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This node page in
akhnatonEbook was initially oriented toward the DNAgroup function.
It has evolved since in a general analysis of the social
function regarding Code & Symbolic articulation. |
The starting point
of this enunciation finds a notion which has been suggested by Daniel Kolos in the
amarna/akhnaton egroups series; on Tue, 04 Jul 2000 15:24:03 -0400, he defines a
"spherical thinking" and writes " I
like to call spherical thinking where the balance is not merely a
see-saw between two extremes, but an exercise in looking a topic from as many
points of view as is humanly possible ".
Such see-saw
can be identified with the fluctuation between two poles in Freud's Model
of the Collective Psychology.
ego see-saw between objects and Ideal |
This diagram represents the 'ego' in a
crowd - oscillating between two identification poles, being the
'objects' that we are or that we enliven on the left, and the Ideal on the right
that we share as community members :
Pic.10 (click on pic. to go to the
Development of Social Reality page)

< < < objects |
Ideal > > > |
Pic.10 shows Freud's graph for of a collectivity of five people. In the case of a mass, the
two lines of attraction can extend indefinitely as two vertical parallel rails (objects
on the left, Ideal on the right, pic.10)
- this being analogous with the chromosomes' relationship in a pair, as I'll
explain below. For the moment we note that the graph is describing a primitive
psychology, according to the apparent behavior of human collectivities. But as
far as fascism, known to be based on the credence that masses have a soul (see G.Lebon's
sociology early 20th century), has proven a failure, Freud's social platform
model will look for an additional degree before representing an Animated
or Awakened Psyche (aka Soul).
Further in his text, DK
indicates a rule that he attributes in the spherical thinking, being a mode
" communicating through the Intelligence of the
Heart ". This recipe finds an appropriate illustration again in
the Optical Model, the way I have depicted it in 1997 (click on pic.20)
for an ardent practitioner of learning 'by heart', Muslim version:
Here is this picture where the heart is indicated in place of the vase - that is
the initial Model (
) locates the somatic body and body parts - in the elliptical envelop that
represents the nervous system.
pic.20 (click on pic to visit other text where inserted)
This Optical Model by Lacan is the
same and can be superimposed with Freud's Model of the Crowd; it indicates
the higher degree of thinking, with an individual who is merged in this crowd.
This added virtue builds up upon a logical link (the famous Transference) which transfers
the charge of value from the
Ideal toward an object. It can manifest in History with an oppressor
(on the right) and a victim (on the left) or with more peaceful conjunctions.
For instance here pic.20, physical objects, heart and
blood flux, are in front of their 'image' beyond the mirror, that is the metaphor
of heart as flowers with love (thus i'(a) representing a ideal
loving ego). On both sides of the real 'ego' - which is the
oscillating grain of mirror in pic.10 - these two categories, object and Ideal, are thus analyzed in a way
that they reveal their relationship (see below) through the mechanic of this
Optical phase that represents a variation of Freud's Model.
At this point it seems the Psychoanalysis matches indeed
DK's proposal, with the description of the basis of a primitive thought (see-saw)
and its progress where the metaphor of the heart applies, since he also writes : " Intelligence
of the Heart, or, rather, the Mediation of the Heart ". This
precision is even more confirmative since in the Psychoanalytical models, it is
typically a mediation role that occurs in the place where pic.20 shows a
heart (see below the role of the secondary interface).
Just a doubt yet subsists with the expression of spherical
thinking. And as it is often see in great concords such single detail may open
to a radical difference between DK and Psychoanalysis.
As it is frequent in such situation, it is with an amusing
observation that the thorny detail begins to stick out. For looking at these schemas
above, one would rather evoke an elliptical rather that spherical thinking.
Is it a accidental coincidence, or the true call for a pun, since Psychoanalysis
indicates an Unconscious that is in some ways a grammatical ellipse -
meanwhile in our times that can be compared with the Renaissance, comes the
memory of the Ptolemean view of the world, in opposition before the Copernician
one. We know that the issue was eventually
brought to a close in passing from a spherical model to the elliptical
representation of the motions in the sky.
It is from this point of view that I'll try to make explicit
what is at the heart of Psychoanalysis, and how it motivates a knowledge
about the role of Code in the collective destiny.
In order to investigate what is Psychoanalysis, information may
be taken from its claim about sexuality. Though it has made its reputation,
sexuality has been dramatically questioned by Psychoanalysis. Beyond Freud and
Jung dispute (about libido), Lacan's deny (about sexual relationship) etc.. it
seems that Psychoanalysis addresses the civilization and industry phase when
sexuality passes under control of biology. It is as if sexuality was suddenly
deprived from all its alibis - yet this loss revealing an enlightenment instead:
sexuality still stands in its pure form, as a logic that bases the foundation of
Time. Admittedly it still manifests through relations as ego-&-Artificial
Intelligence, individual-&-ecosystem - but at its core it stands
with no other expression than the relationship between the present and Time. In
other words, memory is sexuality par excellence.
Hence we are drawn to draw the relationship of a being with his
or her past, and the text below will explain why we chose the simplest way to
illustrate such fundamental. The same way we used the word 'soul' in order to
express what a genome is, we used 'sex' in order to express what is a spire of
This discourse surrounding and meaning itself, and looking like the
letter PHI - phallus,
- is not an intercourse in the sense of the word
before the industry of Code that currently sets a living being in relationship
with him or her self. Let us notice also that this is not the icon of the snake
that eats its own tail - there is an opening in this discourse that crosses
itself (and constitutes a metaphor) and in the time it takes to run such
circuits, a creation can be be set. Let us make it therefore as the contemporary
representation of sexuality and restore the integrity of the person by closing
the loop:
pic.40 (click on pic and visit Transference and Political Change)
There we have a complete graph.. and the moment for the reader as
well for questioning the reason that legitimates this graph rather than any other
one. No other reason than coming back to the heart of Psychoanalysis, is
the answer, with a good illustration for what can be explained:
The double spire (pic.40)
holds two centers - it is thus an alternate way to represent what can be an
elliptic thinking. When I presented first the above paragraphs alone, a reader
<< The image of the ellipse & Dr
Theaux' comments on elliptical thinking come to mind, and what happens when, in
an elliptical basin filled with water, one of the foci of the ellipse is
disturbed by a falling drop: the other focus responds in inverted fashion.
I could support this observation as: << I happened to write
on a paper towel, a few years ago, during a conversation, what kind of 'psychic'
order can be drawn beside or in comparison with a 'cosmic' order, from
Ptolemy to Copernicus. We know that Copernicus was still 'Ptolemean' in that he
believed that the planets were following a regular spherical motion. And he did
not put the Sun exactly at the center of his system. Actually he thought that
the Sun was 'close' to the center - somewhat like Freud saying later that Moses
was 'close' to Akhnaton. Actually there is a twist, a knot and a catastrophe -
everything, and each point of view change when moving from a Matter-Earth at the
center, to an orbiting one. It is a very long analysis, to go through all the
meanders. Direct and simple, I prefer to post the graph for the group.. >>
The illustration of our Collective Psychology as a
cosmic ellipse (click the graph), gravitating around Oedipus & Moses foci, is completed with
the double-spire alternate illustration that shows how these two foci can
generate two discourses - two spires - and how they organize together a crossing (pic.30),
. In pic.40 this 'sexion' separates two
portions, or phases in the course (pic.40, 2
& 3) while each of these states come
from and go to a unique and similar mode (pic.40, 1).
Possibly a reader will find all this 'abstract' and 'intellectual' - but s/he
must be warned against hes possible mistake; for s/he may be misled with a
prejudice about physical intercourse between and may not realize how abstract
and intellectual in fact is the sexual relationship between human beings. S/he
should be aware that even animal mammals may experience a special 'state of
mind' when mating, and orgasm may be a door for special 'intellectualism' in
general. Moreover, on the other hand, these ellipse and double-spire schema
illustrate very objective and 'real' things, as we shall now see. It is
therefore a good possibility that we are now aiming toward the very physical
experience of what sexuality deserves to be.
I am only sorry with the animated pic below, that I
have made too baroque, overloaded. I hope that my commentary will help to make
it useful.
The Link/Articulation between
Things and Ideas, i.e. objects and symbols or Code and Significand,
is the key of the reciprocal influence between Matter and Psyche, formula
allow to step in this once Mystical Mystery.
of the Code/Object & Significand/Ideal Articulation
Linear Thinking:
The Optical Model is an illustration of the
two phases of the human mind that alternate in turn, each one
automatically inducing the other one. These inductions are products of the
Law of Linguistic (logic of meaning, Significand and signified). It begins
with a first logical step, that J.P.Sartre & R.D.Laing described as a Serial
Logic. This correspond to a linear thinking where totalization
is the principle module (the conceptual mind makes a 'total', and then
this total is totalized in another total, and then this other total is
totalized and so on...). Such rule of totalization of totalizations
infinitely aiming toward an absolute total of the world is located
in Pic.10 as the series of 'objects' that
piles up on the left of the Freudian model.
In the 20th century, the description of this Linear
Thinking has been identified with the end of Philosophy (turning into
historical economy with Sartre) and of Psychiatry (turning into anti-psychiatry
with Laing). But it was also the moment when the physical forces of
technology, that operate unleashed since the Renaissance, set up a
digitization of electricity that compete with the behaviorist set of the
mind. The effect of this confrontation has resulted in the discovery or
formulation of Linguistics and/or Cybernetics. It is J.Lacan who brought
back the linguistic abstraction into the human reality.
Lacan's contribution was to restitute the trope of the metaphor
to the world of Desire. A 'metaphor' is a signifier that signifies another
signifier - as we see it in pic.30 when a
linear course crosses over another part of the course; this is building a discourse
where an element signifies another one. This is shown also in pic.20
& its commentary; where the left side (in front of the
mirror) relates to the right (beyond the mirror), respectively the left
(object) and right (Ideal) sides in Freud's model Pic.10.
The progress that Lacan allowed was to link up these two, objectal and
ideal dimensions - where he recognized both the metaphor in the
Linguistic founded by F. De Saussure, and the Transference in
Freud's intuition.
In Freud's and Lacan's conventional graphs, we find this
transference as the relationship between the upper-right and lower-left
corners. Two links provide more details: one shows the metaphor on the
biological ground (sex chromosomes), another one shows the transference
from linguistic value to biological charge in an ecosystem.
of the Code/Object & Significand/Ideal Articulation
Towards dynamic formula :
The metaphor through which Nature transfers
its energy from level to level (giving names to names, as meaning
meaning) can also be seen as the thinking process known as reflection.
As language dwels in Nature that we, human, know, its science enables a
description of such self-knowledge, or consciousness. So the
reflected emergence of the subject who thinks is illustrated by Freud's
graph and Lacan's model
- two links there that show how the Cartesian and Rosicrucian cogito
is animated, according to the 20th century ego.
From Thermodynamics.. :
The same way casting light upon a shadow instantly alters the
latter - our self-knowledge transforms itself. But once this is admitted,
comes along the complementary obervation, through which memory
manifests a stability and an inertia. This is once again an opportunity to
bring together the large conceptual pool of science, as Freud located the
quales of energy
(alocal transformation) and force (centered operation) within a
neural and Psyche system. So we can summarize our existential view
points as two alternate mixed up with a permanent:
.. To Cybernetics :
"Two discourses manifesting one stable point of view"
is the aphorism ilustrated with
pic.40 and the trine conjunction which is concealed
within an ellipse as civilization offers it (re: AMO
graph above). What we want to see is how this
Psychoanalytic deduction - that matches so well the quantic fibered
description of matter's states - describes and/or explains the regulation
of forms in such dual matrix where we suspect to foundation of sex to be.
Following the circuit
pic.40 suggests that the purloinment of the
name, letter or meaning, that discourses will meet its stable reference
(station 1, pic.40),
then its alternate, either 2 or 3,
state, then 1 again, then 3
or 2 - i.e. ..
so on..
I have tried to illustrate what this abstract series
practically means:

The picture shows (lower-right corner) the
series passing twice at 1 while
alternatively 2 & 3
. The position 2 has been commented
above. It represents the metaphor when the real heart transferts the
charge that is loaded in 1 as the
symbol of Love.
But in spire 3 another
configuration reflects the union of the Symbols that represents the totalization
of the world. The illusion (Maya) that constitutes the reality in 1
happens to be organized when Cybernetics lodges in place of the organ of 2
. We call virtual reality this organism. The theory then shows what
the illustration indicates: the meme, ego or semblant,
'grains of mirror', are processed in this operation - there the
individuals, the 'people' are numbered, de-serialized, as in the
procession of Plural Analysis. Hence in this position 3
the result in a
production of Code, generation and/or re-generation.
Narcisism and dual monism balanced with
Triplex Hermetic associative complex :
Two links give more details about this description of the two
operating forms of Psychoanalysis (2 & 3):
regarding the triple level of Signification (Knowledge/People/Cybernetics)
depicted by d'Olivet when he presented the alphabet, given by Moses, as a
'Cybernetic' or Alchimic program - and the topology
of repression in regard with the background (environment).
With the last mentioned link above
a practical example of its illustration is found in the evolution
during year 2000 of an Ecommunity focusing on the Primal Scene
Under request of a behaviorist trend a triple organization
has been assigned to this community - hence setting the phase 2
where Knowledge & People & Leadership (KPL)
were respectively
represented by akhnatonEgroup, amarnareunionEgroup, amarnaEgroup.
There we see why/how phase 3
operates in the double-spire (pic.40)
model: without this PLural
position, phase 1
repetedly shows an objectivity based
upon a repressed background (in this case the behaviorist -
amarnaEgroup). In this -1-2-1-2-1-2-
sequence KPL manifests itself as, respectively, Elusion &
Repression & Onism ('Onism' versus Altruism); so
amarnaEgroup eludes Akhnaton's subjectivity, represses people's
knowledge and unite around a monist leader. It is the trivial trap
of nationalism as civilization knows it since the opposition against
Moses' program (according to d'Olivet, re/ above).
Still in progress the present page
will then describe how the mono 'psychoanalytic' phase defined by Lacan
in his Optical Model position 2 is fibered with the Plural Analysis
development - as 2 & 3
; this is thus indicating the two positions that Unefpe defined in 1985 as
Plural Psychoanalysis (2)
and PLural ANalysis
(3). It is ony from that moment that
the history of Psychoanalysis shows the interpretation of AMO and the
identification of Psychoanalysis as an Ecology - hence completing the Art
of Memory and Civilization itself with a 'memory' in a restored and
completed identity of the Amarnian Scene.
last edited 2000/07/25
On the precious contribution of Daniel
I like very much (in Daniel Kolos #20): >It has to be a
machine programmed m(b)y a machine, otherwise >the farce will
continue, and the farce is the inability to admit >that we are
creating all these machines and toys to cover up >our inability
to give in to and enjoy our own biological development. I absolutely
agree with this sort of 'independance' that you describe regarding
this 'machine' - sometimes also I think about this as a machine that
develops beyond or beside our awareness. This Artificial
Intelligence is and will be building up in spite of our attempt to
control it. Possibly it will eventually be interpreted as coming
from another space, other dimension. It seems that we are very close
to 'Science Function' [trying to echo the excellent play on
AI=Abstract Intelligence/Artificial Intelligence].
But the second part of Daniel's sentence helps me to mention the
book - The Veil - which is announced in
and that was intriguing a reader who may have felt disappointed by
its delay and/or volatility. Actually, The Veil is all what we are
doing here and there - as an ebook, it will be made of bits and
pieces, organized as much as possible by hyperlinks. This does not
mean that it will not have specific paragraphs or chapters - and one
of them is related to the "inability to give in to and
enjoy" that Daniel sees in regard to our own biological
development. Daniel who notice my bitterness shows himself a picture
where hope has little place if any. He observes a split and crippled
mind and an ill immaturity without solution. However, if everything
has a purpose, this 'inability' must have two faces, negative and
positive. As long as a Primal Scene is repressed, a symptom prevents
to contemplate a positive face. The positive potential of
humankind's current condition may not be seen as long as AMO is
repressed. When the patron of the Alchemists, Trismegistus, is
identified as AMO, then a historical development of the
civilization's industry is concurrently identified. Knowing,
remembering, why and what we are doing releases the positive view of
a painful and humiliating effort.
In The Veil, I develop the following idea, based on simple and
natural observation:
People who have been leading other people have been, in general,
'dominant characters'. What were they looking for? How can we
subsume their desire? Very probably they wanted to be immortal.
There is two conditions for this: enabling some resurrection
operation - as we can see such 'fantasm' through their religions and
rituals. Another necessity was to protect life on earth itself. Our
dominant ancestors were also intelligent and had knowledge of
possible cosmic accident that would reduce to nothing their attempt
of sustaining their body. For instance the experience and memory of
the desertification of the Sahara was certainly very vivid in
Egypt's knowlageable communities. So much that even thousands of
years later, the Hermetician Bruno was able to mention the tilt of
the planet and its magnetism as a fourth motion to add to the
Copernician initiation. It is simply hard to imagine that what I
call the 'dominant characters' (through drugs, hierarchy or
whaterver) did not induce an industry of protection of the planet,
beside the preservation of the individual biology or code. I hope
that you understand that I am talking about Desire within the
Collective Psychology - and not about a program launched by an
official and its administration. So we may have an idea of the Drive
that grounds our current civilization of freedom and democracy... as
a well disguised construct of slavery and inhibition. If we cannot
"give in to and enjoy our own biological development", it
is because we work, as masses, for a collective purpose that
necessitates this momentaneous privation. This is, I believe, a
positive side of our sacrifice: masses are working for the control
and industry of the human's cosmic environment (therefore space
conquest, genetics etc...).
As long as people are no allowed to share their consciousness
with the goal of their ancestors, they stay stuck and immature
indeed. This is only an observation amongst many other, that reminds
us how much memory is even more important than educational rituals.
At the present age, people request to know what is the program they
are part of - but this is not the only information they need; one
need also a person.
Daniel has such a strong way of thinking and writing. He
describes child adults longing for a referential figure (and not
three or four ideals which deny each one another). Daniel also
describes children who are reared like deads. I am currently writing
in a village of a poor country, by the Amazon forest. There are so
many children there - so free, so playfull in the river, so much in
contact with nature; it strikes me that it is so different from the
oppression of the US' and other rich parents. Perhaps these
'advanced' culture are not much more than an illness - so I am not
sure if Daniel includes the whole childhood of Earth in his picture
- though it is pretty obvious that the 'illness' is very contagious
and prone to affect developing crounty that await for it eagerly.
What seems to be lacking to Daniel's folk is a motive, a guide. The
desolation of the immature humanity that he describes, just seems to
call for a person, a brother or a leading figure. It is puzzling
that Daniel rejects such opportunity that AMO offers.
Stressing the point of's demise
Armand L. Archambeault (#19) says exactly what I beleive too.
'Bringing to the fore is better than hiding' - I truely beleive
this, but surprising experiences ask for an action.
Interpretation must comply to certain laws which respects - and
deal with - the pathos in the analysand. Friends have declared
themselves happy to see AMO substracted from the public access - but
other people have seriously accused AMO to be a terrorist act; they
were speaking seriously. When you send a present to someone who
thinks it is a bomb, what do we do if not stoping bothering him and
keeping the gift in an available place for being picked up when the
honored one is ready to get it.