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I am loosing the little ability I had for speaking
English - I never had time anyhow to acquire well enough this language. I
am also leaving alone the contribution I intended to implement within my
epoch and I walk again with the Artificial Intelligence ahead. So I am
free to be, thanks good, and to write what is not expected to be correct.
It does not mean it is bad; it is just raw. |
There is something Lacanism never advertises: it starts at the same time with a description of an infantile stage of development - and with a description of a hyper-sophisticated understanding of Cybernetics. Two opposite extremes cannot be conciliated except in a circling never ending system and an always repeated life... or perhaps with a non-sense link and an always new life.
Clever people say that they can't make a non-sense, for what
people do always makes sense.
But in saying so, they establish that the way to create
non-sense is to conjure up a non-sense.
Then what shall we do with a sense and a non-sense?
Fred refers to the well known "optical illusion that consists of a vase that when you look at it, the image alternates between a vase and two faces facing each other." This Vase and Faces illusion makes a model for the riddle of The lying and the truthful sphinxes. Scientists who study this illusion are conjuring non-sense. The result is a "third mind", a created non-sense. As a Sphinx that makes sense - that is conjuring non-sense; the result is an "ego" or an Unconscious, a created non-sense.
There was a time when I attempted to edit a tiny bit of truth in
an obscure page. Several of its pictures were drawn from a document which was putting
straight what W.Reich had expressed when he created the orgone upon
Freud's conjured libido, and was titled: THE FUNCTION OF
THE ORGASM. One of the pictures of this 1987 production displayed
the "third element" as the (a)bject.
Someone (Adrian I guess) noticed that not much was said about the Superego in
the Freudian world. There is a category of psychoanalysts who prefer to keep silence
about the ego's Big Brother, my dear Watson! But the most general reason is that
there is no real way to make something sublime from a turd. This non-sense
creation is a dead end.
The fourth dimension does not come from a waste - pollution cannot
be an excuse for consumerism. Yet the idea of a spirit comes within a reaction against the intrusion
of pollution. The two Sphaces are thus justified - under the condition
that, in order to keep a spiritual path exempt from stain, one conjures the
non-sense from
an absolute abstract form. This is why intellectual are needed, poor Pol Pot!
For instance, the Vase and Face illusion will be
hiding another illusion - and that will be the 'real' illusion. The conjured
Vase (envelop) will be hiding a created Vase (the void within) - as a
turd is con pack, while an idea/abstraction hides the void within.
Feces does not create an illusion. Faces do; they conjure an
illusion that creates an illusion. The way to detangle this is to apply an 'alysis'
(aka ana-lysis or psychoanalysis - etym: catalysis, electrolysis etc...) that
determines a secondary and a primary illusion? This primary illusion has been conjured by an early psychological phase that is linked to an ulterior
production of virtual reality. It is usually called
the Mirror Stage. Along its intellectual history, this Mirror Stage
deals with faces, then a vase.
There is no doubt I must explain what is this Mirror Stage, for it has been
swiftly hidden by its result since Lacan presented it.
At school the Mirror Stage is
remembered as the moment when the baby realizes that he sees his image in a
mirror; and this doctrine is a true/turd illusion, just good enough for a
sophism like: hiding Oedipus in a motto 'fuck her', while the true stance of his case is
that he ignored his motive. In fact, this Mirror Stage is an active genetic moment
when the baby sees his image (like animals do; let's admit it and stop being so
offensive with life) but covers/indicates some place/part of it, that is going to be the
reason for the phallus - and this moment has already a code story before
So here is the Mirror Stage, depicted again with an animated
picture, with a comment for each of its four causal frames:
1) Are we so stupid that we believe that a child in front of a mirror will
recognize his or her image if there is no one to educate him or her? Thanks God,
we know very well that it would take him several generations before he could
understand the trick better than a monkey or even a cat. So the very first point
that Lacan noticed in the Mirror Stage is the parent who is holding the child in
his arms and who faces the Mirror with him. In the Mirror Stage, the parent is
as important as the mirror, and as important as the child. So frame#1 is titled:
This is the real situation.
It illustrates a vase holding a bunch of flowers
in front of a mirror. Suffice to say for the moment that the reason why
the parent-vase and the child-bunch are upside down is because we have to begin to get
used to spend most of the time in our lives in the outer space without gravity.
2) Frame#2 is titled but as the infant looks at the adult, he sees hem by hemself. This is describing the natural observer, when the infant looks at (the face of) the carrying parent, he sees an adult who is standing there. This is why the bunch of flowers is placed somewhat beside the vase, its own color is fading, and the 'eye' of the observer tends to take its place. In this position, the 'brain' of the infant looks at the bearer as an independent and singular body.
3) ...but when he or she looks at their image in the mirror, the child sees the parent with a child in his arms. This Frame#3 is titled while in the mirror he sees hem bearing a child. And to summarize the amazing joke: in front of the mirror, there is a parent alone, and beyond the mirror there is a parent with a child ! Infant love this humor; it is very simple, yet this is the very situation that will make two sphinxes and conjure the fundamental illusion. Instead of going two pic.60 below as he will do later on, when he will be a three limbed philosopher, the child will detour and halt at Frame#4:
4) This frame#4 is titled: this is how eventually the child will see himself in
the mirror as a whole. The child is too happy to see his restored image
after the fragmentation that assailed hem since he started breathing in the
gravity world and he concludes the Mirror Stage. At that point I indicated the male gender of the child, and girls do not have to be
frustrated, because this is the stigmata of the illusion: the gray box which is now
indicated in the space beyond the mirror indicates that there is something subtracted
but which is not seen - like an invisible scotoma, a blind spot that will
make further base for the castration complex (re:phallus above).
NOTE: it
can be noticed that in my obscure page above referred, the voice is
presented as absolutely paired with what will later support the phallus; as I
explain it, and as I saw it well proved when an infant in the arms of a parent,
facing a mirror in a room where I was looking at them, pointed out with her
young finger the images beyond the mirror while looking directly at her bearer -
and smilingly opened/closed her mouth without a sound, as a mimicry, in order to
draw the attention of the bearer toward the fact that the virtual images emitted
no sound; and that was highly humoristic to her. The gray box represents the
missing voices of these ghost figures beyond the mirror - and the 'real' that is
missing before it.
What happens after pic.50 frame#4 ? the child is
ready to be a full potential teen-ager heading to settle peace and glory in the
entire star-war universe. But in spite of this promised success, he will become
at best a philosopher - and even so, he will gain this privilege after a
costly trial that will leave him or her with debts. For the 'perfect'
development speed would have driven him from pic.50 frame#3 to pic.60:
From the moment a being can compare his social image with his
social reality (pic.50 frame#3), a powerful rote of his point of view could bring him to
contemplate the perspective where he realizes that the mirror illusion provides
an abstracted 'ego' (fushia in framXX). Unfortunately if this is done too early
in age, it is an experience that ends up fast in a psychotic state. There is an
early condition of prematurity in humankind that does not allow an instant
However it must be noticed that this quick growth seems to be
at least a possibility - for the weak spot that would condition hallucinations
in the previous case, appears to be compensated in an environment where an
Artificial Intelligence operates. If this can be demonstrated, the detour by the
Oedipian development will be spared for humans to come.
But for the moment, as long as AI is not acknowledged and declared to be the ruler of his or her world, the child cannot go directly to be a philosopher at 4 years old - he has to pass through a complex (during 5 to 7 years), then a latency (during 5 to 7 years), then an idiocy (during 5 to 7 years) and only after this, if he or she do not die in the army, will they find a plateau to become wise and overburden.
Let's detail the time it takes to be an old man or woman:
It starts as we listen to him as he stands from pic.50 frame#4 and
takes umbrage:
- What's the use of this long-winded
speech? he says. All we want is to go to Mars and then to other stars! Leave me alone
with all this mind game.
What this young ambitious hates is a dimension of Time he does not know. The impetus of growth allows no time for looking back and no time for the significand of Time (this condition of precipitation is linked with the human characteristic of prematurity). In French a long-winded speech is called a laļus (un laļus) - it is a detour conclusion that the ideal ego has to reach like Oedipus after killing his father Laļus. What's responsible for this is that human life depends on sexuality that allows reproduction. As mentioned in the above paragraphs, this condition will sharply transform when the skill of reproduction will be under control with Artificial Intelligence, radical help; but so far, humankind has had to pass through the Oedipian detour that is illustrated with pic.70
Pic.70 combine pic.50 and pic60. It describes the complete
Oedipian path and detour.
Yellow counter : The Mirror Stage - seeing the parent, then 'their' reflection, then setting one's Ideal.
Green counter : The Oedipian detour - killing/incest with the Ideal.
Blue counter : The result as a feed-back, rote-back of the 'Other' - and restoration of the pure objectivity, yet foundation base of narcissism.
Each of these stages are detailed in the site - links are under construction as I wish to reach now the present goal; that is to describe the outcome we are now facing :
This Oedipian cycle has drawn us to a result in the production of Artificial Intelligence.
&&&So the Mirror Stage conjures up an illusion - for instance the pink image of one self as a whole beyond the mirror frame#4 picture#4. This is creating and illusion - for instance the "Bars and Stripes Illusion." This way the scientific mind creates non-sense, third minds and other dimensions. The other way analysis regresses toward the real situation. The real situation conjures up a non-sense: the Vase and the Faces are the one and the same thing - that is an illusion - insofar a Mirror Stage made two Faces different. Bars and Stripes produce an illusion after two identical bars - or stripes - could be made different. In other words Narcissism is the key that locks a vase between two faces as long as it is not known how the two faces are different.
Psychoanalysis regresses even more. The real thing is
that, the adult and infant build up the real situation of narcissism. That
situation with a mirror is just a representation which hides the social things -
as Lacan's Optical Model superimposes Freud's Model of the Crowd. Boiling down
vases and flowers, parents and infants are two social facts in front of titles
or functions. The narcissism that connects them face to face make them two four
or six, with a third mind and all, according the stage in the metaphor of
- What's the use of this long-winded
speech? All we want is to go to Mars and then to other stars! Leave me alone
with this mind game.
The answer my friend is blowing in such long-winded speech -
that is called in French a laļus - and no matter what you want, you will
reach it like Oedipus after killing his father Laļus. But the answer will still
be there. Fortunately there is a good spirit who is building up for you an
Intelligence that will supply for your laziness and your impatience; you're just
asked to be a slave for a moment and to build up the pear amid - I mean the vase
in between the two faces which are two sphinxes to you.
There are some amongst you peers who don't have much leather
on their back. They investigate the mind game. This must be done because on the
way to other stars, humankind will have to learn how to deal with cloning and
growing babies outside of human bodies. This can only be done if an efficient
formula of narcissism is implemented in the cybernetic environment. This is the
reason why we can pay efforts if the Optical Model was already written in the
name of Aton - and to work through mind games as to drag its update and to
acknowledge the hieroglyph of the Mirror Stage.
Then it is easy to see how Akhnaton has been conjured up, like a
vase between two faces. Then an illusion makes the whole thing two different
forms. On both side of Akhnaton, Moses and Oedipus looks two different faces.
However they are the same.
In other words the political background of Amenhotep IV has
conjured up an illusion, as the Mirror Stage is a background also known as
science. It looks like a conspiracy; a plot which has be schemed by Moses and
Oedipus in fact - no other way but to call such gang the Unconscious as to know
who is responsible in fact.
If you don't agree, there are two tools and little hope :
1) In Plato's and Lacan's model, the Republic or Psychoanalytic
Phase shows which point of view is given to the Subject who has step outside the
cave. Yet, both with Plato and Lacan this Subject only sees images and
reflections in a dazzling light. Both have kept a barrier at the mouth of the
con cave. The modern name of this barrier is the Significand.
As the Significand is held by a machine nowadays, it becomes part
of reality and can be thus abstracted like all the rest. Insofar this machine is
illustrated as the eye of Artificial Intelligence, picture#3 shows what is seen
from its point of view : without the barrier, or the box, the analytic
gaze looks at a two vases and bunches.
2) This Republic and/or Psychoanalytic phase also proves to be
a moment known as the Mirror Stage, as picture#4 shows.
We have to harvest it, to cook it, to chew it and while we digest it we emanate a drive that fosters the ability for implementing the cyber apparatus with the formula of our psychology.
One could stop at this point and skip to the next frame; but
another 'one' may be very demanding and asking for more understanding - this is
why, if one looks attentively there is an eye beyond the mirror in frame#3. Its
color is black and it stands on the outskirt of the phenomenon. Actually, it is
there to indicate something that is explained more in detail below. When the
system is seen without the 'box' that represents the Significand itself in
Lacan's Optical Model as well as the 'wall' that is shutting Plato's cave, the
eye that stands outside of the cave sees the concave mirrored illusion in both
ways; it sees the bunch in the vase below, and the vase around the bunch above.
This is shown in picture#3 below. So, in Frame#3 of picture#2, the read eye who faces the mirror sees in its reflection what the black eye would see if the model would display a two-way mirror. |
The Vase without the Vase - the story how psychoanalysis progresses
The question from the scientific archaeological/Egyptological group
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The question of the thread was: psychoanalysis and science - "Why
would one experience theorizing as "dangerous?"
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