. In general, such actualization of the social
inference in a dual analytic relationship makes a precious experience for
a Psychoanalyst who intends to progress with the ultimate Freudian question,
as above said, of individual and mass psychologies.
Hence, with
this first psychological operation site, PLAN offers a reasonable opportunity
to relate Psychoanalysis and social enterprise. In the case of non-specialist
for analyst (as for instance any lay associate of the group itself) this
relationship is also emulated as it puts this person into a certain perspective
from which s/he learns 'about' Psychoanalysis. This is the formative aspect
of PLAN (detailed in Note90).
Evidently, this semblance is even more inductive in the case of a human resources
practitioner and/or psychologist, who would be close to contemplate the typical
Psychoanalytic point of view.
X222 The analyst exclusion
- memory site
A second operation
also takes place in the analyst's room. Accordingly to the appreciation of
what is the traditional function of a psychoanalyst, this operation may be
either considered as strictly appropriate to a Freudian definition, or it
carries a new process in the vicinity of the Freudian work. This second operation
builds up, in the intimacy of the analyst, the series of information that
he receives from the group. This is testifying for an objectivation - as
opposed to the subjectivation which occurs when a group-analyst participates
within the group meeting and where the message/information may not be addressed
to her/him alone. By his observatory position the analyst acts in keeping
the unique memory of the series of information that he collects from each
individual. A memory-thread is elaborated which is unknown from anyone except
him. This is promoting PLAN for a specific status in group psychology, and
for the quality of a scientific observation.
It is also noticed
that the analyst room, guaranties concurrently the autonomy of the group
in its progress. The analyst status, likewise, is not altered in a secondary
degree (transference) of the group's knowledge of the analysts'
knowledge. The 'memory-thread' that he conceals is therefore preserved
for possible use and therapeutic effects
This is building
the distinction which circumscribes the third site:
X223 The group without
the extracted - sociology site
With the objectivity
of the analyst preserved, a consolidated identity results in the group in
evolution. This casuistic is clear when it compares with other group management
which allocate an intervenant inside the group. With no privacy in this common
case, all what is received and what is emitted for this 'intervenant' member,
is known from and by the group. In this mode, no other consequences follow
than a subjective alteration, which is characterized at its best by repression
and/or trauma, since any personal treatment cannot be but public. This classic
type of intervention may strengthen sometimes as through intensifying the
superego references - yet it confuses the drive of productivity.
PLAN, instead
of adding, subtracts a member. With an absent member changing with each
extraction, the group experiences a circulation of a minus-one element.
Another type of effect results. For this, the principle of leadership, which
has been tackled by Psychoanalysis as early as in the familial complexes,
gives an explanation:
The Representative
(aka Leader) of a group, tends to represent it (the group) for its
members. In other words, members see their leader as representing
themselves; and this may turn into a wrong perspective. As Freud seeing
populations able to become 'neurotic' (sic), the idea of 'leadership
neurosis' can be suggested. The logic which is called in Psychoanalysis
for Transference, can be evoked again here - and, as much as it treatment
allows the twist of a symptom into a released energy, it adjusts and improves
a productivity in collective circumstances.
Instead of being
representant for its representation - in a narcissistic fashion -
leadership may be representant for another
representation, i.e. the environment of his group. From this moment,
a linguistic view turns in circle for this environment itself
represents the group that it molds; yet in this circle a space has
been drawn. This brief metaphor indicates how a 'place' opens for an emergence,
namely a production, when a group see its leader as representing itself for
its environment (instead of 'for its members'); this is clearly a step
beyond narcissism.
The methodic
absence (circulation of a minus-one) operated by PLAN, shows
these productive effects beyond the 'leadership
By comparison with an Act instead of a narcissistic limbo, it opens
the group to a production from the Leadership Complex that it
sublimates. So re-establishing the function of the leader in its realism,
an adequacy to facts results, with the success of the group, whose behavior
addresses the vitality of the environment (it is what we call in one expression:
Ecological Behavior).
X3 Comparison between PLAN and
X31 Similarities
and discrepancies between PLAN and Psychoanalysis
At the present
point of this text, although often evocative of Psychoanalysis, the description
of PLAN recollects a context and a practice still without sufficient links.
The context
is one of a Psychoanalysis which has already established an institutionalized
form - but it has not yet addressed a pending question, regarding its application
towards an extended sphere (archaic inheritance, sociology and/or ecology).
practice is a defined operation, PLAN, which combines a group and an
extraction form, thus composing three sites: of psychology, memory and sociology.
This practice shows some correspondences with Psychoanalysis: the dual
sessions (extracted with analyst) show an analogy with the Freudian tradition
- yet also number of differences. And the group mobilize factors which are
essential to Psychoanalysis (Ideal, Narcissism, inter-subjectivity)
- yet it indicates more environmental aftermath, rather than the ego which
is the object of Psychoanalysis.
Combining these
elements, if the series of dual session is looked at as the expression of
'free-association', the entire process of PLAN looks like putting
a group on a couch and listening to its members as its ideas. This is certainly
illustrative, yet Plural Analysis can be seen as just a chimera of
Psychoanalysis. There must be stronger reasons for asserting an identity
from this likeness.
So, if PLAN
cannot show at first
its organic link to Psychoanalysis, it is from the latter that a suggestion
comes which motivates a further examination. This resource was announced
in the introduction above, where was made reference to Freud's declaration
X32 The need
for an addition to Psychoanalysis
While Freud
asked for 'bridging the gap between individual and mass-psychology'
(in Moses and Monotheism
in Civilization and its Discontents (1930), he had already claimed that societies
could benefit from "analytic
" and that in spite of a number of difficulties
"we may expect that one day someone will venture to embark upon a pathology
of cultural
It is hard to
imagine that Freud meant that the very exact technique that he had set for
his treatment would be use in this venture. On the opposite - since
he was arguing in the same text that, part the said difficulties,
"no one possesses authority to impose such a therapy upon the group"
- it is indicative that he was thinking about a specific technical mode for
addressing the collective therapeutic issue.
For this reason
- and since no such technique had been discovered yet - we must give credit
for a the examination of any reasonable technique which suggests this profile,
and seek through what could fulfill Freud's intuition. PLAN, therefore must
be looked at in depth.
X4 Situation of PLAN
The setting
of PLAN has been a stimulating opportunity for William Theaux, who first
systematized and named it, before relating in numerous books and articles
the development and the verification of its theory and its method. Most of
these documents are currently written in French. It is under this form that
several international libraries - including NY Public Library - have stored
certain copies. They can also be found with their abstracts in CYBEK's
In English,
it is presented electronically in a variety of files - most of them accessible
on the World Wide Web. The present text outlines the deeper investigation
which eventually shows the indisputable lineage between PLAN and Psychoanalysis.
This is concluded after a building series of back and forth :
X42 Historical
X421 Initial view Environment
William Theaux
attended the University of Paris and achieved degrees both in Medicine and
Psychiatry. He underwent a Psychoanalysis from 1972 to 1980, in order to
fulfill the vocation of an early age when he thought that the mind process
of Psychoanalysis would be useful in order to develop ecological awareness.
As his idea
was maturing, he realized that, most of the time, an environmental project
is realistic when it develops collective behaviors (in sociological
terms: the behavior of collectivities).
Meanwhile, his
studies revealed the challenge exposed by Freud as 'bridging the gap between
individual and mass-psychology'. He realized that this collective condition
for Ecology could be well tackled with the question, left by Freud for his
It was also
probable that this solution would set together attributes of Psychoanalysis
and notion of industrial productivity. Yet this conclusion preceded the
conception of PLAN.
X422 Lacanian acquisition
and separation
Beginning a
Psychoanalytic training in the Seventies in Paris, William Theaux met with
the Lacanian movement - from which he acquired the principal notions. He
also observed that this Parisian secession from the more general Freudian
movement left unsolved social issues which, eventually, imposed him to quit
with this doctrine.
Both these positive
and negative experience began with Lacan's original impulse, who opened his
career (19XX) in defining the Freudian logic on the base of a model of
Initial Cybernetics of Lacan
At first sight
and on the one hand, the reduction of Psychoanalysis to a typical logic of
mechanics (Cybernetics) is highly dubious. It evokes an extreme reductionism
and seems to contradict life itself.
In fact, by
the year 1980 it was appearing effective that the development in electronics
and computing was threatening to overrule any form of control by its living
agents. Already in 1995 computers were able to puzzle, with virtual
communications, the perception of human beings; who, in some cases, cannot
distinguish what is machine and who is human. It was also possible
that it would be part of a successful and vital transformation in the new
millenium; thus, on the other hand, the precipitated growth of this technology,
imposes indeed that the Psyche will be highly affected by this new
apparatus. In reciprocity, it is also predictable that typical elements of
the Psyche will implement their casuistic in the global electronic system
that we may call 'Artificial Intelligence'.
is calling for a third term - Cybernetics - that I shall use in an approximate
acceptation: a single computer cannot be considered as a relevant competitor
anymore, in consideration of the immense network which combines energy sources,
hardware, programs and interactive users. It is this compound, including
its living elements, which becomes the entity in which the project of Artificial
Intelligence makes sense. I shall use the term of
Cybernetics to designate this continuous machine which starts
with high mentality, extends down in the physical laws of its hardware, and
integrates the emotional level of its users as well.
Based on the
above elements, it would certainly be an error to eliminate Cybernetics from
the future of Psychoanalysis - yet on the contrary, there is an essential
irrelevance of a manufactured apparatus amongst the objects of libido.
Dr. William
Theaux has managed a way to reconcile these two positions:
The Lacanian Cybernetic is justified with the exception
of identifying it with Psychoanalysis per se. Its worth is absolute
when it is identified in the Environment to which Psychoanalysis
relates. This acceptation with the current and most productive
identification of Cybernetic, e.g.: the science of communication and
its controls, of the relationship between machines (robots) and living
beings. This allows a linking of Psychoanalysis with the specificity
of our ecology that is the increasing pervasion of the Environment by Cybernetic
instruments. This bridge reunites Psychoanalysis with biology (Nature) which
is its original foundation.
Within this
frame, Lacan's formula of Cybernetic gears Psychoanalysis for a communication
with industrial applications. It benefits from its linguistics, and logic
of phantasm, and augments them with a logic of code - thus answering for
the instincts that Freud was looking to attach to the drive
As we know also, many laws in ecology are finding their explanation in genetics.
This other regime of the rules of Code also echoes Freud's attention towards
heredity and archaic memory. It makes a compound of moral, economical and
memory convergence to rallying and strengthening Psychoanalysis.
To summarize
: the Lacanian theory starting with an articulation of speech to Code
provides the tool for the confrontation between Psyche and
But it encountered
also a series of failures that manifested principally in the social field,
offering the second set of data whose criticism is used after the Lacanian
experiment :
Lacan's failure in Sociology
The Lacanian
modelization of Psychoanalysis with Cybernetics developed into the description
of a 'collective logic'. Essential is the fact that Lacan
transformed and reversed this logic soon after its original
In its original
development, Lacan's Collective Logic puts forward a determinant element
--in interrelated counts and accounts of the members of a society-- which
he called 'minus-one'. The following moment, he 'transformed and
reversed' his intuition; he recommended to introduce a 'plus-one'
within the teams of his disciples and observed... an absence of result! This
moment of failure helps bring forth a lesson. PLAN resumed positively from
the 'minus-one' an operativity which had never been really applied
in its Lacanian pre-history.
Lacan, who had
isolated himself in the history of Psychoanalysis, on the base of two objections
which were regarding Transference and Qualification
found none of these issues were solved at the end of his career. He had built
a symptom instead. Meanwhile, the Lacanian waiting room had become a remarkable
social object. It was packing analysands in a group, waiting for the
call of their analyst.
Usually clients
of Psychoanalysts do not gather together; nor do they wait together. In Lacan's
school, this compulsion was a denied outcome of the lack of systematization
of the 'minus-one' idea. When PLAN took it in a systematic way within
its method, it made it exploitable.
![]() |
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To summarize
the Situation of PLAN : The evolution of a dissidence in Psychoanalysis
shows a Lacanian Cybernetic which failed after turning its back to itself.
Taking a lesson from this, PLAN allows a social analysis technique which
still includes the means of Cybernetics in its environment and progresses
in its application to the industrial society.
with a logic of Cybernetics embedded in its link, the relationship of
Psychoanalysis with Sociology is geared for addressing Ecology.
Yet, the 'minus-one' operator in PLAN is far from only reflecting Cybernetic algebra - it shows even its relevance with a pure Sociology as we shall now see :
X43 Contemporary
or Synchronique conditions
PLAN develops
itself on the observation base of its own context - it is substantiated by
the artifacts of its time. Beside Cybernetics which imposes attention
to Psychoanalysis (and reciprocally), it has also addressed the general
manifestation of the culture that is the Legislation in its society.
X431 The legal opportunity
of PLAN's setting
The Moral determination of PLAN
PLAN was first
set in 1985 in France; it had to fit into the status of an "Association
- ruled by the Law of 1901". For the French legislation, this legal entity
is surnamed a collective 'Moral Person'. In its apportion to this context,
PLAN found the opportunity to define its specific and universal reason.
Social legislation and its scientific application
The study of
the context where PLAN applied its foundation, revealed a remarkable situation:
it met the high interest for Psychoanalysis which regards the post-narcissistic
establishment of Morality through idealization and ego formation -
for the legal definition of the so-called Moral Person is in strict
coincidence with a scientific object:
Formerly 'Science
of Education' (Propedeutique), Sociology, declared in 1901, was an
authentic new science to the Academia. Its definition had begun a few years
earlier in a series of Lessons lectured by Emile Durkheim. He named
'association' the object for this budding science. He then
was appointed as its first Chairman (Sorbone/Paris) when the French Parliament
created, in the same year, both the University of Sociology and the
Law of the Moral collective entity (Law of 1901), which still
acknowledges the Association as Moral Person.
Thus, abandoning
the notion of individual morality, the laic French Republic has been defining
a collective 'person' for a primal Moral entity - in reference to a typically
precise scientific object. It was the group status to which PLAN originally
This observation
shows first that PLAN molded itself in a scientific model which -
secondly - is in manifestation as the secondary process of social
representation (Morality).
discourse still remains today as a major discourse in Sociology. From its
scientific and legal status, its 'association' where PLAN originates, places
it as universal. Its base of scientific form shortcuts any cultural or national
contingency and coordinates a hinge between the natural environment and the
society - which adds a moral constraint alloying within
Consequently, in its embedment in a mass-psychology representation, PLAN
complements the biology where Psychoanalysis can relate.
Again a bridge
from ego-analysis to ecology is thus constructed.
Even before
it re-identified these technical features with the minus-one and other
concepts, the necessity to comply with the communal ruling of the
'Association of 1901' imposed PLAN's first motive to isolate the analyst,
and therefore apply the extraction etc... The detailed presentation of this
chronology can be found in the lecture, titled 'Scientific Moralization',
given by William Theaux at the University of Hamilton NZ
in 94/25/09
To summarize
: The non-participation of the analyst in the caucus of a enterprise
represents the compliance with the functioning rules of PLAN's Morality
contextual application. As it also meet the definition of a Scientific operation,
both requirements are fulfilled for bridging social individuality to its
X432 Addressing Time
of Cybernetic
The synchronic
conditions of the setting of PLAN, not only cover the legislative apparel
of Ideal and/or Moral cultural instance, but it has also echoed the effective
implementation of Cybernetics in its Environment.
X4321 Cybernetics in
Freud's time
Besides the
coordinate of Morality, a second immediate condition for the construction
of PLAN has been the instrumentation of Knowledge (which defines a
capacity for analysis).
An opportune
Freudian attention draws towards the slip which can be found in the closure
of Freud's first text - Outline for a Scientific Psychology. There, he failed
to present a set of data that he had previously announced. Incidentally,
he had forgotten the availability of the telephone which had been recently
installed in his house. So he missed certain data and for this reason, lost
the opportunity to conclude his essay - which was followed by the beginning
of Psychoanalysis.
This lapse,
at the opening of Freud's career, regards the specific equipment (Information
Technology) which characterizes the environment of the mind in the
20th century. It reminds us that, from telecommunication up to
Artificial Intelligence, the general industry of Cybernetics must be integrated
in the phenomenology of the Psyche in the human mind, which began to develop
when Freud was a young researcher. Attempting to neglect his slip would not
hide Freud's silence about Cybernetics in the future! This great mind of
the histoy of Civilization never tackled the issues that electronics was
beginning to impose on the consciousness of his time. This is an indicative
blind-spot which must be addressed; in contrast with Freud's silence,
Psychoanalysis must show a non-ambivalent approach to Cybernetics.
Secondary cybernetics of Lacan
In 1960, the
Lacanian option for Cybernetics may have been a questionable allegation;
yet, it brings an indisputable progress through its production of certain
formulae. They represent a homogeneous series, from the early social
models - as early as Plato's - up to the advanced contemporary linguistic
PLAN superimposes
with these models. In particular, the principle of two spaces (the analyst's
room & the group's room) is mirrored in the typical partition in the
Lacanian models. The 'Symbolic' space finds its correspondence with the group's
room, where the virtuality of law and signification governs. A 'Real' space
emanates from the analyst's room; it matches Plato's Cave and, contemporarily,
the place where Code and Signification interfere. Yet something echoes to
this update - a third location is allowed. Lacan's linking of his Cybernetics
to a logic of Time and/or the art of Memory (detailed below;
X52) provides hints for that dimension. At a less elaborate
level, it represents the Cybernetic machine itself
To summarize
this point : Since PLAN superimposes the Lacanian model, the latter offers
its operativity to the former. PLAN thus becomes a rare social model with
a capacity for formalizing the special Cybernetic object in its
In the history
of Psychoanalysis, the Lacanian excursion (beyond its own resistance;
re:X4222) has provided Sociology
in the Information Technology time, with an entry where Psychoanalysis can
anchor. This sort of docking is realized in PLAN's form. A specific statement
on this was produced in May 1995, at a conference on Textualisation &
Virtual Reality
. Its abstract, titled Cybernetics Equals
Psychoanalysis was not to say that Psychoanalysis equals Cybernetics...
(re:X4221 criticism of Lacanism).
Instead it aludes to the Ideal that Cybernetics is pursuing, along
with its communication and imitation with living forms, which is to develop
into the level of its model which is Psychoanalysis.
Therefore, if
PLAN helps group psychology to integrate Cybernetics, its activity may guide
Cybernetics, as well, to evolve toward a high standard of a mind-like tool.
This is the type of reciprocal support that is depicted found all along this
text. It is highly confirmatory and allows the following observation:
X44 Bringing closer
PLAN and Psychoanalysis
At its previous
stage, the similarity between Psychoanalysis and PLAN was not sure. At the
present stage of deeper observation, this position is reversed:
1) With
its operation on Moral organization, Plural Analysis joins the Freudian horizon
regarding the processes which follow Narcissism. Parental and Leadership
Complexes evolve and turn the vital investments toward the environment,
paralleling the object of Ecology to an object (drive's object) of
2) For they did not show the
institutional attributes of a 'Freudian Session' which have made Psychoanalysis
a social reality, extracted sessions were detrimental likewise to
PLAN's comparison. But with a series of Models and
formulae, extracted sessions prove to be matching with linguistic
and political models of Lacan and also Freud.
About the latter,
the finding of the representation of these sessions on Freud's inaugural
formula of the Primary Group
reinforces a powerful clarification of PLAN's introduction in the
Psychoanalytical sphere.
With stronger
arguments, PLAN can be lookeded as a possible extension of Psychoanalysis
according to Freud's wishes and indications.
From the most
general point of view, Psychoanalysis operates with thought processes. It
examines night dreams, everyday life slips, and singularities such as jokes
or phantasms - and works through their meanings. Freud rapidly discovered
that he was exploring memory as well. He thus distinguished 'acquired qualities'
and 'archaic inheritance'
He thought that they shared similarities to individual and mass psychologies,
but he could not find a key which would articulate each one to the other.
We have already
noticed that this key was probably not available at his time. When the human
mind lacks a tool or a manifestation for an experience, his intuition does
not go as far as a conceptualization. This case is modified with Cybernetics
which imposes itself today with its increasing performance. Assessing this
tool has been progressive. Freudism and its science of meanings had
been ready for some time
(re:X4321 Freud's opportunity for
a slip); but the role of the code in communication was only first
integrated by the socio-psychiatry (Dr. R.D.Laing after J.P.Sarte's
socio-philosophy). Yet even for them, the real confrontation which is given
today by the cybernetic machine was not advanced enough to be enlightening.
PLAN' modelization
matches a time where the identification and control of the Code's regime
has become a patent necessity. It proves to be formulated to address it.
It enables us to recognize Cybernetics in the Environment and to provide
the key argument which links individual and mass psychologies in an Ecology.
this assessment is supported by the remarks it opens to
X441 PLAN's analyst and
In his
considerations Freud expected that "someone venture"
the pursuit of the therapy of neurotic groups or civilizations. At the same
time he was declaring that no one could have "authority for such a
treatment"; he was afraid that this contradiction would put a dead end
upon his discovery. Yet the situation has changed since: a tool (Artificial
Intelligence, Expert Systems etc..) has taken form and begins operating in
place of many human situations and decisions. It is yet far to solve the
necessity for an authority, but it imposes the dimension of Signification
in a clear perception of the intellect
The perception of this added casuistic within our mind, helps us to understand
why there is actually no special need that 'someone' would venture in any
collective analysis, since it is not a new human operation which is needed,
but a code process which is perfomed. In short, wht Freud saw as a difficulty
is thus solved.
It is instrumented
in PLAN, where the effective operation is done while the full autonomy of
the group is maintained. The theory explains that it is a code intervention
which is in operation from the analyst's room. Neither the analyst or the
extracted members are responsible for it; the circulating absence
('minus-one') is a sufficient motor in the group. It is a substration
which moves a phenomenology into analysis, treatment, evolution, and
transformation. At the same time it is clear that the human relationship's
prevalence is nevertheless maintained in its own well-known domain (members
of the group maintain the social identity while the analyst's room the dual
relationship appears also in all its classic necessity).
From this
understanding - while a logic of code is delegated to its vital reorganization,
the role of the analyst reveals itself as much more individualistic than
it was previously perceived. It is now possible to see that the
extraction-session becomes charged with the very singularity which qualifies
Psychoanalysis in its essence.
To conclude
this point: Our examination of the historical, legal and technological
environmental conditions of PLAN reduces the discrepancies between PLAN and
Psychoanalysis. We are now contemplating a relationship which is close to
This text could
now examine what still opposes this coupling - and further, venture an analysis
of the resistance. We can also think that the similarities are at least
intriguing enough to suspend, and perhaps spare a critique, in continuing
a deeper observation. Therefore, this text will now examine the effects and
results already creditable for PLAN:
X5 Credits and
Identification Developmemt of PLAN
X51 Civilization
and Monotheism
X511 The frame of PLAN's
first result:
In order to
facilitate the understanding of PLAN's first result and its signification,
it is advantageous to look back into Freud's long study of Monotheism, Akhnaton
and civilization psychology and its dissociation from his early disciple
Jung (Collective Unconscious). In spite of his egression for esotericism,
Jung never discovered a key which was easily available:
Alchemy fascinated
Jung. The legendary Patron of this pre-science was a well kown
legendary King of Egypt named Hermes Trismegistus or Hermes
Thoth. The fact that this Hermes is related to Hermopolis Magna which
stood during the Ptolemean period, on the ruins of Akhnaton's city, has not
been noticed by Jung. This is just to indicate the exemplary case of repression
which has hampered the 20th century in the recognition of Akhnaton.
It is understandable nowadays thanks to the work of the historian Frances
A.Yates who described this repression
With Yates'
work, it is easier to see why Hermes Triplex did not attracted Freud's attention
either - the history of this solar monotheist Egyptian king (that scholars
during the Renaissance had already identified with Moses himself before the
censor from the Vatican) was banished from the modern European university.
It is also noticeable that Trismegistus included a Hellenic component/character
who was related to Orpheus - but Egyptology helps today to recognize
Oedipus as well in the "Triple Master" Akhnaton. Victim of the very
repressed information that was available at the beginning of the 20th century,
Freud confessed a malaise and a feeling of memory confusion after his Western
education when he visited the Acropolis. It is with two characters only,
Akhnaton and Moses, that he left an incomplete
work which PLAN resumes.
X512 Description of PLAN's
opening result
It is in the
course of PLAN's setting and early practice that - amongst other topics such
as parentality, legislation of family - the experience focused on Freud's
alibi for his Collective Psychology. It has been unexpected though, that
it reversed and advanced some of Freud's hypothesis about the historical
Moses and Akhnaton that Egyptology had discovered in 1910.
Fifteen years
after PLAN's commencement in 1985, the complete identification of Akhnaton
is well advanced today (1999) - and by 1988, the main pieces of the thesis
were already acquired. It is under PLAN's application in the Association
Unepfe (Lyon/France) that the discovery took place as well as its consolidation.
It must be described here shortly:
Freud supposed
that Akhnaton had died in Egypt, and that Moses was one of his disciples.
His deduction was that the latter had been eventually murdered by the Hebrews
in the Sinai. One of Freud's students, Immanuel Velikovsky, searched in another
direction and eventually published, by 1950, the thesis which identified
Oedipus as Akhnaton. This is well accepted today and one can rely on the
good probability that Sophocles worked as an historian on this topic.
Akhnaton-Oedipus is in perspective, it is plainly suggested that the king
of Thebes went into exile - where he escaped a murder attempt. Actually
the three plays Oedipus King, Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone not only reveal
Akhnaton in person behind Moses' veil, but also the misinterpretation which
was expected to strike the first inquirer
The puzzle including its freudian over-turned piece was then completed. Shortly
after (1990), an important complement was provided by Egyptology: the Hebrew
ascendance of Akhnaton by his mother Tiye
X513 Signification of
PLAN's opening results
Although of
an extreme importance in civilization analysis and its close relation
with Freud's major study, this considerable result during PLAN's early
application does not directly show how it connects to PLAN's essential technique.
One must use the previous reference to Hermes Trismegistus in order to get
its full meaning.
The traditional
Hermes Thoth-Moses-Orpheus (Trismegistus - meaning Triple Master)
- becoming Akhnaton-Moses-Oedipus in the modern age - was legendary, and
known for ruling specific programs in the Western civilization (Natural magic
- i.e. Industry for instance). After that the reception of Ancient Macedonian
documents (deciphered by Marsilus Ficinus for Cosme de Medicis) had revealed
to the early Renaissance that he was Moses himself, the last representant
of this interpretation was Giordano Bruno, who was eventually terminated
by the Inquisition (therefore putting an end to the Renaissance which remained
blinded since in regard to the Hermetic spot).
Bruno's report
was that a so-called Ceremonial art (i.e. Sociology) was attached
to Trismegistus, which included a specific art of Memory. This art
was supposed to carry, along with the character's function, his own memory.
According to this complex, the identification of the historical character
Akhnaton (Trismegistus) was due to combine with a technique of remembrance
- namely the Art of Memory attributed to Simonides (contemporary of
Sophocles) as transmitted by Cicero.
As we realize
it now, the identification had combined indeed Psychoanalysis which could
be recognized later as identical to the Simonidian Art.
It is in the
knot of this linkage (Akhnaton-Art of Memory) that the relevance of Akhnaton's
identification by PLAN corroborates its attachment to Psychoanalysis - as
X52 Art of
From its earliest
times, Psychoanalysis has been acknowledged as a Memory Cure. The
fact that PLAN precipitated the recovery of an original phase of civilization
in completing Freud's investigation, makes a fifth or sixth evidence which
brings it close to Psychoanalysis. This is not yet a proof for any unity.
The situation has changed after a final observation regarding PLAN's structure.
The fact that
it embedded the identification of Moses, Oedipus and Akhnaton as Trismegistus,
gives credit, but not knowledge, to this technique. It is after the following
step, when Trismegistus links to the Simonidian Art of Memory that the nature
of PLAN gains a better understanding:
was the patron of an hermetic sociology which was centered around the Art
of Memory. In 1991, the study of this technique revealed that it was exactly
matching PLAN
. The similarity is so deep that it can be said that PLAN
is the re-actualization of the Art of Memory. The examination finds that
this art has followed certain phases in its evolution. Starting in Greece,
it was an individual experience in regard to a group. During the Renaissance,
with G.Bruno, an improvement with 'relative' places brought it to a series
of individuals, in regard to a group. In PLAN's form, it integrates the
Cybernetic product in the group.
The search for
an identification of PLAN seems to have come to its closure. Notwithstanding
its intriguing links with Psychoanalysis, PLAN
would simply be the continuity of Trismegistus' Art of Memory
- that would recover in due respect, the memory of Akhnaton's identity.
This elucidation
however is not totally exact, for in fact - and important enough - one cannot
speak of a continuity. The history of the Art of Memory shows, on
the contrary, a precise discontinuity. The Art of Memory has been
interrupted with the repression of Hermeticism, following the execution of
G.Bruno in 1600. The modern age knew practically nothing about it, until
the mid-20th century. If PLAN matches it so well, it must be
understood as a re-emergence - but in this case, its apparent origins stemming
from Psychoanalysis must be re-addressed:
there is no reason to identify the re-emergence of the Art of Memory at PLAN's
place - but much more evidently, to recognize Psychoanalysis at this place
of intuition. The exhaustive consideration of Civilization's long process
now shows an intelligible process - including a
repression of the Art of Memory (1600), then Psychoanalysis (1900)
as the intuition of this Art in reconstruction, eventually
recovered and updated as PLAN (1985).
This is certainly
intriguing for the Freudian community which suffers from a contradiction
when it attributes to a Great Man (Freud) an individual authority for casting
on Earth the method which is due to retrieve our archaic collective memory.
Beyond the regular sign of humiliation, realism in Science may makes
a step here; we did not succeed so much in attaching PLAN to Psychoanalysis
- but PLAN has attached Psychoanalysis to a mainstream of Civilization through
one of its most traditional techniques. At least there is now a consistent
logic of evidence to make this a founded hypothesis.
X521 The Art of
The Art of Memory
has been described first in Greece by Simonides of Ceos
- during Socrates and Plato's period - according to Cicero who transmited
in in Rome - from which it was continued by the Hermetic Tradition. The legendary
report matches PLAN's description
- as it was discovered in 1990 (), a few years after
the setting of PLAN, thank to the work of late France A.Yates and its followers
in the Warburg Institute of the Royal university of History.
Today, the Art
of Memory/PLAN is provided with an algorythmique which depicts its mechanism
in term of Topology and Linguistics
X6 PLAN's project
A noticeable
convergence or similarity has been verified between Psychoanalysis and a
method (PLAN) which combines Psychology and sociology. Practical measures
must thus be considered. They concern the modes of application of
this convergence, then the objects for such application.
X61 Modes of Practices
of PLAN - This chapter is completed in Note90
Looking back
at the motive which triggered PLAN's original setting, we find an attempt
to answer questions that the Lacanian experience had opened, and left unsolved.
Namely they were regarding Transference and Qualification of the Psychoanalyst.
Transference, undoubtedly, PLAN introduces or modifies a factor; the
group-community which participates in PLAN share a same analyst; especially
when systematic, this is a specific setting. Moreover, it adds a same
group-object to their psychological investment.
on Qualification are also opened with PLAN. The fact that a group
is responsible for the choice of its analyst, introduces a difference with
the individual situation. An individual is not in an easy position for the
determination of the quality of his Psychoanalyst. In the case of PLAN, this
determination depends on a consensus; it imposes a group phenomenon which
evaluates a qualification and even, to some extent, provides a functional
training, to its analyst.
The fact was
suggested when the Lacanian environment of the early PLAN immediately banished
the experience; consequently, left without collegiality but with a group
which was witnessing discoveries and their quality, PLAN's first analyst
had no other guaranty than this group community. During the time of consolidation
of the results, an idea emerged that, to some extent, a lay person could
proceed as analyst as long as the group would appreciate and ask for him
or her. This minimal obligation emphasizes PLAN's understading of an absence
- the 'minus-one' function - for its agent.
Since the
circulating extraction is the prime factor of its Sociology, the mere collector
who operates in private, in the analyst room, does not need special
characteristics. It is in a second moment that this 'secondary' role looks
for a certain attention.
At the present
time CYBEK of New York Inc. offers and implement a supervision facility.
Distant Support is provided along with short and/or didactic trainings. During
the first consultation, the needs of the group are defined according to the
specificity of the analyst; associate colleague, psychologist, human ressources
collaborator or specialist in PLAN are considered, according to an action
X62 Modes of object
Many types of
groups and objectifs benefit from PLAN. The technique itself was created
with a group of 'psychoanalysands' of a same Psychoanalyst. With a general
condition, two majors objects are distinguished:
X621 Type of Environment
for PLAN
PLAN as the re-establishment of an Art of Memory gives a time frame
and its specificity. After being known for two millennium, the Art of
Memory has been repressed and forgotten.
In the gap of
its eclipse (from 1600 to 1900) the Western world has certainly increased
a 'memory' ability (development of sciences, history, archeology etc...).
Only the said 'art' part of this memory was likely suspended. This
is accorded with the modern understanding of several dimensions involved
in memory functions.
artifacts is a form of memory, yet different than interacting with them.
According to a modern concept, 'Environment' means a subjectivation of our
positive history. This position is at the foundation of Psychoanalysis, and
it meets the conditions an Ecology. It allows a future for which we know
no other term than art - yet this subjective interaction requires
a specific tool: the Cybernetic apparatus.
lift the human person as a subject of history - for it gives a control upon
its own code - but reciprocally, the factor of Cybernetics in the Environment
calls for a human operation. PLAN intervenes in this loop and finds its
application in an Environment where the presence of Cybernetics calls for
it. Therefore, when an Environment is equiped with Cybernetics, PLAN brings
back the art part of the Tradition (Art of Memory) and reconstitutes
an integral memory.
X622 Type of groups for
Beside addressing
the electronic conditioning of society, PLAN produces effects and loops in
its Environment. In the business world, its relationship with Psychoanalysis
provides a double supplement:
Promotion in the business world
The implementation
of sophisticated computing (expert systems) pushes leadership to the limit
of semblance. It raises tensions with the leadership in a complex which can
endanger the group and its productivity. With the help of an analysis, a
typical business team sublimates its social complex into the true
cause from which its well-being depends - e.g. its environment (Social and
Yet, the idea
of realism in a worker psychology potentially opens an immense debate.
Interventions may be seen as a threat against a necessary hierarchy. A close
look at PLAN shows that it offers a shortcut to organization instead.
The emphasis on Morality
The factor of
morality that Psychoanalysis has circumscribed into the ego's sphere, lays
beyond Narcissism--this sublimation process applies to groups, once they
analyze their social complex
. It gives an example of a possibility for
operating on repressed level. PLAN's relationship with the Moral and Legal
socio-mechanisms establishes the same ability. In particular, what is interesting
is the attachment of the scientific principles to this social moralization.
It allows therefore a guidance toward a sanity of industry in regard to the
maintenance and treatment of life.
For the leadership
question is analyzed in a moral model, the psychological motive skips it
and immediately shifts toward a focus on the production of the group. It
escapes the political charge and constitutes the base for 'Scientific Morality'
which is Environmentaly oriented. At the present time, PLAN is unique for
addressing such an integral industry which still puzzle many groups, ideologies
and vital decisions.
Promotion in the research world
Respecting aside
the responsibility of the leaders for any ideologies, PLAN's moralization
(Note110) directly touches the
environment via entrepreneurial production, which usually derives from an
industrialization of Science. This direct vital concern is however mediated
by the second dimension which regards Psychoanalysis when the complexes of
authority are extricated. It is the condition of Knowledge, which bases a
sane Mentality, inasmuch a 'normal' knowledge is defined as Science
It is in proportion of its Collective Knowledge that a group favor a production
which is relevant for its need.
When Freud
considered possible neurosis of collectivities, he saw them related
to knowledge (more than to individual causes). Leaving for the Great
Figures the therapeutic charge, he saw these neurosis due to
dysfunctional knowledge of memories traces and archaic inheritance. Freud's
concern was Religion and Ideologies - he had not the opportunity to investigate
more general Mentalities and Intellectual models. However, nowadays, scientists
are looking for investigating their own intellect for the understanding of
symptoms, attachments, inhibitions. This investigation for the Unconscious
role in Knowledge, has spread in every dimensions of psychology (social complex,
memory, libido, etc..).
The idea that
Knowledge itself may benefit from Psychoanalysis calls for a technique as
PLAN which lays the social base where Knowledge exposes its scientific regime.
The emphasis on Knowledge
There are several
aspect which are present in the Scientific demand for self-knowledge.
One is the importance of power and hierarchy in the field of Science
- it must be acknowledged and scientific teams are not different from the
industrial and consumerist world in this respect. PLAN is appropriate for
this issue.
A second factor
intervenes in the scientific experience; it is Cybernetics and, although
the intellectual training of the scientific community will challenge with
great strength a supremacy of Artificial Intelligence, it will eventually
compromise - as the other domains of society - with the impact of Cybernetics
in collective mechanisms, including knowledge. This makes a second issue
where PLAN is appropriate.
The third factor
which is specific to the scientific query is knowledge itself. A research
team can expect from PLAN a better access to the understanding of the direct
or later effects of its activity in the Environment. This is comparable
with the awareness and the control by the industry of its productivity. What
is added in the circumstance of Science is the platform of intellectual
reflection itself. As it was conceivable for Freud that an analysis of the
religious models could be possible, it is conceivable that the models
of thought are dependant on group organization and therefore analyzable
by such technique as PLAN.
PLAN has already
shown its efficiency in fields of History of Religion, and even History of
Memory. It is looking to meeting same success in regards with biological
models, development of genetics, even exploration of physics or understanding
mathematics etc..
Note10 : At this advanced point
in the theory, the question of the identification of the Unconscious, beside
Environment require a study by itself. In a first approximation, a metaphor
can outline the question and its issue. With all necessary precaution, it
is useful to compare the model hereby constructed, with the Copernician one,
in respect with the fact that their are both constructs by a same manhood
(in quest for identities in the Universe) and must show similarities. The
Copernician fundamental is the movement of Earth as a planet - this
is comparable to the individualisation of the ego made by Freud. If one should
extend further the comparison, we would find a circulating Copernician earth
beside an oscillating Freudian ego
. The "unconscious state in the
Id" (see SubNote11)
can be put in parallel with 'the Environment in an Ecology'.
Since the definition of the Environment is still approximative, this
identification (between Environment and Unconscious) may be very well
done. In order to further address the semantic needs in the science of Ecology,
the space metaphore is vague enough to be a reasonable support here.
Between Earth and Space, there is an intermediary system (the solar system)
in the Copernician model. Between the ego and its ecology, there is also
a intermediary system which is the its environment. As we know that the solar
system counts with an history, we may find likewise in the Environment a
similar condition of memory related to the condition of space and matter.
I do not intend to extend further such comparison.
<back to text>
SubNote11 : After excerpt
in Apdx.01
a few line below, Freud continues: Two further questions must be answered.
First, under what condition does such a memory enter into the archaic
inheritance; and secondly, in what circumstances it become active--that is
to say, penetrate from its unconscious state in the Id into consciousness,
though in an altered and distorted
form?<back to text>
Note20 : We are there screening along the 20th century the triggering moment when the Industry gears the Culture with necessary tool for a viable so-called bridging between individual and group psychologies. In order to make it simple in the Introduction, this time scale only presents the graduation from the first instrument (Sociology) up to it second state (Ecology). Actually it is a three layer compound that we shall eventually witness - e.g. made with Cybernetics also. A full time scale would then depicts : 1901, Sociology, Emile Durkheim - then 1927, Ecology, Charles Elton - then 1946 Norbert Wiener. This complex necessity for including a third stage is justified further in the text. <back to text>
Note30 : An Address
Toward an Ecology Reading :
As much as there may be an influence of the Psyche on the life on an individual,
it may be influencial too on the life shown in her/his environment and, it
there is a link between Psyche and mass-psychology, we can presume an influence
also on the global environment by the collective industrial mean.
Actually, there is not even a need for a characterization of a Gaia in order
to see the obviousness of the inter-relationship, or interactivity between
Psychology, Sociology, Psyche and Ecology - what this obviousness call for
is rather the little consideration that is has emulated so far. Ecology would
take an immense advantage in the material that the Freudian acquisition of
knowledge is able to bring to it. With its biological foundation Psychoanalysis
is able to provide at least a general model of mind for the Environmental
relationship, and possibly a model of human mass including its 'exterior'
(see Freud 1921 'external object' in Group Psychology and the Analysis of
the Ego) - even more with a cybernetic representation (Lacanian step)
thus including the mechanical products within life.
Reciprocally, looking twice at the advantages for Psychoanalysis in its
relationship with Ecology, in providing a new concept which fit so well to
the idea of a Unconscious connected with a genetic phylogenesis, it seems
that it can supply to the pending an insufficient sociology concept that
stoped Freud and his description of an 'archaic inheritence'
<back to text>
Note40 : The technique of
PLAN is visible on animated picture
, on the web site of CYBEK and on a site focused on
the 'edges', which follows a tradition of interpretation
to text>
Note50 : A deeper investigation
of theory, explains that the 'non-intrusion' opportunity of PLAN induces
a non-alteration of the code (or coding is the correlative of non-alteration
of an identity) as the discrimination illstrates in Lacan Modo
phase (a) - instead of the altered confusion in Phase II of ht e model
. <back to
Note60 : Later in the text (X52), the presentation in the AoM shows PLAN - from its first pre-examination - re-establishing Psychoanalysis in the Civilization along the line of the 'inherited tradition', and therefore demonstrates the physiological relationship between them three (Art of Memeory, Psychoanalysis, PLAN, ). <back to text>
Note70 : Beside the simple listing
in English
some French abstract can be accessed on the web
<back to
Note80 : Lacan described its collective logic (logique collective) in its early article on the logic of time - which is remarkably sanctioned with a typo; freudian slip should we say - when he refers to the article of Freud (Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse) as "Massen : Psychologie und Ichanalyse" (sic) in a note which links to its later development on this matter. Noticeably, on each side on this hinge, he first establishes a notion of a minus-one that he reverses, a moment after, into a plus-one. Exploring in details the terms of the slip shows that Lacan tried to say that Masses were nothing but the individual subject. It was also at that period that he rejected a project for a Society of Sociology that he had previously supported with Roger Cailloix. This psychopathological circumstances has suggested us to resume the observation from the initial intuition (minus-one)- which eventually concluded as a major factor in PLAN. <back to text>
Note90 : Here a note may be opportunate
to summarize the originant position of PLAN about Transference and
Guaranty. It is described hereby in brief terms as can be raw originating
intuitions: as Transference and Guaranty were two issues which were unsovled
or unclarefied in the Psychoanalytic theory and practice, an approach of
the former began on this reflection: since Transference is an anigmatic
object, let us collect the population which enacts it as for their commun
denominator. Consequently a collection of the analyants of a same
psychoanalyst seemed to be a primay simple object for studying Transference.
Secondly, this new data in the field of Transference study revealed how the
latter (Guaranty).was linked to it. The traditional certification of
Psychoanalysis by pairs found a complementary approach when an untraditional
guaranty is provided by group of the patients. From that moment, a mode of
certification is created for a new form which is called Plural Analysis and
Plural Analyst.
This is the basis that supports that PLAN's analyst is trained by its
own experience. It is also the logic which calls for a support from a
trained practitioner. Again, this trained practitioner does not certifies
the analyst in training ('its own experience' suffices - that is the
very fact of the group request, which states her/him at this analyst function)
- but his support must be qualified (i.e, trained). This logic lead
to the a status of Plural Psychoanalyst and a notion of Plural Psychoanalysis
- this is the effective didactic mode for PLAN; it is made of a training
based on a group which has no other object that Psychoanalysis itself (isntead
of the casual group where PLAN apply, which are constituted with an industrial,
or so-called scientific object.
The detailed constitution of these organic didactic statuss is covered
in the book titled
CILSA .<Back to
<back to text>
Note100 : Beside the association for the object of the Durkheim's Sociology (as mentioned later in the text), the individual, in this Sociology, is identified by the essential quale of anomia. The coincident participation of the minus-one with the Lacanian object - namely "(a)", alias 'abjet' - of Cybernetics, places PLAN for another link and contribution to these sciences. <back to text>
Note110 : It is possible to find
deeper the stem from which Freud and Durkheim deduce. Kant's materialistic
Moral Reason was openly that of Durkheim when Freud was continuing the deduction
that a 'material' rationality ("something almost
concrete') deserved a domain - that he called Unconscious - from which
the Morality transformed the Narcissism.
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Note120 : retranscription can be retrieved on site, zip.file or dsk <back to text>
Note125 : The principla set of
Lacanian formulae cover the model of Cybernetic
, the model of linguistics
the model of Psychology
, the model of psychoanalysis
, and the model of Politics
. It apply to Genetics and Artificial Intelligence.
It can be extended toward a model of Mathematics (Topology conducted by Lacan)
and of Ecology (conducted by
PLAN). <back to text>
Note130 : In the Lacanian
modelization, the reality (which is outside the Cave in Plato's phase) is
beyond a mirror (which stands at the door and closes Plato's cave) - it is
therefore virtual (as ancient tradition would call it Maya). Things
a 'represented' in this dimension - as therefore, 'in reality' Space is
represented by light, Time is represented by electrons. Virtuality itself,
is represented by Cybernetics - as a redundant representation, it stands
at a special place in Lacan's graph of what stands 'beyond the mirror'. It
is illustrated as a box - actually a mask (a wall in Plato's Cave) - or a
simulation which is mirrored
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Note140 : Freud's model of the
Primary Group
shows its remarkable potential when it continuously superimposes
with the many developments that his original Psychoanalytic theory has
allowed since
. <back to text>
Note145 : PLAN allows various personal status for the function of its Analyst. As Freud noticed, a solution for the question of authority is requested at the threshold of an analysis of group or mass psychology. PLAN provides this solution since the Morality of the analysis is guarantied by the collective association - any lay person is consequently admissible as analyst as long as a support is available if needed. As ustified according to X431, mentioned and explained in Note90, in paragraph X4222 on plurality and above refering text. <back to text>
Note150 : (tocomplete) For example: the Code from within the cells is perceived with the same acuity than the function or meaning of each cells organs for one another - code of currencies beside the physics of economies - code of the expert systems beside the algorithms of the hardware etc... <back to text>
Note160 : Yates was specialist in the History of the Renaissance; she released the history of the repression of the Hermetism during this period. Hermes Trismegistus is a major figure of Akhnaton's identification - it is explicited on the www which devotes an entire site to the general identification of the pharaoh Akhnaton <back to text>
Note170 : In other words, Oedipus at Colonus describes why anyone who would begin to release the repression - as did Freud - of the identity of either Moses, Oedipus, Akhnaton etc.. would read the story of a murder (in the Sinai) for it was a lie which has been concealed in a second level (on propagand purpose) between the line of the first level of a mask (i.e the Legendary Biblical Moses) <back to text>
Note180 : Observation that Genetics triggers may lead to focus a definition of what is addressed with the word Environment. Genetics indicates how a logic of Code is at the center of life. It may be appropriate to identify as a former important environment with the genetic parental, familial link. This may have based the genesis of our current concept. For this first plural entity has been modified into the entire pool - or even the biochemistry pool of the planet on which human life depend; a leap from a familial to a global environmental notion may keep a commun reference as such field of biochemistry (Genetics). In regards with the Industry, Genetics unifies the notion of social, natural, and perhpas even psychological environments. As mentioned above in the text any treatment of code need to be associated with the Logic of Meaning that is Psychoanlaysis (and/or PLAN). <back to text>
© William Théaux, 1999